
509 Los(e)

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  • 509 Los(e)
Los 1859

Halstuch m. Etui

Halstuch m. EtuiSeide, Designer Philippe Ledoux, Hermès, Paris, 20.Jh.Modell "La Promenade de Longchamps". Leichte Tragespuren, 2 kl. Flecken. LxB...

Los 1852

Shopper u. Pouch

Shopper u. PouchCanvas/Leder, MCM, um 2001Reversible Tote Liz Visetos.- Schwarz m. Logoprint, sep. Pouch, silberfarb. Hardware, Seriennr. "6503A“,...

4 Krawatten u. 4 EtuisSeide, Designer Davide Pizzigoni u.a., Hermès/Bulgari, Paris, Frankreich/Italien, 20.Jh."Marienkäfer", "Façonnée H givré", u...

Los 1863


DamengürtelLeder/Metall, Cartier, 20.Jh.Außen schwarz, innen rot m. goldf. Dornschl. in Orig. Etui m. Pflegetuch. Gebrauchsspuren, tlw. verblichen...

Los 1851

Kl. Handtasche

Kl. HandtascheLeder/Textil/Segeltuch u.a., Kenzo, Anfang 21.Jh.Pagodon Bucket Bag.- In Schwarz, fester Zylinderform m. Wickeloptik u. schwarzem Tr...

Los 1862

2 Ascher

2 AscherPorzellan, Hermès, 21.Jh.Dekor m. rotem Sattelpferd u. Reiter, Boden m. Wildlederauflage. Gebrauchsspuren, Best., Goldrand berieben. LxB: ...

Los 1856

2 Taschen

2 TaschenCanvas/Leder, Mulberry, Anf. 21.Jh.Boston Bag Scotch grain u. Kulturbeutel.- mit braunen Lederhenkeln, schwarzem Glattledercorpus m. gold...

Los 1850

6 Staubbeutel

6 StaubbeutelKunstfaser, Chanel, 20./21.Jh.Je in kl. Kordelzugform m. variier. Schriftzug. Gebrauchsspuren. HxBxT: bis ca. 36 x 23 cm. Firmensigne...

Los 1855


HandtascheCanvas/Leder, Céline, Anfang 21.Jh.Macadam Boston Bag.- Logoprintdekor a. dunkelbraunem Fond, Seriennr. "CE00/322", Staubbeutel. Kl. Tra...

Los 1858


UmhängetascheLeder, Louis Vuitton, 2015Louise.- In schw. Lackleder die Tasche m. gr. "LV" Klappschließe u. goldfarb. Hardware. Datumscode "FL1185"...

Los 1861


AscherPorzellan, Hermès, 20./21.Jh.Dekor "Eperon D'Or" nach einem Entw. v. Henri d'Origny, verso m. Lederauflage. In orig. Karton u. Authentifizie...

Los 1853


HandtascheCanvas/Leder, Céline, Anfang 21.Jh.Triomphe Bostonbag.- In braunem Canvas m. Monogr.-Dekor u. Lederhenkeln m. silberfarb. Hardware, Seri...

Los 1854

Kl. Tasche

Kl. TascheCanvas/Leder, Céline, Anfang 21.Jh.C Macadam Bag.- Braune Tasche m. Logo-Dekor u. gleichfarb., längenverstellb. Lederhenkeln, Seriennr. ...

Los 1857

4 Handtaschen

4 HandtaschenLack/Kunststoff/Textil u.a., Ferragamo, Anf. 21.Jh.Modell Ganici Floral Butterfly Print Bag u. 3 versch. Clutch in Grün/Schwarz als W...

An Italian Saint Laurent black linen canvas 'Teddy Shopper', (2018)Ca. H 33 - L 30 - D 19 cm

Three various leather handbags, a.o. Delvaux, 20th C.Ca. H 19 - L 34 - D 7 cm (the largest one) Ca. H 19 - L 24 - D 5 cm (the smallest one)

Two black leather handbags, 20th C.Ca. H 28 - L 22 - D 10 cm (the largest one) Ca. H 18,5 - L 32 - D 10 cm (the smallest one)

A Chanel reissue double pocket patent leather red clutch, 2008/9Ca. H 10 - L 24 - D 5 cm With accompanying dust bag. Serial number '12009292'....

Four various mainly leather handbags, 20th C.Ca. H 26 - L 24 - D 6 (the largest one)Ca. H 11 - L 22,5 (the smallest one)

A Chinese gilt metal thread-embroidered silk dress, 19th C.H 96 cm

A French six-light partly gilt bronze and copper mounted 'sac-a-perles' chandelier, first half 20th C.H 105 cm - Dia.: 75 cm

A Chanel classic two-pocket pink tweed jacket, 1983Size: 36 (Fr) Bust 46 cm, length 49 cm, shoulder 39 cm, sleeves 55 cm.

A Chinese embroidered silk girl's robe with floral design and medallions, 19th/20th C.75 x 125 cm

Three various leather and crocodile handbags, 20th C.Ca. H 22 - L 28,5 - D 4,5 cm (the largest one) Ca. H 19,5 - L 30 - D 8 cm (the smallest one)

Konvolut 5 tlg, Anfang 20. Jh., 800er Silber, bestehend aus: zwei Taschen, eine davon mit Widmung, zwei Portemonnaie, Verschluss, Gesamtgewicht: 6...

Ca. 500 - 300 BC. A terracotta votive plaque with Astarte pressed from a mould, depicted standing nude with both hands supporting her breasts from...

Ca. 664 - 332 BC. A pale blue glazed faience amulet of Thoth, depicted in a striding pose with arms held close to the body. The figure has the ch...

Ca. AD 200 - 400. A cobalt blue glass bottle with a pear-shaped body tapering into a slender neck, which expands into a broad, flaring rim. Thin ...

Ca. AD 800 - 1100. A bronze female figure standing in a rigid frontal pose with hands placed on the waist. The head is rounded with a slightly el...

Ca. AD 400 - 600. A gilt-bronze attachment in the shape of a male figure depicted standing and wearing a long heavy robe decorated with circular ...

Ca. AD 800 - 1000. A silver pendant of Freya with a large, rounded head featuring incised circular eyes and small, straight lips. The hair is dra...

Ca. 900 - 700 BC. A bronze pin with a long, slender shaft tapering to a pointed tip. The upper section broadens into a slightly wider segment, fo...

Ca. 250 - 150 BC. A terracotta figurine of a female depicted standing with her weight shifted slightly to one side. She wears a long, flowing garm...

Ca. 300 - 1 BC. A group of seven core-formed glass beads, all of elongated form with tapering or cylindrical bodies. The beads are decorated with...

Ca. 600 - 100 BC. A collection of 19 glass beads, including cylindrical, spherical, and zoomorphic forms, produced through core-forming, marverin...

Ca. 330 - 30 BC. A collection of glass beads including spherical forms with applied eye motifs in blue and yellow, ribbed and grooved beads in tr...

Ca. 332 BC - AD 200. A collection of 11 core-formed glass beads, predominantly cylindrical and elongated in shape. The beads are decorated with m...

Ca. 600 - 200 BC. A collection of faience beads consisting of annular forms in shades of pale blue, cream, and beige. A large shell pendant is po...

Late Period, Ca. 664 - 332 BC. A stunning sandstone panel with two main figures. The first is a woman, possibly a goddess consort like Mut or Amen...

Ca. AD 1260. A polychrome glass fragment with a blue ground, featuring figural composition outlined in red. The central figure, depicted frontall...

Ca. 400 - 300 BC. A Phoenician glass fragment shaped like a fish, likely an amulet, features a large cylindrical neck adorned with yellow stripes ...

Late Period, Mid Dynasty 26th, Ca. 610 - 570 BC. A basalt bust of an imposing pharaoh. He stares forward with prominent facial details and protrud...

Ca. 300 - 100 BC. A Greek belt hook comprising a sinuous iron body, with a core-formed glass bead end embellished with brown and gold transverse ...

Ca. 600 - 100 BC. A collection of 17 glass beads, including cylindrical, spherical, and biconical forms. Predominantly decorated with applied yel...


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