Mindestpreis nicht eingehalten Keine Abbildung Los 310 A LOOSE ILLUSTRATED BIFOLIO FROM A KASHMIRI DALA’IL AL-KHAYRAT BY AL-JAZULI (D. 1465 AD) Kashmir, No 310A LOOSE ILLUSTRATED BIFOLIO FROM A KASHMIRI DALA’IL AL-KHAYRAT BY AL-JAZULI (D. 1465 AD) Kashmir, No Azca Auctions A LOOSE ILLUSTRATED BIFOLIO FROM A KASHMIRI DALA’IL AL-KHAYRAT BY AL-JAZULI (D. 1465 AD)Kashmir, Northern India, late 18th - early 19th century O... Auf die Merkliste Timed
Mindestpreis nicht eingehalten Keine Abbildung Los 410 A RARE OCTAGONAL SADDLE POMMEL CARPET COVER Possibly Kirman, Central Iran, late 19th century 410A RARE OCTAGONAL SADDLE POMMEL CARPET COVER Possibly Kirman, Central Iran, late 19th century Azca Auctions A RARE OCTAGONAL SADDLE POMMEL CARPET COVERPossibly Kirman, Central Iran, late 19th century The knotted pile woven in coloured wools, the ground ... Auf die Merkliste Timed
Mindestpreis nicht eingehalten Keine Abbildung Los 412 A KILIM SADDLEBAG Possibly Qashqai tribe, Central Iran or Uzbekistan, early 20th century 412A KILIM SADDLEBAG Possibly Qashqai tribe, Central Iran or Uzbekistan, early 20th century Azca Auctions A KILIM SADDLEBAGPossibly Qashqai tribe, Central Iran or Uzbekistan, early 20th century Of oblong rectangular shape, the two front halves in colo... Auf die Merkliste Timed
Mindestpreis nicht eingehalten Keine Abbildung Los 122 A PAIR OF BROWN LEATHER ARM CHAIRS. Heals. 122A PAIR OF BROWN LEATHER ARM CHAIRS. Heals. Azca Auctions A PAIR OF BROWN LEATHER ARM CHAIRSHealsA stylish pair of brown leather armchairs attributed to Heals, showcasing a classic and timeless design. Ea... Auf die Merkliste Timed
Mindestpreis nicht eingehalten Keine Abbildung Los 320 A SAFAVID-STYLE GILT AND LACQUERED INDIAN PORTABLE CHEST OF DRAWERS Mughal India, 17th century 320A SAFAVID-STYLE GILT AND LACQUERED INDIAN PORTABLE CHEST OF DRAWERS Mughal India, 17th century Azca Auctions A SAFAVID-STYLE GILT AND LACQUERED INDIAN PORTABLE CHEST OF DRAWERSMughal India, 17th century Comprising eight carved ebony narrow filing drawers... Auf die Merkliste Timed
Mindestpreis nicht eingehalten Keine Abbildung Los 121 AN ILLUMINATED GLOBE. In German. 121AN ILLUMINATED GLOBE. In German. Azca Auctions AN ILLUMINATED GLOBEIn German An illuminated globe featuring German-language geographical details. This mid-20th-century piece combines practical... Auf die Merkliste Timed