Keine Abbildung Los 10 Enitharmon Press.- Beckett (Samuel) The North, one of 137 copies signed by the author, Enitharmon... 10Enitharmon Press.- Beckett (Samuel) The North, one of 137 copies signed by the author, Enitharmon... Forum Auctions Enitharmon Press.- Beckett (Samuel) The North, one of 137 copies signed by the author, 3 etched plates by Avigdor Arikha, each signed by the artis... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 62 Ravilious (Eric).- Armstrong (Martin) Desert, a Legend, one of 100 copies signed by the author, 1... 62Ravilious (Eric).- Armstrong (Martin) Desert, a Legend, one of 100 copies signed by the author, 1... Forum Auctions Ravilious (Eric).- Armstrong (Martin) Desert, a Legend, number 73 of 100 copies signed by the author, original cloth, t.e.g., others uncut, dust-j... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 280 Britain.- Meyrick (Sir Samuel Rush) & Charles Hamilton Smith. The Costume of the Original Inhabit... 280Britain.- Meyrick (Sir Samuel Rush) & Charles Hamilton Smith. The Costume of the Original Inhabit... Forum Auctions Britain.- Meyrick (Sir Samuel Rush) & Charles Hamilton Smith. The Costume of the Original Inhabitants of the British Islands, first edition, half-... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Keine Abbildung Los 259 La Fontaine (Jean de) The Fables, 2 vol., one of 525 copies signed by the artist and translator, ... 259La Fontaine (Jean de) The Fables, 2 vol., one of 525 copies signed by the artist and translator, ... Forum Auctions La Fontaine (Jean de) The Fables, 2 vol., one of 525 copies signed by the artist and translator, translated by Edward Marsh, copper-engraved picto... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 68 Ravilious (Eric).- Richards (J.M.) High Street, first edition, colour lithographs by Ravilious, 1938 68Ravilious (Eric).- Richards (J.M.) High Street, first edition, colour lithographs by Ravilious, 1938 Forum Auctions Ravilious (Eric).- Richards (J.M.) High Street, first edition, wood-engraved title vignette and 24 colour lithograph plates by Eric Ravilious, old... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 293 World.- Wilson (Robert Thomas) History of the British Expedition to Egypt, first American edition... 293World.- Wilson (Robert Thomas) History of the British Expedition to Egypt, first American edition... Forum Auctions World.- Wilson (Robert Thomas) History of the British Expedition to Egypt, first American edition, half-title, portrait frontispiece, 2 engraved m... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 64 Ravilious (Eric) Almanack 1929 with Twelve Designs Engraved on Wood, wood-engravings by Ravilious... 64Ravilious (Eric) Almanack 1929 with Twelve Designs Engraved on Wood, wood-engravings by Ravilious... Forum Auctions Ravilious (Eric) Almanack 1929 with Twelve Designs Engraved on Wood, title within border of zodiacal signs in red, wood-engraved illustrations by ... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Keine Abbildung Los 281 Britain.- Pyne (William Henry) The Costume of Great Britain, 1804 [but c.1822]. 281Britain.- Pyne (William Henry) The Costume of Great Britain, 1804 [but c.1822]. Forum Auctions Britain.- Pyne (William Henry) The Costume of Great Britain, hand-coloured title vignette and 60 hand-coloured aquatints watermarked 'J. Whatman 1... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 76 Ravilious (Eric).- Greenwood (Jeremy) Ravilious: Engravings, one of 855 copies, Woodbridge, Wood ... 76Ravilious (Eric).- Greenwood (Jeremy) Ravilious: Engravings, one of 855 copies, Woodbridge, Wood ... Forum Auctions Ravilious (Eric).- Greenwood (Jeremy) Ravilious: Engravings, one of 855 copies, original cloth, slip-case, Woodbridge, Wood Lea Press, 2008 § Harl... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 74 Ravilious (Eric) For Shop Use Only: Curwen & Dent Stock Blocks & Devices, one of 75 copies of Edi... 74Ravilious (Eric) For Shop Use Only: Curwen & Dent Stock Blocks & Devices, one of 75 copies of Edi... Forum Auctions Ravilious (Eric) For Shop Use Only: Curwen & Dent Stock Blocks & Devices, with contributions by John Lewis, Enid Marx and Robert Harling, number 1... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 35 Golden Cockerel Press.- Buckland Wright (John) Copper plate of head-piece for 'Pervigilium Veneri... 35Golden Cockerel Press.- Buckland Wright (John) Copper plate of head-piece for 'Pervigilium Veneri... Forum Auctions Golden Cockerel Press.- Buckland Wright (John) Copper plate of head-piece for 'Pervigilium Veneris', line engraving with sugar-aquatint on copper,... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 59 Perpetua Press.- Fifteen Old Nursery Rhymes, one of 150 copies, hand-coloured linocuts by Biddy D... 59Perpetua Press.- Fifteen Old Nursery Rhymes, one of 150 copies, hand-coloured linocuts by Biddy D... Forum Auctions Perpetua Press.- Fifteen Old Nursery Rhymes, one of 150 copies, hand-coloured linocut pictorial title, border to Contents and 15 full-page illustr... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 6 Curwen Press.- Saint Hercules and other stories, one of 310 copies, pochoir illustrations by Paul... 6Curwen Press.- Saint Hercules and other stories, one of 310 copies, pochoir illustrations by Paul... Forum Auctions Armstrong (Martin) Saint Hercules and other stories, number 228 of 310 copies on handmade paper, pochoir illustrations by Paul Nash, some full-pag... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 69 Ravilious (Eric) 9 colour lithographs from 'High Street', loose, 1938 69Ravilious (Eric) 9 colour lithographs from 'High Street', loose, 1938 Forum Auctions Ravilious (Eric) [9 colour lithographs from 'High Street'], 2 tipped to mounts, one mounted and glazed (slight crease to lower left-hand corner), ... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 299 India and China.- Wathen (James) Journal of a Voyage in 1811 and 1812, to Madras and China; Retur... 299India and China.- Wathen (James) Journal of a Voyage in 1811 and 1812, to Madras and China; Retur... Forum Auctions India and China.- Wathen (James) Journal of a Voyage in 1811 and 1812, to Madras and China; Returning by the Cape of Good Hope and St. Helena; in ... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 91 Wadsworth (Edward) & Bernard Windeler. Sailing-Ships and Barges of the Western Mediterranean and ... 91Wadsworth (Edward) & Bernard Windeler. Sailing-Ships and Barges of the Western Mediterranean and ... Forum Auctions Wadsworth (Edward) & Bernard Windeler. Sailing-Ships and Barges of the Western Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas, number 122 of 450 copies on handma... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 121 Hardie (Martin) The Liber Studiorum Mezzotints of Sir Frank Short after J.M.W. Turner, one of 110... 121Hardie (Martin) The Liber Studiorum Mezzotints of Sir Frank Short after J.M.W. Turner, one of 110... Forum Auctions Hardie (Martin) The Liber Studiorum Mezzotints of Sir Frank Short after J.M.W. Turner, one of 110 copies with mezzotint frontispiece after Turner ... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 240 Lear (Edward) Journal of a Landscape Painter in Corsica, first edition, 1870 & another by Lear (2) 240Lear (Edward) Journal of a Landscape Painter in Corsica, first edition, 1870 & another by Lear (2) Forum Auctions Lear (Edward) Journal of a Landscape Painter in Corsica, first edition, first gathering working loose, spotting and foxing, heavier to text, owner... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 239 Cookery.- Beeton (Mrs. Isabella) The Book of Household Management, first edition in book form, se... 239Cookery.- Beeton (Mrs. Isabella) The Book of Household Management, first edition in book form, se... Forum Auctions Cookery.- Beeton (Mrs. Isabella) The Book of Household Management, first edition in book form, second issue with Strand address, and first line of... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 53 Nash (Paul).- Postan (Alexander) The Complete Graphic Work of Paul Nash, one of 35 copies signed ... 53Nash (Paul).- Postan (Alexander) The Complete Graphic Work of Paul Nash, one of 35 copies signed ... Forum Auctions Nash (Paul).- Postan (Alexander) The Complete Graphic Work of Paul Nash, one of 35 copies signed by the author and with 4 numbered unpublished woo... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 63 Ravilious (Eric).- Breton (Nicholas) The Twelve Moneths, one of 500 copies, wood-engravings by Ra... 63Ravilious (Eric).- Breton (Nicholas) The Twelve Moneths, one of 500 copies, wood-engravings by Ra... Forum Auctions Ravilious (Eric).- Breton (Nicholas) The Twelve Moneths, edited by Brian Rhys, number 204 of 500 copies, printed in red and black, tissue guards c... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 126 Theatre.- Cogniat (Raymond) Décors de Théatre, one of 600 copies, some plates & illustrations wit... 126Theatre.- Cogniat (Raymond) Décors de Théatre, one of 600 copies, some plates & illustrations wit... Forum Auctions Theatre.- Cogniat (Raymond) Décors de Théatre, one of 600 copies, plates and illustrations by Bakst, Gontcharova, Larionov, Picasso, Leger & other... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 145 Hogarth (William) Zergliederung der Schonheit..., second German edition, Berlin & Potsdam, Christ... 145Hogarth (William) Zergliederung der Schonheit..., second German edition, Berlin & Potsdam, Christ... Forum Auctions Hogarth (William) Zergliederung der Schonheit..., second German edition, 2 large folding engraved plates at end (tipped onto blank leaves at fore-... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 307 World.- Racinet (Auguste) [Le Costume Historique], 20 vol., [Paris], Firmin Didot, [1876-88] 307World.- Racinet (Auguste) [Le Costume Historique], 20 vol., [Paris], Firmin Didot, [1876-88] Forum Auctions World.- Racinet (Auguste) [Le Costume Historique], 20 vol., c.500 chromolithographs and tinted lithographs, some double-page, all bound without ti... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 292 Africa.- Stanley (Henry Morton) Through the Dark Continent, 2 vol., first edition, 1878. 292Africa.- Stanley (Henry Morton) Through the Dark Continent, 2 vol., first edition, 1878. Forum Auctions Africa.- Stanley (Henry Morton) Through the Dark Continent, 2 vol., first edition, 2 portrait lithograph frontispieces, plates and illustrations, ... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 282 England.- Banks (W.) Views of the English Lakes, Windermere, J. Garnet, c.1870 & others, mixed an... 282England.- Banks (W.) Views of the English Lakes, Windermere, J. Garnet, c.1870 & others, mixed an... Forum Auctions England.- Banks (W.) Views of the English Lakes, 26 engraved views, endpapers lightly damp-stained, occasional spotting to margins of first few pl... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 82 Sheringham (George) & R.Boyd Morrison, editors for Rupert Mason. Robes of Thespis: Costume Design... 82Sheringham (George) & R.Boyd Morrison, editors for Rupert Mason. Robes of Thespis: Costume Design... Forum Auctions Sheringham (George) & R.Boyd Morrison, editors, for Rupert Mason. Robes of Thespis: Costume Designs by Modern Artists, number 22 of 25 specially-b... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 72 Ravilious (Eric) Boy Birdnesting, wood-engraving, numbered 461/500 in pencil, [Merivale Editions,... 72Ravilious (Eric) Boy Birdnesting, wood-engraving, numbered 461/500 in pencil, [Merivale Editions,... Forum Auctions Ravilious (Eric) Boy Birdnesting, wood-engraving printed from the original block, on wove paper, image 88 x 130mm., numbered 461/500 in pencil, fr... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 38 Golden Cockerel Press.- Beaumont (Francis) Salmacis and Hermaphroditus, one of 80 with an extra p... 38Golden Cockerel Press.- Beaumont (Francis) Salmacis and Hermaphroditus, one of 80 with an extra p... Forum Auctions Golden Cockerel Press.- Beaumont (Francis) Salmacis and Hermaphroditus, edited by Gwyn Jones, number 39 of 80 specially-bound copies with an extra... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 15 Essex House Press.- Bunyan (John) The Pilgrim's Progress, one of 750 copies, Essex House Press, 1... 15Essex House Press.- Bunyan (John) The Pilgrim's Progress, one of 750 copies, Essex House Press, 1... Forum Auctions Essex House Press.- Bunyan (John) The Pilgrim's Progress, one of 750 copies, very occasional light spotting, light marking to upper cover, 1899; W... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 290 Scotland.- Stoddart (John) Remarks on Local Scenery & Manners in Scotland, 2 vol., first edition,... 290Scotland.- Stoddart (John) Remarks on Local Scenery & Manners in Scotland, 2 vol., first edition,... Forum Auctions Scotland.- Stoddart (John) Remarks on Local Scenery & Manners in Scotland, 2 vol., first edition, engraved titles, folding engraved maps, 33 aquat... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 225 Darwin (Erasmus) The Temple of Nature; or, the Origin of Society, first edition, 1803. 225Darwin (Erasmus) The Temple of Nature; or, the Origin of Society, first edition, 1803. Forum Auctions Darwin (Erasmus) The Temple of Nature; or, the Origin of Society, first edition, half-title, stipple-engraved frontispiece and 3 plates after Fuse... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 105 Rops (Félicien).- Guiches (Gustave) La Pudeur de Sodome, one of 325 copies on Holland paper, etch... 105Rops (Félicien).- Guiches (Gustave) La Pudeur de Sodome, one of 325 copies on Holland paper, etch... Forum Auctions Rops (Félicien).- Guiches (Gustave) La Pudeur de Sodome, one of 325 copies on Holland paper, from an edition limited to 347, half-title, etched fr... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 23 Fry (Roger) A Sampler of Castile, one of 550 copies, Hogarth Press, 1923 & others, press and limi... 23Fry (Roger) A Sampler of Castile, one of 550 copies, Hogarth Press, 1923 & others, press and limi... Forum Auctions Fry (Roger) A Sampler of Castile, number 433 of 550 copies, plates, light foxing, original cloth-backed boards, a little soiled and stained, Hogar... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 274 Australian mining.- Wyld (James) Gold regions of Australia, Published by James Wyld...Charing Cro... 274Australian mining.- Wyld (James) Gold regions of Australia, Published by James Wyld...Charing Cro... Forum Auctions Australian mining.- Wyld (James) Gold regions of Australia, engraving with hand-colouring, sheet 334 x 266mm., ?correction slip at foot, little sp... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 34 Golden Cockerel Press.- Song of Songs (The), one of 204 copies, engravings by Lettice Sandford, 1936 34Golden Cockerel Press.- Song of Songs (The), one of 204 copies, engravings by Lettice Sandford, 1936 Forum Auctions Golden Cockerel Press.- Song of Songs (The), edited by W.O.E.Oesterley, number 105 of 204 copies, printed in red and black in double column, engra... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 73 Ravilious (Eric) Children in a Park, wood-engraving, numbered 12/100 in pencil, [Merivale Edition... 73Ravilious (Eric) Children in a Park, wood-engraving, numbered 12/100 in pencil, [Merivale Edition... Forum Auctions Ravilious (Eric) Children in a Park, wood-engraving from the original block, on Japon, image 165 x 223mm., numbered 12/100 in pencil, framed and g... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 27 Golden Cockerel Press.- Breton (Nicholas) The Twelve Moneths, one of 500 copies, wood-engravings ... 27Golden Cockerel Press.- Breton (Nicholas) The Twelve Moneths, one of 500 copies, wood-engravings ... Forum Auctions Golden Cockerel Press.- Breton (Nicholas) The Twelve Moneths, edited by Brian Rhys, number 305 of 500 copies, printed in red and black, wood-engra... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 279 Sporting.- Herring the Elder (John Frederick) After. Fox Hunting: The Meet; Full Cry; The Find; T... 279Sporting.- Herring the Elder (John Frederick) After. Fox Hunting: The Meet; Full Cry; The Find; T... Forum Auctions Sporting.- Herring the Elder (John Frederick) After. Fox Hunting: The Meet; Full Cry; The Find; The Death, the set of four, aquatint and etching, ... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 127 Verve.- Carnets intimes de G. Braque, vol. 8, no. 31-32, Paris, 1955; and another (2) 127Verve.- Carnets intimes de G. Braque, vol. 8, no. 31-32, Paris, 1955; and another (2) Forum Auctions Verve.- Carnets intimes de G. Braque, vol. 8, no. 31-32, illustrations by Braque, of which 20 colour and full-page, original boards designed by Br... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 4 Cresset Press.- Apocrypha (The), out-of-series copy on handmade paper but lacking the additional ... 4Cresset Press.- Apocrypha (The), out-of-series copy on handmade paper but lacking the additional ... Forum Auctions Cresset Press.- Apocrypha (The), according to the Authorized Version, out-of-series copy from an edition limited to 480, this on hand-made paper (... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 271 Anatomy.- Lizars (John) A System of Anatomical Plates of the Human Body, plate vol. only, Edinbur... 271Anatomy.- Lizars (John) A System of Anatomical Plates of the Human Body, plate vol. only, Edinbur... Forum Auctions Anatomy.- Lizars (John) A System of Anatomical Plates of the Human Body, plate vol. only, engraved vignette title and 101 plates, 67 with hand-col... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 106 Töpffer (Rodolphe) Histoire de Mr. Vieux-Bois, Paris, c.1860; and another by the same (2). 106Töpffer (Rodolphe) Histoire de Mr. Vieux-Bois, Paris, c.1860; and another by the same (2). Forum Auctions Töpffer (Rodolphe) Histoire de Mr. Vieux-Bois, contemporary calf, a little rubbed, upper cover detached, Paris, c.1860; Mr Cryptogame, previous ow... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 42 Guichard (Kenneth M.) British Etchers 1850-1940, with 3 signed original etchings by Robin Tanner,... 42Guichard (Kenneth M.) British Etchers 1850-1940, with 3 signed original etchings by Robin Tanner,... Forum Auctions Guichard (Kenneth M.) British Etchers 1850-1940, with 3 original etchings by Robin Tanner, all signed in pencil, illustrations, original morocco-b... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 5 Cresset Press.- Spenser (Edmund) The Shepheardes Calender, one of 350 on handmade paper, pochoir ... 5Cresset Press.- Spenser (Edmund) The Shepheardes Calender, one of 350 on handmade paper, pochoir ... Forum Auctions Cresset Press.- Spenser (Edmund) The Shepheardes Calender, number 29 of 350 copies on handmade paper, additional pochoir illustrated title and poc... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 56 Nonesuch Press.- Burton (Robert, "Democritus Junior".) The Anatomy of Melancholy, 2 vol., one of ... 56Nonesuch Press.- Burton (Robert, "Democritus Junior".) The Anatomy of Melancholy, 2 vol., one of ... Forum Auctions Nonesuch Press.- [Burton (Robert)], "Democritus Junior". The Anatomy of Melancholy, 2 vol., number 732 of 750 copies, original vellum-backed patte... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 8 Doves Press.- Cobden-Sanderson (T.J.) London: A Paper read at a Meeting of the Art Workers Guild.... 8Doves Press.- Cobden-Sanderson (T.J.) London: A Paper read at a Meeting of the Art Workers Guild.... Forum Auctions Doves Press.- Cobden-Sanderson (T.J.) London: A Paper read at a Meeting of the Art Workers Guild... March 6 1891, one of 300 copies, printed in re... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 71 Ravilious (Eric) The Wood Engravings..., numbered "II/38" from an unspecified edition, original g... 71Ravilious (Eric) The Wood Engravings..., numbered "II/38" from an unspecified edition, original g... Forum Auctions Ravilious (Eric) The Wood Engravings..., introduction by J.M.Richards, numbered "II/38" from an unspecified edition, book-label of Brian Douglas S... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Keine Abbildung Los 291 Wales.- [Pugh (Edward)] Cambria Depicta: a Tour through North Wales, first edition, 1816. 291Wales.- [Pugh (Edward)] Cambria Depicta: a Tour through North Wales, first edition, 1816. Forum Auctions Wales.- [Pugh (Edward)] Cambria Depicta: a Tour through North Wales, first edition, hand-coloured aquatint frontispiece and 70 hand-coloured plate... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 264 Bees.- Charlton (George) The Bee-keeper's guide, scarce first edition, Hexham, Printed at the Hex... 264Bees.- Charlton (George) The Bee-keeper's guide, scarce first edition, Hexham, Printed at the Hex... Forum Auctions Bees.- Charlton (George) The Bee-keeper's guide, first edition, wood-engraved illustration of a hive to title (the upper wrapper), stitched as iss... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 9 Doves Press.- Cobden-Sanderson (T.J.) Catalogue Raisonné of Books Printed & Published at the Dove... 9Doves Press.- Cobden-Sanderson (T.J.) Catalogue Raisonné of Books Printed & Published at the Dove... Forum Auctions Doves Press.- Cobden-Sanderson (T.J.) Catalogue Raisonné of Books Printed & Published at the Doves Press, [one of 300 copies], printed in red and ... Auf die Merkliste Live
Keine Abbildung Los 217 Anderson (James) The Constitutions of the Antient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted ... 217Anderson (James) The Constitutions of the Antient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted ... Forum Auctions Anderson (James) The Constitutions of the Antient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons... Revised, Continued and Enlarged, with m... Auf die Merkliste Live