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  • 107 Los(e)

debolezza, & incertitudine del discorso humano.Venice: Ginammi, 1634.First Italian translation of Raymond Sebond's apology, the most articulate an...

Bodoni edition of Monti's tragedy in five acts performed at the Teatro Ducale in Parma. Brooks 312.4to, (285 x 210mm). Frontispiece designed by Ma...

Bartolomeo Soliani, 1714.First edition of this important treatise quoted by Manzoni himself in chapter XXXII of Promessi sposi on the subject of a...

Bodoni, 1769.Copy in good internal condition of one of the most celebrated books published by Bodoni, published in the early stages of his career ...

Lot containing two important works on Padua and its history.Folio, (335 x 225 mm). View of Padua to title-page verso, printer's device to title-pa...

Triom[phi]. Venice: Nicolini da Sabbio, 1533.Lot of two incomplete copies of Petrarch's work.4to, (213 x150mm). Text with marginal commentary (mis...

Copy never seen at auction (RBH) of this 'Petrarchino', the name used to indicate small-format editions of Petrarch's Canzoniere designed to accom...

humanae philosophiae. Bologna: Benedictus Hectoris, 20 July 1497.First edition of this philosophical and theological treatise dedicated to Savonar...

Panegyrique de Pline a Trajan en latin & en françois. Turin: François Mairesse, 1717.Beautiful set collecting the two preparatory manuscripts and...

illustribus in re militari, et in admnistranda rep...prodigiorum liber. Florence: Giunta, 1515.Lot containing an early sixteenth-century edition o...

of Tasso and Ariosto printed by Castello and Guerra.TASSO Torquato (1544-1595).La Gerusalemme liberata. Genoa: Castello, 1617. 4to (276 x 195mm) E...

Good Bodoni edition of Sallust. Brooks 748. Folio, (347 x 245mm). Small frieze to title page, uncut (light sporadic foxing). Twentieth-century pas...

Manuscript of this satirical work by Giulio Cesare Cordara, first published in 1737 and put on the Index in 1739 by Clement XII, based on the Hagu...

Aldo Manuzio and Andrea Torresano, 1526.First edition of Simplicio's commentaries on Aristotle, a copy in a beautiful contemporary binding, with n...

Antonio Groppo, 1761.Sumptuously illustrated edition of Tasso's work, with the addition of ''Annotazioni sopra la Gierusalemme liberata'' by Scipi...

ms. Vatican.Parma: Bodoni, 1786.Uncut copy of this beautiful edition of the last two chapters of Theophrastus' Characters. Dibdin II, 503: 'A very...

Bodoni, 1793.Copy in contemporary green morocco of this Bodoni edition of Kempis' work based on the lecture by Abbot Valart. Brooks,484Folio, (460...

Tipografo Gio: Battista Bodoni cittadino parmigiano. Parma: Bodoni, 1806.Scarce second edition (only one record at auction on RBH) of this encomia...

1796.An elegant edition of 'The Sack of Troy', an epic poem of 691 verses, narrating events from the capture of the Trojan seer Elenus to the depa...

Venice: Sessa, 1560.Scarce first edition (only one at auction in the last 60 years, RBH) published posthumously of this ottava rima remake of 'Gue...

First posthumous edition of this apologetic discourse, written by the author to defend himself against accusations of embezzlement by the citizens...

Second edition, following the first of 1620, with an allegorical title page representing the sailing ship of the new knowledge that crosses the cl...

Curtis, 1786-1789.Collection of fine contemporary watercolour engravings from the early years of this celebrated botanical magazine, 'the oldest c...

Frisolino, 1575.First Italian edition of Euclid edited by Federico Commandino (1509-1575) who had originally translated the text of the Greek math...

Posteriores lib. IX. Rome: Grassi, 1589.The works of Euclid edited by Christopher Clavius and originally printed in 1574, difficult to find comple...

Scarce first edition of these pamphlets containing a treatise on the first hot air balloon flight in Italy in 1784, performed by Paolo Andreani in...

A scarce and monumental work, a masterpiece of nineteenth-century anatomy. Paolo Mascagni was a renowned Tuscan anatomist and professor who distin...

Ginnasio di Forlì¬ compilate dall' Giuseppe Missirini Forlivese. Forlì, 1803 (dated to the preface).Elegant manuscript, presumably autograph...

Fine copy in good internal condition of the first edition of this botanical repertory of medicinal plants, illustrated with 544 fine engravings on...

structura mammarum et de tunica testis vaginali. Parma: Bodoni, 1785.Scarce first edition (lacking De Lama and Brooks) of the only significant med...

Norimberga: Fleischmann, 1749-1764.4 volumes, of 9 in total, of the first German edition published between 1749 and 1776. The text combines Georg ...

Volpe, 1742.A very good copy of this botanical text devoted mainly to the plants of Malabar (India), illustrated with 185 engraved plates by Giuse...

1631.Complete series consisting of 8 plates in the first state (of two), and 12 in the second state, apres la lettre with the name of the author a...

Famous engraving by Callot, one of his few large-scale works, illustrating the temptation of Saint Anthony inspired by Bosch's fantasies.Copper en...

Complete series consisting of three plates in the scarce first state, the others in the second state apres la lettre including the publisher's nam...

Langlois, 1646.Scarce complete series (last appearing at auction in 2009) illustrating the life of the Blessed Virgin through emblems, avoiding de...

Copy of the second edition of Cosimo Bartoli's (1503-1572) translation and the second edition of Ludovico Domenichi's translation (1515-1564) of '...

Milan: Bestetti and Tuminelli, 1914.Work, unfortunately incomplete, on Arab-Norman architecture in Sicily.Folio, (495 x 350 mm). 110 (of 120) loos...

Work dedicated to the historical architecture of present-day Croatia: Diocletian's palace, Split and the excavations of Salona, the monuments of Z...

prouincie, le prospettiue, et tutte le altre cose terrene. Venice: Combi, 1614.Genuine copy, unfortunately lacking the two folding plates, of this...

Presso l'autore, 1810.A good copy of this first complete suite of 102 engraved plates, scarce, designed by one of the most important Italian neocl...

degli scritti del medesimo intorno all'insigne tempio di S. Lorenzo Maggiore di Milano. Milan: Galeazzi, 1771.Fine copy of this scarce reprint of ...

di Bologna dipinto dal famoso Lodovico Carracci. Bologna: Pisarri, 1694.First edition of this famous work reproducing the frescoes in the octagona...

tempi d'ogni popolo e di ogni stile. Venice: Antonelli, 1833.Bilingual edition, the first Italian edition, of this immense repertory of architectu...

Extra-illustrated with 4 additional plates (following OPAC SBN collation), of this collection of biographies written by Fèlibien Des Avaux, histor...

quali à Como nel Museo del Giouio si veggiono. Florence: Torrentino, 1552 (colophon: 1551).First Italian edition of what may be considered one of...

J. Rouam, 1877.Complete work of the four hitherto unpublished plates of 'Los Proverbios' by Francisco Goya y Lucientes: 'Lluvia de toros', 'Otras ...

(1741-1824). Histoire de France, représentée par figures accompagnées de discours. Parigi: David, 1787-1796.Rare, fine work covering French histor...

S. Benedetto in Padova delle nobili signore contesse Orsola e Cecilia sorelle Santonini. Padua: Conzatti, 1763.A scarce collection of plates made ...

Milan: Stamperia Reale, 1810.Important historiographical work on the figure of Leonardo da Vinci commissioned to Giuseppe Bossi by the Viceroy of ...

Reggiani; Brigola, 1877-1885.The annals of the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo from its foundation in 1387 to 1875, with no apperances at auction, in...

Callisto Ferranti, 1636.Scarce first edition, published posthumously, complete with the 42 finely engraved plates. In 1684 the five works by Monta...

di San Paolo. Rome: Aurelj, 1840.First edition of this work that describes the tabernacle or ciborium of St. Paul sculpted by Arnolfo di Cambio (1...

Andrea Palladio raccolti ed illustrati da Ottavio Bertotti Scamozzi. Vicenza: Giovanni Rossi, 1786 [BOUND WITH:] Le terme dei romani disegnate da ...

pittorico dall'origine delle belle arti a tutto l'anno 1775. Firenze: Allegrini & Pisoni & C, 1776.Scarce supplement extending and enriching the o...

[BOUND WITH:] Osservazioni .. sopra la Lettre de m. Mariette. Rome, 1765.Della Magnificenza ed Architettura de Romani (Of the Magnificence and Arc...

Pisa. Pisa: Prosperi, 1834.Beautiful collection of plates depicting the monuments of Pisa.Oblong 8vo, (210 x 280 mm). 13 engraved plates, printed ...

CampoSanto di Pisa. Pisa: Didot, 1814-1825.Important work on the sculptural collection of the Pisa Cathedral, many of which were lost during the A...

'Ecco su l'Arno la pisana gente in finta agone a guerreggiar del Ponte. E se in gioconda pugna ha l'armi pronte, ha già in campo ostil guerriera m...

Honorem Deiparae Virginis in Coelum Assumptae. Rome, 1705.Collection of plates designed by the Melani brothers, pupils of Camillo Gabrielli, depic...


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