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Ein Abonnement der Preisliste ist notwendig um Ergebnisse, von Auktionen die vor einem längeren Zeitraum als 10 Tagen stattgefunden haben, ansehen zu können. Klicken Sie hier für mehr Informationen

Greek Coinages, IBERIA, Ikalkusken, Denarius, c. 200-150, male head right, rev. cavalryman left, leading additional horse, 3.78g/12h (SNG BM Spain...

Greek Coinages, IBERIA, Sekobirikes, Denarius, late 1st century BC, male head right with tightly curled hair, crescent behind and m below, rev. ca...

Greek Coinages, GAUL, Massalia, Obol, male head left, rev. m a in two quarters of four-spoked wheel, 0.70g (Sear 72). Very fine £20-£30

Greek Coinages, CALABRIA, Tarentum, Nomos, 332-302, warrior on horseback right, holding spear and shield, rev. dolphin-rider left, holding distaff...

Greek Coinages, CALABRIA, Tarentum, Nomos or Didrachm, c. 280, youth crowning horse right, rev. dolphin rider left, holding grape bunch, 7.91g (HN...

Greek Coinages, CALABRIA, Tarentum, Drachm, 280-272, head of Athena right, wearing helmeted ornamented with Scylla, rev. owl standing right on oli...

Greek Coinages, LUCANIA, Metapontum, Stater, c. 330-290, head of Demeter right, rev. barley ear with leaf to left, 7.80g (HN Italy 1581). Good fin...

Greek Coinages, LUCANIA, Velia, Didrachm or Nomos, c. 300-280, head of Athena left, wearing crested helmet, rev. lion walking right, caduceus abov...

Greek Coinages, SICILY, Gela, Æ Tetras, c. 420-5, head of river god right, hair flowing up as if in water, grain kernel behind, rev. bull right, γ...

Greek Coinages, SICILY, Syracuse, Dionysios I (405-367), Æ Drachm, c. 405-367, helmeted head of Athena left, rev. star flanked by dolphins, 32.63g...

Greek Coinages, SICILY, Syracuse, Hiketas II (287-278), Æ Litra, laureate head right, rev. eagle standing left on thunderbolt, 8.79g (McClean 2888...

Greek Coinages, MACEDON, Akanthos, Hekte, Milesian-weight, c. 470-430, forepart of bull left, head reverted in profile, rev. quadripartite incuse ...

Greek Coinages, MACEDON, Eion, Trihemiobol, 460-400, goose standing right, lizard above, a below, rev. quadripartite incuse square, 0.93g (SNG ANS...

Greek Coinages, KINGS OF MACEDON, Alexander III (336-23), Drachm, Lampsakos, posthumous issues, c. 310-01, head of Herakles right wearing lion-ski...

Greek Coinages, KINGS OF MACEDON, Alexander III, Drachm, Miletos, 325-23, head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin, rev. αλεχανδρου, Zeus seated ...

Greek Coinages, KINGS OF MACEDON, Philip III (323-17), Drachm, in the types of Alexander, head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin, rev. Zeus sea...

Greek Coinages, KINGS OF MACEDON, Perseus, Drachm, Third Macedonian War issue, mint in Thessaly, magistrate Hermias, c. 171-170, head of Helios fa...

Greek Coinages, KINGS OF MACEDON, Perseus, Drachm, Third Macedonian War issue, mint in Thessaly, magistrate Hermias, c. 171-170, head of Helios fa...

Greek Coinages, THRACE, Apollonia Pontica, Drachm, 480-450, anchor, rev. Gorgoneion facing, 3.23g (SNG BM 157; McClean 7314). Flan slightly ragged...

Greek Coinages, THRACE, Apollonia Pontica, Drachm, 480-450, anchor, flanked by crayfish and a, rev. Gorgoneion facing, 3.19g (SNG BM 153; McClean ...

Greek Coinages, THRACE, Apollonia Pontica, Diobol, c. 350-300, facing head of gorgon, rev. anchor flanked by crayfish and a, 1.16g (SNG BM 175; Mc...

Greek Coinages, THRACE, Byzantion, Siglos or Drachm, 4th century BC, πυ, heifer standing left on dolphin, rev. incuse mill sail, 5.28g (SNG BM 31f...

Greek Coinages, THRACE, Cherronesos, Hemidrachm, c. 386-338, forepart of lion right, head reverted, rev. quadripartite incuse square, with two sun...

Greek Coinages, THRACE, Cherronesos, Hemidrachm, c. 386-338, forepart of lion right, head reverted, rev. quadripartite incuse square, with two sun...

Greek Coinages, THRACE, Maroneia, Tetradrachm, 189-145, wreathed head of Dionysos right, rev. Dionysos standing left holding grapes and narthex wa...

Greek Coinages, THRACE, Olbia, cast Æ 24, 500-400, in the shape of a leaping dolphin, 1.59g (SNG BM Black Sea 372); together with another, similar...

Greek Coinages, ISLANDS OFF THRACE, Thasos, Stater, c. 500-465, full Parian-Thasian weight standard, ithyphallic satyr right, carrying nymph, rev....

Greek Coinages, KINGS OF THRACE, Lysimachos (305-281), Tetradrachm, Heraclea, 287-282, diademed and horned head of Alexander right, rev. Athena se...

Greek Coinages, KINGS OF THRACE, Rhoemetalces I, with Augustus, Æ Unit, c. 11 BC-12 AD, βασιλεωσ ροιμηταλκου, jugate busts of Rhoemetalces and Pyt...

Greek Coinages, KINGS OF PÆONIA, Patraos, Tetradrachm, c. 335-315, head of Apollo right, rev. warrior on horse advancing right, thrusting lance to...

Greek Coinages, THESSALY, Perrhaiboi, Trichalkons (7), 2nd-1st century BC, laureate head of Zeus right, revs. περραιβων, Hera seated left on stool...

Greek Coinages, AKARNANIA, Leukas, Stater, c. 400-330, Pegasus flying right, λ below, rev. helmeted head of Athena right, hippocamp behind, 8.55g/...

Greek Coinages, BOEOTIA, Federal coinage, Drachm, 225-171, laureate head of Poseidon right, rev. Nike standing left, holding wreath and trident, 4...

Greek Coinages, EUBOIA, Histiæa, Tetrobol, head of nymph right, nymph seated left on ship, αλε οn hull, 2.04g (McClean –; BMC –). Obverse slightly...

Greek Coinages, EUBOIA, Histiæa, Tetrobol, head of nymph right, nymph seated left on ship, wing on hull, 2.14g (BCD 402; McClean 5729-30). Good ve...

Greek Coinages, ATTICA, Athens, Tetradrachm, late standardised type, c. 440-405, helmeted head of Athena right, rev. owl standing right, olive spr...

Greek Coinages, ATTICA, Athens, Tetradrachm, late standardised type, c. 440-405, helmeted head of Athena right, rev. owl standing right, olive spr...

Greek Coinages, ATTICA, Athens, Tetradrachm, c. 353-294, helmeted head of Athena right, rev. owl standing right, olive sprig to left, αθε to right...

Greek Coinages, ATTICA, Athens, Trihemiobol, 454-04, helmeted head of Athena right, rev. owl facing with wings spread, olive spray above, 0.98g (K...

Greek Coinages, ATTICA, Athens, Hemiobol, c. 455-405, helmeted head of Athena right, rev. owl standing right, olive sprig to left, αθε to right, a...

Greek Coinages, CORINTHIA, Corinth, Stater, 400-350, Pegasus flying left, q below, rev. helmeted head of Athena left, phiale behind, 8.54g/10h (cf...

Greek Coinages, CORINTHIA, Corinth, Stater, 350-300, Pegasos flying left, rev. helmeted head of Athena left, chimera behind, 8.60g/11h (BMC 255; B...

Greek Coinages, CORINTHIA, Corinth, Stater, 350-300, Pegasos flying left, rev. helmeted head of Athena left, a below neck, wreath behind, 8.51g (B...

Greek Coinages, CIMMERIAN BOSPOROS, Pantikapaion, Æ Unit, 330-300, bearded head of Pan right, rev. bull’s head right, 8.05g (McDonald 69). Extreme...

Greek Coinages, CIMMERIAN BOSPOROS, Pantikapaion, Æ Unit, 330-300, bearded head of Pan right, rev. bull’s head right, 7.14g (McDonald 69). Extreme...

Greek Coinages, CIMMERIAN BOSPOROS, Pantikapaion, Æ Unit, 330-300, bearded head of Pan right, rev. bull’s head right, 8.35g (McDonald 69). Good ve...

Greek Coinages, KINGDOM OF PONTUS, Mithradates VI Eupator (120-63), Æ Unit, Amisos, helmeted head of Athena right, rev. Perseus holding scimitar a...

Greek Coinages, PONTOS, Amisos, Æ Unit, c. 125-100 (under Mithradates VI), head of Artemis right, rev. tripod, 8.45g (McClean 7361); KINGS OF BYTH...

Greek Coinages, WESTERN ASIA MINOR, Uncertain, Hemiobol, 5th century BC, head of lioness right, rev. incuse square, 0.39g; Hemitetartemorion, 5th ...

Greek Coinages, MYSIA, Kyzikos, El Hemihekte, c. 460-400, Dionysus reclining on panther leaping to the right, tunny below, rev. quadripartite incu...

Greek Coinages, MYSIA, Kyzikos, Hemiobol, 450-400, forepart of boar left, tunny fish behind, rev. roaring lion’s head, star above, 0.35g/8h (McCle...

Greek Coinages, MYSIA, Lampsakos, Drachm, c. 500-450, janiform female heads, rev. helmeted head of Athena left, olive branch in field, all with in...

Greek Coinages, MYSIA, Pergamon, Cistophoric Tetradrachm, 166-67, cista mystica with serpent escaping, garland around, rev. two serpents entwined ...

Greek Coinages, KINGS OF PERGAMON, Attalos I (241-197), Tetradrachm, Pergamon, head of Philetairos right, rev. Athena seated left, crowing legend ...

Greek Coinages, LESBOS, Methymna, Obol, facing head of Silenos, rev. tortoise within wire-line circle, 0.31g (McClean –; BMC –). With the usual su...

Greek Coinages, IONIA, Uncertain, El Ninty-Sixth Stater, 600-550, eye, rev. incuse punch, 0.12g (SNG Kayan 691; Boston MFA –). Slightly off-centre...

Greek Coinages, IONIA, Ephesos, Tetradrachm, 340-325, struck by the magistrate Epinikos, bee flanked by ethnic, rev. forepart of stag right, head ...

Greek Coinages, IONIA, Phokaia, Diobol, c. 521-478, helmeted head of Athena left, rev. quadripartite incuse square, 1.25g (SNG Kayhan 522). The us...

Greek Coinages, ACHÆMENID KINGS OF PERSIA, Cyrus the Great - Darios I (550-20), Siglos or Half-Stater, Sardes, confronted lion and bull, rev. two ...

Greek Coinages, ACHÆMENID KINGS OF PERSIA, Artaxerxes II-Darius III (375-336), Siglos, Sardes, king kneeling right, three pellets on chest, rev. i...

  • 845 Los(e)

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