Qing Dynastie kaufen

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  • 70 Los(e)

A Chinese celadon censer, a vase and a bowl, QingDia.: 17cm (the bowl) Dia.: 11 cm (the censer) H 12 cm (the vase)

A Chinese blue and white Ming style 'lotus scrolls' dish, probably QingDia.: 36 cm

An exceptionally large Chinese portrait of a prince and his wife, QingWork: 180,5 x 114,5 cm Frame: 188,5 x 122,5 cm Executed in ink and colours...

Schale China, Qing-Dynastie, Qianlong-Periode - um 1750 Halbkugelige Form über rundem Standring; Innenseite mit Blauweiß-Dekor einer Landschaft mi...

Gelehrtentisch mit Miniaturobjekten China, Qing-Dynastie Vierbeiniger Tisch aus Holz mit gebogten Beinen, Fußablage und mit Ranken durchbrochener ...

Blau-weiße Vase mit Glückssymbolik China, Qing-Dynastie, fr. 20. Jh. Nur leicht bauchige Form, am hohen Trompetenhals vollplastische Fo-Hunde mit ...

Teller mit Blau-weiß-Dekor China, Qing-Dynastie, 18./19. Jh. Runde, glatte Form mit großer Päonie im Spiegel und Blütenzweigen auf der Fahne. Porz...

"Famille verte"-Vierkantvase China, Qing-Dynastie Auf den vier Seiten blühende Sträucher in floraler Rahmung. Porzellan mit Bemalung in Unterglasu...

Paar kleine Deckelvasen mit Dekor aus Pflaumenblüten zwischen geborstenem Eis China, Qing-Dynastie, Kangxi-Periode, 1662-1722 Hochschultrig gebauc...

Große Kantonemail-Schüssel mit Blumendekor China, Qing-Dynastie, 18. Jh. Runde, tief gemuldete Form mit vorkragender Fahne und gebördeltem Rand; f...

Weihrauchbrenner mit Deckel China, Qing-Dynastie Gerundete Walzenform über eingezogenem Fuß, seitlich zwei Tierkopfhandhaben, leicht gewölbter Dec...

Blau-weiße Balustervase als Tischlampe China, Qing-Dynastie, 19. Jh. Hochschultrige Form mit Deckel; auf der Wandung flächendeckender Rankendekor ...

Zweiteiliger Türbehang China, späte Qing-Zeit Zum Teil bedruckt; Goldfadenstickerei mit Vögeln, Blüten- und Rankenwerk. Blaugrüner und rosafarbene...

VaseQing-DynastieChinaPorzellan bunt staffiertHöhe 43 cm, Durchmesser 32 cm Restauriert

Daoistischer UnsterblicherChinaSpäte Ming bis frühe Qing DynastieHolz geschnitzt & polychrom gefasstHöhe 72 cm, Gesamthöhe 76 cm

Schwarzlack-Klappbild mit Steinauflagen, China, späte Qing-Dynastie, Holz mit Einlegearbeiten aus Stein, in den Flügeln von je einer Blumen- und D...

A Chinese famile rose porcelain tea bowl, saucer and dish, painted with a domestic scene, Qing Dynasty. The dish measures 15.5 cms diameter, the s...

A Pair of antique Chinese Qing dynasty Blue and White Porcelain Lidded powder Boxes. Crack glazed Hand-painted cobalt blue landscape and pine tree...

Chinese Bronze Vessel, on three legs. Lid and handgrips. Rich decorations. Cast with original patina. Qing dynasty. 20 cm high.

Asiatica, a large Chinese group in ivory and wood. Late Qing Dynasty (1644-1912). | 72 x 77 x 46 cm. With Cites Documents only for the sale within...

große 'Famille Noir'-Vierkantvase, Porzellan, auf der Wandung, der Schulter und dem Hals in den Farben der famille noir dekoriert, variierende Mot...

An Imperial yellow silk embroidered 'peacock and crane' fan case, shannang 18th/19th century 32.0cm long Footnotes: 清十八至十九世紀 御用明黃綢松鶴延年孔雀開屏紋扇套 It ...

Three embroidered silk purses including an Imperial yellow purse, hebao Tongzhi to Guangxu period Varying sizes from 6.0cm to 9.0cm long (3). Foot...

A Court necklace with soapnut and blue glass beads, chaozhu Late Qing dynasty with a box, measured fully extended 77.0cm long Footnotes: 晚清 一百單八菩提...

Eight embroidered silk Civil rank badges 19th century, the pair of 'Silver Pheasant' late Qing dynasty Comprising a 'Golden Pheasant' roundel for ...

A famille rose 'dragon' bowl Guangxu four-character iron-red mark, late Qing to Republic period 10.7cm diam. Footnotes: 晚清至民國 粉彩雙龍戲珠紋碗 「大清光緒年製」礬紅楷...

A pair of blue and white 'floral' bowls Guangxu six-character marks, late Qing to Republic period 11.0cm diam. each (2). Footnotes: 晚清至民國 青花花卉紋盌成對...

A pink-ground damask 'butterfly and orchid' informal overcoat, ao late Qing dynasty 85.0cm long, 130.0cm wide Footnotes: 晚清 粉色暗花緞花蝶紋大襟單襖 藏青貼布鎖邊團鶴紋...

Three embroidered skirts, mamian qun Late Qing dynasty approx. 100.0cm long each (3). Footnotes: 晚清 馬面裙三條 包括: 湖藍紗暗花暗八仙魚鱗百褶裙 大紅綢暗花八寶打褶闌干裙 鵝黃羅暗花八寶打...

A pair of coral-ground embroidered leggings, and seven pairs of sleeve bands Qing dynasty Measured as photographed, varying sizes from 47.5cm to 7...

Two pairs of sleeve bands and a pair of embroidered panels Late Qing dynasty varying sizes from 50.5cm to 78.5cm (6). Footnotes: Provenance: (the ...

Four silk embroidered collars, yunjian Late Qing dynasty Approx. 75.0cm to 80.0cm across the shoulders each (4). Footnotes: Provenance: (the coral...

A 'dragon and phoenix' wedding suit in black and red satin with stumpwork and couched in gold and silver Canton, Republic period The jacket 131.0c...

A silk crib sheet and a leather portfolio case Late Qing dynasty The case 29.5 x 15.0cm; the sheet 39.0 x 42.0cm (2). Footnotes: 晚清 絹本楷書科舉夾帶 及 漆皮慈...

A pair of rosewood square stools with ceramic tops Late Qing dynasty to Republic period 42.5cm W x 42.5cm D x 49.0cm H each (2). Footnotes: 晚清至民國 ...

A fawn-ground embroidered 'Paradise flycatcher and pomegranate' hanging Late Qing dynasty the 'lily' and 'pomegranate seeds' embroidered with cora...

Three kesi 'bird and flower' hangings Late Qing to Republic period 167.0cm long, 39.0cm wide each (3). Footnotes: Provenance: Linda Wrigglesworth,...

Six embroidered silk purses, hebao late Qing dynasty Varying sizes from 7.5cm to 10.5cm long (6). Footnotes: 晚清 荷包六枚 包括: 珊瑚紅地戳紗茶花紋荷包 月白地打籽佛手紋荷包,明...

Seven embroidered dress accessories, huoji Late Qing dynasty comprising two betel cases, two boot purses, a fan case, an archer's ring case, and a...

Six silk embroidered purses, dalian and hebao Late Qing dynasty comprising two double-sided purses, and four flap purses, measured as photographed...

Eight embroidered silk purses, huoji late Qing dynasty comprising a pocket watch case and two flap purses of similar design, a purse, three flap p...

Nine silk embroidered purses and cases, huoji Late Qing dynasty comprising three glasses case, two pairs of ear warmers, and three betel cases, va...

Eight silk embroidered purses, huoji Late Qing dynasty comprising three betel cases, a pair of ear warmers, and three double-sided purses, varying...

Seven silk embroidered purses late Qing dynasty comprising three double-sided purses, a waist purse, two betel cases, and a key case, varying size...

Six silk embroidered purses Late Qing dynasty comprising a waist purse, four flap purses, and a boot purse, the pink purse 12.5cm long, the boot p...

Eight silk embroidered flap purses, dalian Late Qing dynasty including one for a mirror, measured as photographed, varying sizes from 18.0cm to 19...

An assortment of silver finger decorations Late Qing dynasty Varying sizes from 4.5cm to 11.5cm long (25). Footnotes: Provenance: Judith Rutherfor...

Five headdresses Late Qing dynasty Comprising two children's hats, and three woman's headdresses, varying sizes from 22.0cm to 32.cm long (5). Foo...

Ten pairs of 'lotus' shoes Late Qing dynasty Varying sizes from 11.0cm to 13.0cm long (20). Footnotes: 晚清 漢人繡花弓鞋 一組十雙 弓鞋,又稱「金蓮鞋」、「蓮鞋」,是纏足女性的傳統鞋物。...

Eight pairs of children's shoes Late Qing to Republic period Varying sizes from 7.5cm to 19.0cm long (16). Footnotes: 晚清至民國 緞繡平底童鞋五雙、土布童鞋二雙、繫帶平底皮鞋...

A pair of export famille verte figures of hawks Late Qing dynasty 31.5cm high each (2). Footnotes: Provenance: Baboori, Brisbane, 7 Sep 1990 (rece...

An export famille rose figure of a pheasant late Qing dynasty 35.0cm high Footnotes: Provenance: Baboori Antiques, Sydney (label) 晚清 粉彩錦鷄 傳承: 悉尼...

A pair of famille verte figures of lion Late Qing dynasty 21.6cm high (2). Footnotes: Provenance: Baboori, Sydney (label) 晚清 素三彩獅成對 傳承: 悉尼,百寶匯(標...

A famille rose figure of a Guanyin late Qing dynasty 34.0cm high Footnotes: Provenance: Baboori Antiques, Sydney (label) 晚清 粉彩觀音立像 傳承: 悉尼 Baboor...

A famille rose 'dragon and phoenix' cup with cover Guangxu six-character iron-red mark, late Qing dynasty to Republic period cup 10.4cm diam. (2)....

A quantity of reference books on Chinese art comprising a comprehensive collection on Chinese textiles and other general subjects, (approx. 70). F...

This small Chinese snuff bottle features a delightful depiction of two children holding a large peach, symbolizing immortality and prosperity in C...


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