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141 Los(e)

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  • 141 Los(e)

Revello 1904 - Torino 1936Senza titolo, 1929-30China su carta, cm 15 x 11 cad.Firmati in basso a destra, datati in basso a destra e in basso a sin...

Torino 1871 - Roma 1958Linee di velocità compenetrate, 1920 circaCollage di carte colorate su cartoncino, diam. cm 22Firmato in alto a sinistraTim...

Figueras 1904 - 1989Albero di Natale, 1963Penna su carta, cm 33,2 x 26,9Firmato e datato in alto a destra; dedicato sul retro a Papa Paolo VIAuten...

Elegant counterfeit of the 1527 edition of Boccaccio's Decameron printed in only 300 copies and published at the request of the English consul Jos...

Elegant counterfeit of the 1527 edition, printed in only 300 copies and published at the request of the English consul Joseph Smith, reproducing t...

Los 10


Milano 1924 - Varese 2003Personaggio, 1957Tecnica mista su tela, cm 90 x 70Firmato in basso a sinistraProvenienza:Raccolta Lizzola, MilanoCollezio...

Venezia: Valuasensis, 1692.Scarce edition of this work on the hermits of the Hieronymite order from the library of Leonardo Tirssino, a Vicentine ...

Los 16


Malaga 1881 - Mougins 1973Maternità, 1938Incisione su carta, cm 31 x 20Firmato e datato in basso a sinistraEdizione di 10 esemplariBibliografia:B....

breuiter, artificioseque continentur. Venice: Valgrisi, 1576.Scarce edition, first published in 1529, of this detailed work on the rights and duti...

Mazara del Vallo 1920 - Milano 2005Senza titolo, 1966Bronzo, cm 36 x 22,5 x 0,9 (base esclusa)Firmata, datata e numerata sulla baseEsemplare 1/3Au...

Bergamo 1908 - Roma 1991Cardinale seduto, 1974Bronzo, cm 39 x 23 x 21Timbrata sul retroL'opera è registrata presso l'Archivio Manzù, n° 76/2010.Au...

Morciano di Romagna 1926Verso il 2080 (messaggio), 1980Bronzo, cm 19 x 22 x 23,5Firmata sulla base; numerata sotto la baseEsemplare 58/100L'opera ...

A fine Art Nouveau sculpture of the author of the Divine Comedy by Fortunato Gori, a pupil of Augusto Rivalta and the Parisian sculptor Victorien-...

Partanna (Tp) 1923 - 1980Senza titolo, 1950Tempera su carta, cm 36 x 54Firmato in basso a destraAutentica su fotografia dell'Archivio Accardi Sanf...

Borbone Infante di Spagna Duca di Parma, Piacenza, Guastalla. Parma: Bodoni, 1803.Work illustrating the funeral ceremony and the great ephemeral a...

Los 43


Roma 1935 - 1988S.P.Q.R., 1965Tecnica mista su tela con vellutino montata su cornice realizzata dall'artista, cm 120 x 120Firmato, datato e titola...

Los 44


Venezia 1900 - Roma 1981D/243, 1964Gouache su carta, cm 60 x 85,5 Firmato in basso a destra

Los 45


Roma 1914 - 1998Senza titolo, 1968Tecnica mista su tela applicata su masonite, cm 112 x 81Firmato e datato in basso al centro

metod polevoj ezdy i obucenija ej. San Pietroburgo: R. Golike e A. Vilborg, 1911.Copy ex dono Auctoris to General Filippo di Sambuy, horseman and ...

Los 49


Lille 1921 - 1999Senza titolo, 1961Lacca su tavola, cm 97 x 130Si ringrazia il sig. Gérard Galby per aver confermato l'autenticità dell'opera. Il ...

Los 50


San Mateo 1923 - Santa Monica 1994Senza titolo, 1980Acrilico su carta, cm 11,5 x 36Firmato e datato sul retroL'opera è registrata presso The Sam F...

Bologna: Manutius, 1586.Work dedicated to the exploits of Cosimo De' Medici (1519-1574) last Duke of Florence and first Grand Duke of Tuscany.4to,...

Los 51


San Mateo 1923 - Santa Monica 1994Senza titolo, 1983Acrilico su tela, cm 17,6 x 12,4Firmato e timbrato sul retroL'opera è registrata presso The Sa...

Philadelphia 1898 - New York 1976Les Vagues (The Waves, from The Bicentennial Tapestries), 1975Arazzo, cm 100 x 147Firmato in basso al centroEsemp...

efficaces [WITH:] Fustis Daemonum adiurationes, formidabiles. Venice: Guerra, 1597.One of the most famous treatises on exorcisms and demonology ed...

Terzigno 1929 - 2006Senza titolo, 1974Trittico, legno dipinto e vetro, cm 100 x 200Firmato e datato in basso a sinistraAutentica su fotografia del...

Stoccolma 1925 - Njurunda 2008Senza titoloAcrilico su carta applicata su tela, cm 75 x 58Firmato in basso a sinistraAutentica su fotografia del Co...

Los 67


Marsiglia 1921 - 1998Colata di un cubo, 1979 Marmo, cm 14 x 30 x 18Esemplare 2/50Autentica su fotografia dell'artista

Stefano, Trani [1656]. [BOUND WITH:] Ritrovata del corpo di S.Stefano. Trani: Valeri, 1622 [but 1656].Curious and scarce work printed in Trani rep...

Milano 1921 - Bresso 1972Composizione, 1950Tempera e smalto su tavola, cm 95 x 70Firmato in basso a destra

Los 80


Lezna 1887 - Saint Paul de Vence 1985La Bénédiction de Jacob, 1979Litografia a colori su carta, cm 37,7 x 32Firmata in basso a destraEsemplare 11/...

Los 81


Porta-foto. Cristallo colorato, cristallo molato curvato, ottone. Produzione Fontana Arte, anni '60. cm 36x31,5x18A PHOTO FRAME BY FONTANA ARTEBuo...

First published in 1610, the work is often considered the first full-fledged work on chemistry to surpass alchemical thought.8vo, (154 x 100mm). A...

illustrazione della raccolta ornitologica dei fratelli Ercole ed Ernesto Turati. Milan: coi tipi del Pio Istituto del Patronato, 1865-1868.First e...

Florence: Batelli, 1840.Lot of two beautiful botanical works, illustrated with coloured plates.2 vols, 8vo, (220 x 145 mm). 72 watercoloured plate...

1888.Pocket version of the first photographic iconology of the brain and nervous system, originally published as 'Iconographie photographique des ...

Vanni, 1767-1776.A beautiful collection of plates from Saverio Manetti's monumental ' Storia Naturale degli Uccelli' published between 1771-1776 i...

vegetali [WITH:] Prodromo della grande anatomia. Florence: Marenigh, 1819.First edition of an important work by Mascagni, independent and distinct...

First edition of this poem on the cultivation of rice, appreciated by both Leopardi and Pindemonte. The work's typographical elegance is further e...

1723.First edition of this important documentation of Pisa's botanical garden, founded c. 1543, one of the first in Europe and preserving its orig...

hominis curam haberet . 1554.Copper engraving, (80 x 110mm). Plate from the series 'The Good Samaritan' (slightly warped). In modern frame. (1)

Hercules sitiens Hylam puerum ad Ascanium flumen misisset. Rome: De Rossi, [c.1650].Engraving depicting the myth of Ila abducted by Naiads.Copper ...

Woodcut (128 x 86mm). First an only state, complete with border, from the series 'The Passion' originally consisting of 8 plates. Within modern fr...

A pair of fine portrayals of the two gods from the series ''Le divinità delle fiabe'' from drawings by Rosso Fiorentino.Copper engravings, (210 x ...

A famous series produced in Florence in 1617 and dedicated to Lorenzo de Medici, brother of Grand Duke Cosimo II, which was immediately successful...

The Combat at the Barrier is the last theatrical work that Callot executed and for which he was also the stage designer. It took place on 14 Febru...

A fine lot comprising two series by Callot, together with two larger-format engravings of saints, including one of St Mansuetus, also known as 'Th...

Lot comprising military illustrations by Callot.A suite of engravings and three individual plates: Exercices militaires. Paris: Israel, 1635. 13 e...

Complete series, in the second state (of two), of one of Callot's last works, left unfinished and completed by his pupil Abrham Bosse, more common...

Complete series, consisting of ten plates in the first state, two in the second state apres la lettre with Israel's name as publisher, two in the ...

Sant'Andrea". c.1690-1710.Large copperplate made by Audenaerde faithfully reproducing the fresco 'Martirio di Sant'Andrea' painted by Domenichino ...

Woodcut, (300 x 221mm). A plate from the series of 20 plates belonging to the 'Life of the Virgin' In the edition with the Latin text on the verso...

Lot of three interesting engravings by Albrecht Durer with sacred themes.Christ prays on the Mount of Olives (from the Small Passion). Woodcut (12...

Five interesting works by the great Tuscan master, two of which from the scarce contemporary print run.Lithographs: 'Vecchio mercato di Firenze' (...

Lot of five interesting works by the great Tuscan master with two lithographs from the scarce contemporary print run.Lithographs: 'Cavalleggero' (...

Study specimen of this famous depiction of Apollo, among the masterpieces of Goltzius's Mannerist style.Copper engraving, (350 x 265mm). several c...

Lot of three plates of the twelve dedicated to the Passion, produced by Goltzius between 1596 and 1598, reflecting the stylistic influence of Luca...

Etching, aquatint and drypoint, (200 x 150mm). Seventh plate from the collection 'Los Caprichos' (third edition) published by the Calcografia Naci...

Hopferianae". Nuremberg: Funck, [17th cent].Three copper engravings: 'Trophy with Arms and Eagle' (225 x 157mm) second state of two apres le chif...

original design of Claude Le Lorrain". London: Boydell, 1774-1777.A collection of plates from the famous collection of drawings originally created...


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