A GEORGE III MAHOGANY SOFA ATTRIBUTED TO WILLIAM GOMM, CIRCA 1765 With an arched back and out turned arms, upholstered in tufted an...
A GEORGE III MAHOGANY SOFA ATTRIBUTED TO WILLIAM GOMM, CIRCA 1765 With an arched back and out turned arms, upholstered in tufted an...
Sofa im Biedermeierstil Kirschbaum. Gerade, zu den Seiten gerundete gewulstete Rückenlehne. Seitenlehne in Form von Ranke und schwarz lackierter...
Biedermeier-Sofa mit Schwänen 19. Jh. Birke. Gerade Rückenlehne. Seitenwangen in Form von Schwänenhälsen, eine abklappbar. Kissenrolle mit Holzr...
Biedermeier-SalonKirsche/Ahorn u.a., Anf.20.Jh.Je in reduzierter Formensprache, tlw. ebonisiert u. m. vegetabilem Dekor. 1x kl. Kopfkissen. Tlw. l...
Kl. SofaHolz/Textil, 20.Jh.Auf ausgestellten Füßen der 2-Sitzer m. hoher Lehne. Dazu 4 kl. Kissen. Gebrauchsspuren. HxBxT: 110 x 141 x 86 cm, Sitz...
Biedermeier-SalonEsche, 19.Jh.In variier. Ausführung. Gebrauchsspuren, Fehlstellen, Risse, Flecken, Altrest.6-tlg., bestehend aus 1 Sofa (HxBxT: 8...
2 kl. SofasHolz/Textil, 21.Jh.Je ausziehbarer Rechteckkorpus m. niedriger Lehne. Dazu div. Kissen. Gebrauchsspuren, Flecken. HxBxT: 69 x 127 x 87 ...
Sofa/Daybed u. ArmlehnstuhlStahlrohr/Textil, 20.Jh.Sofa/Daybed im Bauhaus-Stil wohl nach einem Entwurf v. Hynek Gottwald (1930er Jahre). Dazu Arml...
Jugendstil-SalonMahagoni u.a., wohl Raum Goslar, um 1900Mariage.- In organischer Formensprache m. vegetabilen u. Korbgeflechtschnitzereien. Türen ...
Sitzgarnitur im Empirestil, Frankreich, um 1900, Mahagoni, Bronzebeschläge, Sitzgarnitur bestehend aus: Sofa 198 x 73 cm, H: 91 cm, Tisch D: 90 cm...
1 Wohnzimmer-Sitzgruppe mit 3 Tischen, Holzwaren, Web-Teppiche Holzfiguren und Waren, Zinnkrüge, Puppe, Flaschenlampen, (verwertbar) Asp. Kein Ver...
Chinese Sitting group , comprising one sofa, two armchairs, three stools, one plant coloumn and one table. All wood carved with open work and orig...
Kindermöbel Kinderbank oder -couch; rot bezogen; ca. 76 x 45 c 69 cm
Barock-Sofa mit Stickerei-Bezugwohl Aachen-Lüttich, 18. Jh., Eiche, vier geschweifte Vorderbeine und die geschweifte Zarge jeweils mit Rocaillen-S...
3-zits lederen bank en 2 fauteuils 2X vol leder Chesterfielsstijl + 1X leder in noten frame. - 3-seater leather sofa and 2 armchairs 2X full leath...
An early 20th century chaise longue day bed. The chaise raised on tapered block feet over brass feet. Having polychrome upholstery, with carved wa...
Late 20th century art deco style two seater sofa in a pale green colour with short wooden tapering feet and rounded arm rests.90 x 160 x 80
Ercol Furniture - A vintage 20th century beech and elm conservatory two seater sofa settee. Spindle back with, flat elbow rests on tapering angula...
An early 20th century oak wood drop leaf sofa table and footstool. The table having rounded drop leaf top, with gate leg supports. Alongside a nee...
A GEORGE III POLYCHROME DECORATED SERPENTINE SOFA LATE 18TH CENTURY The frame decorated with rosettes and oak leaf guilloche, uph...
AN EDWARDIAN BEECH-FRAMED SOFA Upholstered in green and pink seaweed and ribbon pattern covers with eight loose cushions on turned legs...
A SET OF INDIAN WHITE MARBLE SEAT FURNITURE UDAIPUR, LATE 20TH CENTURY Comprising: Pair of armchairs, 105cm high, 74cm wide, 56...
Mahogany three-seater butterfly bench with three medals in the back. Recently reupholstered. Dimensions: 98 x 160 x 62 cm. In good condition.
3-piece set of Dutch vintage furniture with rattan. Marked NMS, Dutch Manufacture. Dimensions: 145 x 80 x 80 cm. / Dimensions: 80 x 65 x 70 cm. In...
Divano. Legno tornito e tinto, tessuto imbottito. Italia, anni '40. cm 76x232x94A SETTEE BY A. BUSIRI VICICfr.: I. De Guttry, M.P. Maino, Il mobil...
Divano componibile e una poltrona mod. REA. Legno laccato, vetroresina verniciata. Esecuzione Arbo, 1970 ca.Probabili prototipi mai messi in produ...
Due divanetti tête-à-tête. Legno, tessuto imbottito, fusione di alluminio verniciato. Produzione I.S.A. Bergamo, anni '50. cm 80x130x73TWO SETTEES...
Divano per una residenza privata, Montecarlo. Multistrato laccato, ottone, tessuto imbottito. Produzione Azucena fine anni '70.cm 88x210x90A SETTE...
Divano. Legno di noce tornito, tessuto imbottito. Produzione Casa & Giardino, anni '40. Perizia Gio Ponti Archives. cm 80x160x77A SETTEE BY G. PON...
Divano ad angolo. Legno tornito, tessuto imbottito. Produzione Arredamenti Borsani Varedo, anni '50. Provenienza Villa G., Pavia. Certificato di a...
Panca. Legno di mogano, tessuto imbottito. Esecuzione Arredamenti Borsani Varedo, anni '40. Provenienza Collezione Privata Rofrano, R. L.cm 81x155...
Chaise longue a dondolo. Legno di frassino, tessuto, corda. Presentato alla VII Triennale di Milano del 1940. Italia, 1940 ca. cm 74x178x64A CHAIS...
Divano. Legno tornito, tessuto imbottito. Italia anni '40. cm 105x183x90A SETTEE BY P. BUFFAR. Aloi, Esempi di arredamento: sedie, poltrone, divan...
Divano per una residenza privata, Montecarlo. Multistrato laccato, ottone, tessuto imbottito. Produzione Azucena fine anni '70. Etichetta metallic...
Sofa mit Karyatiden. Empire, 19. Jahrhundert. Das Sofa wurde in den 1980er Jahren neu bezogen und sitzfertig aufgearbeitet. Polsterbezug mit rotem...
White lacquered wooden chaise longue with stitching, gold-colored accents, with pink upholstery with floral motif, back 124 cm high, 185 cm wide, ...
Metal chaise longue with black imitation leather cushions on blackened metal base, in the style of Le Corbusier, 166 cm long
Walnut Empire sofa with inlaid piping and green upholstery, Holland ca. 1820, backrest is 90 cm high, sofa is 162 cm wide, 62 cm deep
Classic chaise longue with walnut frame with richly carved crest and beige upholstery, backrest is 128 cm high, sofa is 175 cm wide
Yngve Ekström (1913-1988) Pine and beech 2-seater sofa with loose checkered cushions, 2 armchairs with high back and 1 with low back, design Yngve...
Willem Hendrik Gispen (1890-1981) Red leather 2-seater sofa on chromed tubular frame base, design Willem Hendrik Gispen, made by Dutch Originals F...
Rob Parry (1925-) Sofa bed with polychrome upholstery and standing on a metal base, design Rob Parry, execution Gelderland, Netherlands mid 20th c...
Franz Singer (1896-1953) Bauhaus chromed metal tubular frame sofa bed with red corduroy upholstered cushions and fold-out sides, design Franz Sing...
Josep Lluscà (1948-) Black upholstered chaise longue with chromed metal base, adjustable to 3-seater sofa, design Josep Lluscà, version Oken, mode...
Jan Armgardt (1947-) White leather 2-seater sofa with grey lacquered metal frame, design Jan Armgardt, version Leolux, model 'Volare', Netherlands...
Børge Mogensen (1914-1972) Leather sofa on light oak legs, design Børge Mogensen made by Fredericia Stolefabrik, consisting of 2 sofas model no. '...
A BLUE AND WHITE UPHOLSTERED CHAISE LONGUE 20TH CENTURY 80cm high, 136cm wide, 59cm deep Provenance: Private Collection, La...
A PINK UPHOLSTERED SOFA IN EDWARDIAN STYLE LATE 20TH CENTURY With bullion fringe, set on castors 82cm high, 236cm wide, 110cm de...
Y AN ANGLO INDIAN CARVED ROSEWOOD TWO SEAT SETTEE MID 19TH CENTURY The show frame deeply carved in relief with fruiting vine, folia...
A VICTORIAN STYLE BUTTON UPHOLSTERED CHAISE LONGUE 20TH CENTURY With a curved back and arms, raised on ring-turned front supports ter...
A PROVINCIAL WALNUT SOFA IN LOUIS XV STYLE LATE 19TH CENTURY with twin scroll arms, on inverted scroll front supports, united by cro...
ANTONIO CITTERIO (ITALIAN, B.1975) 'CHARLES' SOFA; DESIGNED 1997; 21ST CENTURY Fabric upholstery, cast aluminium feet; inverted 'L' s...