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34 Los(e)

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  • Barometer (34)
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  • 34 Los(e)

Collection of early 20th century crested china figures, including makers such as Arcadian, Shelley, Swan China, Wilton China, McKenna and Willow A...

A mixed selection of metal ware to include a boxed miners lamp, various trinket boxes, candle sticks, barometer(2 Trays)

Verzameling van 10 diverse barometers. - Collection of 10 miscellaneous barometers

Hollandse stokbarometer met kwik. - Dutch stick barometer with mercury

Tesco thermometer + hygrometer + buroklokje + horlogestand met barometertje. - Tesco thermometer + hygrometer + desk clock + watch stand with baro...

Mooie koop divers o.a. art deco en Schwarzwald barometers, 9 stuks. - Nice sale miscellaneous including art deco and Black Forest barometers, 9 pi...

Los 744


Staafbarometer in mahonie kastje. - Barometer in mahogany case

Los 1422


Bakbarometer 19/20e eeuw. - Bakbarometer 19/20th century

Verzameling barometers (verhuisdoos). - Collection of barometers (moving box)

Los 1419


Moderne bakbarometer met houten lijst. - Modern bakbarometer with wooden frame

Een Holl. Weerstation op mahonie board. - A Dutch Weather station on mahogany board.

Los 1420


Antieke gehoekte banjo barometer, Engels 19/20e eeuw. - Antique angled banjo barometer, English 19/20th century

Los 1421


Plexiglas barometer.

A 20th century Swedish mahogany wall barometer having silvered dial with thermometer to the neck. Makers label for Urman - Stockholm to the verso....

Giusani & Son, Wolverhampton - An Italian / English mother of pearl wall hanging barometer. Rosewood veneer with mother of pearl inlay depicting f...

Girolamo Ciulla (Caltanissetta 1952 - Pietrasanta 2023) Ariete Carboncino su carta 85 x 75 cm ca. Leggera ammaccatura nella parte superiore dell'...

Gents of Leceister, Pulsynetic Time Transmitter Wall Clock together with small modern barometer. Height: 134cm (2)

Griffin & George Limited, early 20th century cased scientific stick Barometer. Makers labels to bottom of case. Height: 118cm

Griffin & George Limited, early 20th century cased scientific stick Barometer. Original makers plaque to top. Height: 118cm

Los 277


Holosteric barometer in richly decorated walnut case, 67x32 cm (slight damage)

U-tube with unequal legs. U-tube for demonstrating different heavy liquids. Show specific gravity of liquids by pouring two different substances i...

Los 297


Dutch metallic barometer in mahogany case, 69 cm high

Box of various items consisting of Merkelbach barometer, statue of discus thrower, English hunting cutlery in cassette, porcelain flower pot, bras...

Toricelli barometer 104 cm high

Los 272


Barometer in a mahogany case, D W van Rennes Utrecht, ca. 1880, 95 cm high (air bubbles in mercury tube)

Los 300


Dutch barometer with address C.H. Bahree & Co. Zaandam-Alkmaar, in walnut case, 47 cm high

Los 4215


Scale, in black lacquered wooden case, 11 cm high, 34x15 cm

Los 288


Dutch barometer in walnut case, 52 cm high

A dashboard-mounting barometer and a clock, comprising an early 20th Century barometer with brass bezel and crown wheel, white enamel dial with ne...


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