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  • 27 Los(e)

Antonio Saura (1930-1998) Untitled, lithograph 102/190. | 70 x 50 cm. | Condition: not framed

Reinhoud (1928-2007) Figures, lithography 186/250. | 47 x 65 cm.

Seuphor: Graph, 2 silkscreens, Symetry VI, 1970 83/125 and Genèse, 1968 83/125. | 66,5 x 51 cm. 66,5 x 51 cm. | Condition: Genèse: broken glass an...

Dan Van Severen (1927-2009) untitled 1971, etching 17/75. | 49.5 x 35.5 cm.

Balder, Boudewijn Van Hoecke (1945-2014) "The Masked" 1970, silkscreen 2/50. | 55 x 73 cm.

Marc Van Loo, Nature morte 1976, Lithography supplemented with watercolour, 27/30. | 42 x 31.5 cm.

Roland Topor (1938-1997) lithography, 102/150. | 64.5 x 47.5 cm.

Jozef Mees (1898-1987) Untitled, 1975. Lithograph. 98/200. | 67.5 x 47 cm.

3 graphic works: Gabriel Belgeonne, untitled 18/35 and 12/35 and Nadia de Clauzade, untitled 18/35. | 59 x 40 cm. | Condition: not framed

Bengt Lindström (1925-2008) lithograph 121/150. | 75,5 x 56,5 cm.

Victor Vasarely (1906-1997) Hexagone 1988, 4 books in a plexiglass, with certificate of authenticity. 1040/1500. | 26 x 30 cm.

Roger Marcel Wittevrongel: 2 lithographs, untitled, proof 25/25. | 56 x 76 cm. 56 x 76 cm.

Carel Visser (1928-2015) Untitled, 1976 Woodcut Ed. 120/190. | 95 x 63 cm.

Albert Rubens, 2 lithographs, Composition (1974) 18/60 and Composition (1973) 169/200. | 70 x 50 cm. 69.5 x 50 cm.

Jürgen Reipka (1936-2013) Geometric composition in blue, green and black 87/200. Screen print. | 43 x 43 cm.

3 Graphic works, Michel Seuphor, Bambola III, 1964 colour lithography 83/128. Jeroen Henneman, untitled 1973. Screen print 102/190 and Jan Van Den...

Ger Lataster (1920-2012) Lithograph, untitled 112/190. | 73 x 53 cm.

Kumi Sugaï, (1919-1996) Lithography 1970, 112/190. | 74.5 x 52.5 cm.

3 graphic works, Gerd Van Dülmen, untitled 1971, 102/190. Gaston De Mey, untitled 1970, 2/50 and an illegibly signed work 1981 67/129. | Gerd Van ...

Willy Plompen, untitled, 2 lithographs 1970 (8/50) and 1971 (17/75). | 50 x 50 cm. 72.5x 54.5 cm.

Amédée Cortier (1921-1976) Untitled 1970, Colour lithography 100/100. | 70,5 x 50 cm.

Joop Moesman (1909-1988) Boomvrouw 1971, lithography. 102/190. | 50 x 65 cm.

Marc Maet (1955-2000) composition, 1983 lithograph 62/120. | 79 x 53.5 cm. | Condition: to reframe.

Constant (1920-2005) Graph, Execution, Etching 102/190. | 13,5 x 11,6 cm.

Pal Horvath, Construction 3, Lithography 41/60. | 67,5 x 48 cm.

Lucio Del Pezzo (1933-2020) Untitled. Serigraph in colors 102/190. | 76 x 56 cm.

Jean Hugo (1894-1984), Character in landscape, lithograph 95/300. | 46 x 40 cm.


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