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  • Taxidermy & Natural History (81)
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81 Los(e)

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  • 81 Los(e)

Ein Abonnement der Preisliste ist notwendig um Ergebnisse, von Auktionen die vor einem längeren Zeitraum als 10 Tagen stattgefunden haben, ansehen zu können. Klicken Sie hier für mehr Informationen

HAMMER-HEADED FRUIT BAT,a taxidermy hammer-headed fruit bat, Central Africa, scientific name Hypsignathus monstrosus, mounted in an extended posit...

Los 21


PUNK STAG,a taxidermy stag headmount, by Rowland Ward, with later application of earrings and American traditional tattoos,79cm wide67cm deep110cm...

KYLIE MINOGUE, c.2005, a taxidermy cat, scientific name Felis catus, modelled as Kylie Minogue as a cat spinning around, an original prop from BBC...

*SIMON COSTIN (b.1963),an extraordinary taxidermy diorama, by Simon Costin, consisting of a robed ferret on a pulpit holding a chameleon, the pulp...

Los 27


UNICORN,a custom taxidermy creation depicting a unicorn foal, consisting of an articulated fawn skeleton with a resin horn,65cm wide23cm deep48cm ...

ALBINO HEDGEHOG,a rare taxidermy albino hedgehog, scientific name Atelerix albiventris, set within a glazed case, 29cm wide 15cm deep21cm high .....

Los 40


ROOK,a taxidermy rook, scientific name Corvus frugilegus, mounted on a branch, underneath a glass dome,53cm high ...[more]

MYTHICAL TOUCANET MAGPIE,a taxidermy composition of a Eurasian Magpie, scientific name Pica Pica, dyed and modified to resemble a Toucan, set with...

ROSEMARY'S BABY,a taxidermy goat's head, scientific name Capra hircus, wit ram horns, based on the character Roman Castevet from Roman Polanski's ...

SABRE-TOOTH FOX,a custom taxidermy creation of a mythical sabre-toothed fox, based around a common fox, scientific name Vulpes vulpes, mounted on ...

Los 47


GAMER TOADS,mid-20th century, a taxidermy pair of large toads, seated at a carved wooden circular table playing a domino-like game,25 x 15cmCondit...

THE BLACK BEAST,a taxidermy headmount of a black fox, scientific name Vulpes vulpes, mounted on a shield, 30cm deep28cm high Condition report: Bot...

Los 61


JACKALOPE,a custom taxidermy creation of a mythical Jackalope, consisting of the headmount of a rabbit and the horns of a deer, mounted on a shiel...

SUSPICIOUS MINDS,this is Elvis, who got caught in a trap, an unusual taxidermy black rat, scientific name Rattus rattus, 34cm wide17cm deep21cm hi...

Los 68


PIED HARE,a taxidermy pied hare head mount, scientific name Lepus europaeus, mounted by London Taxidermy Studios in 1982,12cm wide 17cm deep 25cm ...

TAXIDERMY HOAX,a jay, scientific name Garrulus glandarius, made to look like a jay crossed with a magpie, attributed to James Gardner of Oxford St...

MYTHICAL MAGPIES,a taxidermy composition of a pair of Eurasian magpies, scientific name Pica Pica, dyed to resemble Coitingidae, set within an acr...

Los 71


GILDED CAGE,a taxidermy peahen, scientific name Pavo cristatus, mounted on a gilt wooden cage, internally with a taxidermy parakeet, scientific na...

Los 72


THE BOTANIST, a taxidermy sculpture based around an anthropomorphic stoat, scientific name Mustela erminea, in a foraging garden, set under a Vict...

TWO-HEADED CROW,a custom taxidermy creation comprising a crow with an extra head, scientific name Corvus corax, mounted on a shaped marble plinth,...

MOON-GAZING RABBIT,a taxidermy headmount of a European rabbit, scientific name Oryctolagus cuniculus, set against a papier mâché background,43 x 2...

Los 75


GOSLING,a taxidermy gosling, scientific name Anser anser, mounted on a piece of liana, on a wooden base, 55cm high ...[more]

THE RINGMASTER'S LION,a taxidermy headmount of an African lion, scientific name Panthera Leo, dressed as a ringmaster, 40cm wide83cm high ...[mor...

Los 195


MOOSE,a large taxidermy moose headmount, scientific name Alces alces, mounted on a wooden shield, 110cm wide130cm highCondition report: Generally ...

Los 363


KIWI SKELETON,a modern resin cast of a Kiwi skeleton, cast from the original skeleton prepared by Edward Gerrard in 1902,40cm wide24cm deep36cm hi...

Los 364


CHICKEN,20th century, a chicken skeleton mounted in a glass case,30cm wide17cm deep40cm highCondition report: Damage to the glass case. ...[more]

Los 369


CAPE BUFFALO,an articulated cape buffalo skull and horns, scientific name Syncerus caffer caffer,98cm wide, 30cm high ...[more]

Los 383


WOOLLY MAMMOTH, scientific name Mammuthus primigenius, Pleistocene period (2,580,000-11,700 years ago), a large molar tooth, 20cm high ...[more]

Los 384


WOOLLY MAMMOTH, scientific name Mammuthus primigenius, Pleistocene period (2,580,000-11,700 years ago), a large molar tooth, 20 x 25cm ...[more]

Los 385


THE DODO,before 1690, Mauritius, a connecting pair of Dodo tarsus (ankle bone) and phalanx (toe bone),ankle bone 7.5cm longtoe bone 4cm longThe do...

Los 386


THE DODO,a plaster cast of a dodo head, scientific name Raphus cucullatus, manufactured by Rowland Ward Ltd., used in the recreation of taxidermy ...

Los 387


GREAT AUK,a resin cast of a great auk, scientific name Pinguinus impennis,54cm wide 23cm deep 58cm highThe great auk became extinct in 1844. ...[...

AMMONITE COLLAGE,Madagascar, lower Cretaceous period (c.145-100 million years ago) a sedimental cluster comprising several ammonites of various si...

A SHARK TOOTH COLLAGE,various specimens, arranged in concentric circles, 55 x 65cm ...[more]

AN AMMONITE FOSSIL,Morocco, scientific name Acanthoceras, upper Cretaceous period (145-66 million years ago), raised on a wrought iron stand, 48cm...

Los 402


WOOLLY MAMMOTH,scientific name Mammuthus primigenius, Pleistocene period (2,580,000-11,700 years ago), a leg bone, 72cm highCondition report: 27cm...

Los 403


WOOLLY MAMMOTH,scientific name Mammuthus primigenius, Pleistocene period (2,580,000-11,700 years ago), a hip bone, mounted on a stepped wooden pli...

Los 404


WOOLLY MAMMOTH,a fossilised mammoth tusk mid section, scientific name Mammuthus primigenius,50cm wide,together with a mammoth tusk tip,22cm wide (...

FOSSILISED BISON CORE,a semi-fossilised bison horn core, likely from a European bison, scientific name Bison bonasus, mounted on an ebonised base,...

Los 482


JAWS,two articulated shark jaws, one from a mako shark, scientific name Isurus oxyrinchus, the other from a sand tiger shark, scientific name Carc...

NAUTILUS SHELLS,a collection of four halved nautilus shells, scientific name Nautilus belauensis, with untreated surfaces, largest 13 x 18cm (4) ...

NAUTILUS SHELLS,a collection of four halved nautilus shells, scientific name Nautilus belauensis, with polished surfaces, largest 15 x 20cm (4) ....

Los 494


UNDER THE SEA, a conical tower of various seashells, raised on a turned wooden base,32cm diameter76cm highCondition report: With some minor losses...

Los 521


LONGHORN,a carved longhorn bull skull,156cm wide50cm high ...[more]

KUDU HORN CORES,a set of three articulated Kudu horn cores, arranged on a wooden plinth, 73cm high ...[more]

Los 523


GREATER KUDU,an articulated skull of a greater kudu, Southern Africa, scientific name Tragelaphus strepsiceros, mounted on a wooden plaque,78cm wi...

Los 524


HARTEBEEST,a taxidermy hartebeest headmount, Sub-Saharan Africa, scientific name Alcelaphus buselaphus,90cm high ...[more]

Los 525


IMPALA,a taxidermy impala headmount, South-eastern Africa, scientific name Aepyceros melampus,91cm high ...[more]

Los 526


SPANISH BULL,a taxidermy bull head mount, scientific name Bos taurus, mounted on a wooden shield, inscribed in Spanish and dated 29 September 1879...

Los 527


SWAN,a taxidermy trumpeter swan, scientific name Cygnus buccinator, surmounted atop a marble-topped serpentine shaped mahogany base, 73cm wide70cm...

Los 533


MOUFLON RAM, a taxidermy mouflon ram, scientific name Ovis gmelini, mounted on a naturalistic resin base, attributed to Rowland Ward,100 x 100cm P...

Los 534


BARBARY SHEEP, 20th century, a taxidermy Barbary sheep, scientific name Ammotragus lervia, mounted on a resin base, 130cm wide163cm high ...[more]

Los 535


SARDINIAN RAM, 20th century, a taxidermy Sardinian ram, or European mouflon, scientific name Ovis musimon, on a naturalistic base attributed to Ro...

Los 536


SCARLET IBIS, early 20th century, a taxidermy scarlet ibis, scientific name Eudocimus ruber, mounted on a composite Corinthian capital, 26cm diame...

Los 538


COMMON BUZZARD,early 20th century, a taxidermy buzzard, scientific name Buteo buteo, mounted on a naturalistic base on a wooden plinth, 109cm wide...

Los 539


BARN OWL,a taxidermy barn owl, scientific name Tyto alba, with her chick, mounted in a barn nest scene,57cm wide21cm deep36cm highCITES adult A10 ...

WHITE-PLUMED BUZZARD,early 20th century, an unusual partially white-plumed taxidermy buzzard, in a museum-style case,52cm wide 24cm deep 50cm high...

Los 541


GOLDFINCH,a taxidermy European goldfinch, scientific name Carduelis carduelis, mounted in a round convex-fronted diorama case, 36cm diameter ...[...

Los 542


CAPERCAILLIE,a taxidermy half mount of a Western capercaillie, scientific name Tetrao urogallus, mounted on a wooden plaque,40 x 57cm ...[more]

Los 543


CUCKOO,an antique taxidermy cuckoo, scientific name Cucuius canorus, set within a modern acrylic dome, 46cm diameter ...[more]

  • 81 Los(e)

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