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  • 4566 Los(e)

Neolithic Period, 3rd millennium B.C. Comprising a bulbous body with two small loop handles below the equator, flat base, low neck and everted rim...

15th century A.D. Comprising a footed bowl with speckled body and brown glaze to the foot; a bulbous bowl with speckles to the body; a shallow bow...

Late 19th century A.D. or later. Each with dentilled rim, basal ring, central roundel with pot and flowers, surrounding panels with blossom and ot...

Neolithic Period, 3rd millennium B.C. Biconvex in profile with flared mouth, lateral strap handles at the equator. 1.27 kg, 23 cm (9 in.). Ex We...

15th century A.D. Comprising six bell-shaped footed bowls with outlines of painted decoration. 1.79 kg total, 13.3-14 cm (5 1/4 - 5 1/2 in.). [6,...

15th century A.D. Comprising three shallow bowls, one with remains of painted green petals to the outer face; two with blue petals radiating from ...

15th century A.D. A bulbous jar with facetted panels to the body, each panel with a flower motif, the panels separated by panels with geometric de...

Neolithic Period, 3rd millennium B.C. Piriform bodied and painted with two netted roundels to the upper body; two loop handles to the equator. 2....

Circa 19th century A.D. With low rim to the ovoid bowl, balustered handle and ellipsoid finial with reserved cross motif. 10.7 grams, 13.5 cm (5 ...

20th century A.D. Hollow-formed and modelled in the round wearing long flowing robes holding a lobed helmet(?) in her cupped hands. 496 grams, 23...

Eocene Period, 58-36 million years B.P. Diplomystus sp. fossil fish on a matrix slab showing good detail to the spine and ribs. 9.4 kg, 46 x 61.5...

Neolithic Period, circa 6000 B.P. Sturdy square-section shank with irregular butt and broad cutting edge; cortex to handle; old findspot label 'Mo...

20th century A.D. Hollow-formed and modelled in the round wearing long flowing robes, holding a lunate bowl in his cupped hands. 490 grams, 22.5 ...

Each with crystalline growths of manganese oxide resembling plants. 425 grams total, 9.7-10.9 cm (3 7/8 - 4 1/4 in.). [3, No Reserve] From India....

19th-20th century A.D. Comprising a horse standing erect with arched neck, hole to the centre of the back to accept an attachment pin; separate ho...

Neolithic Period, 3rd millennium B.C. Piriform bodied and painted with a figurative frog design; two loop handles to the equator. 5 kg, 36 cm hig...

Neolithic Period, 6th-4th millennium B.P. With faceted surfaces from which the blades have been struck. 406 grams total, 32-61 mm (1 1/4 - 2 3/8 ...

20th century A.D. Comprising a domed and fluted body with knop above, D-section swept hoop with barrel-shaped suspension ring; inset quartz seal w...

15th century A.D. With a piriform body and shallow rim, three applied loop handles above the shoulder, one absent; painted tendrils and flowers to...

Thailand, 15th-16th century A.D. Squat in profile with tall basal ring, vertically segmented outer face, square-section rim, concentric rings to i...

15th century A.D. Comprising three shallow bowls, one with painted petals and pellets to the outer face; one with green strokes to the outer face ...

Neolithic Period, 3rd millennium B.C. Squat with narrow base and broad shoulder, wide flared mouth with loop handles, painted bands to mouth and s...

15th century A.D. Comprising two bell-shaped footed bowls with painted tendrils and flowers to both faces. 640 grams total, 13.1-13.5 cm (5 1/8 -...

20th century A.D. Bulbous in form with everted rim and loop handle, developing to a an equine head turned to one side and with forelegs held flat ...

15th century A.D. With a piriform body and shallow rim, three applied loop handles above the shoulder, painted tendrils and flowers to the body, a...

15th century A.D. A wide shallow platter with stepped rim and remains of polychrome design to both faces; repaired. 2.13 kg, 35 cm (13 3/4 in.). ...

15th century A.D. A very large cream glazed shallow platter with gently sloping walls and carinated rim, low basal ring. 2.06 kg, 34.7 cm (13 5/8...

20th century A.D. Each standing erect on a chamfered base wearing a floor-length robe and with elaborately dressed hair, right hand at the waist a...

Neolithic Period, 3rd millennium B.C. Piriform bodied and painted with a figurative frog design; two loop handles to the equator. 2.3 kg, 32 cm (...

15th century A.D. Comprising two shallow plates with stepped rims, both with painted flowers and tendrils to the inner face, outside with radiatin...

14th-15th century A.D. Featuring a D-section hoop expanding slightly at the base, raised boss to each shoulder and ribbing above; oval bezel with ...

20th century A.D. Modelled in the round standing on a rectangular base, with integral saddle and harness in green and olive glaze; attendant at sh...

15th century A.D. Comprising two shallow plates with gently sloping walls, painted central flower motif within and foliate border, radiating petal...

Provincial, 15th-17th century A.D. A glazed provincial ceramic footed jar with carinated profile, deep shoulder and narrow raised rim, dense flora...

15th century A.D. A very large cream glazed shallow platter with gently sloping walls and carinated rim, low basal ring. 1.95 kg, 34.5 cm (13 5/8...

1 Konvolut Steinzeugkrüge, Fayencekrug, u.a. z.T. besch., je Asp.   Kein Versand / Abholung ausschließlich Mittwoch, 19.3.2025, 10:00-13:00 Uhr, i...

Birnkanne, drei Steinzeuggefäße und Replik eines Dolches der BronzezeitFayencekanne mit godronierter Wandung und Blaumalerei, Zinnmontur etwas bes...

Majolika-Fußschale in Art Max LaeugerWeite Künstler-Schale im Stile der Karlsruher Majolika-Manufaktur (Werkstattarbeit?), in Blau- und Türkistöne...

Majolika-Relief und Boudoir-Spiegel aus der Großherzoglichen Sammlung Baden, Sotheby´s 1995 Erworben auf der Sotheby´s Auktion Schloss Baden im Ok...

Vielteilige Waschgarnitur aus der Großherzoglichen Sammlung Baden, Sotheby´s 1995Erworben auf der Sotheby´s Auktion Schloss Baden im Oktober 1995:...

Paar Majolika-Albarelli, Stil Castelli ItalienGegenstücke zweier Apothekenkrüge in schlanker, konkaver Form, schauseitig mit polychromem Scharffeu...

Marmalade Jar von Anne Jones für Troika, Cornwall, England 1976/77Anne Jones, *1951-, Keramikerin, tätig in der Troika-Künstlergruppe 1976-77, wür...

Gerhard Liebenthron zugeschr., Große skulpturale KeramikvaseGerhard Liebenthron zugeschr., 1925 Neustrelitz - 2005 Bremen, deutscher Keramiker, hi...

Große Amphorenvase um 1900Repräsentative Bodenvase aus Steingut, lindgrün glasiert, der Korpus mit gemalten Seerosen in Art pastoser Ölmalerei, un...

Porzellan-Bildnistasse des Biedermeier mit Neckargemünd, Dilsberg und NeckarsteinachZylindrische Tasse auf Untertasse, Goldrand u. -rahmen, auf Wa...

Drei Tassen mit Untertassen HEDWIG BOLLHAGEN, HB-Werkstätten für Keramik, Marwitz (Pinsel- und Pressmarken), Fayence, 3 Tassen in ovaler Form (For...

Drei Tassen mit Untertassen HEDWIG BOLLHAGEN, HB-Werkstätten für Keramik, Marwitz (Pinsel- und Pressmarken), Fayence, 3 Tassen in ovaler Form (For...

Drei Kaffeegedecke HEDWIG BOLLHAGEN, HB-Werkstätten für Keramik, Marwitz (Pinsel- und Pressmarken), Fayence, dabei: 3 Kaffeetassen (Formnr. 573), ...

Paar Schalen HEDWIG BOLLHAGEN, HB-Werkstätten für Keramik, Marwitz (Pressmarken), Fayence, je runde Suppenschüssel mit nach außen ragender, ellips...

Drei Teegedecke HEDWIG BOLLHAGEN, HB-Werkstätten für Keramik, Marwitz (Pinsel- und Pressmarken), Fayence, bestehend aus je 3 Teetassen, Untertasse...

Florales Wandbild, hochrechteckige Keramikplatte, Blumenmotive u.a. mit Schwertlilie und Vergissmeinnicht in mehrfarbigem Druckdekor auf cremeweiß...


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