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Ein Abonnement der Preisliste ist notwendig um Ergebnisse, von Auktionen die vor einem längeren Zeitraum als 10 Tagen stattgefunden haben, ansehen zu können. Klicken Sie hier für mehr Informationen

CELTIC GAUL, imitative Denarius, after uncertain Republican prototype, head right, rev. degraded figure, legend around, 2.04g. Flan splits and sur...

CELTIC GAUL, The Aedui, Quinarius, head left, rev. horse left, wheel below, 1.93g (BMC 319); together with cast potins (6) and a Vandal Nummus [8]...

CELTIC GAUL, uncertain tribe, Quarter-Stater, late 2nd-early 1st century BC, traces of head, rev. horse left with rider, lyre below, 1.63g (cf. D ...

LUCANIA, Thurium, Triobol, 440-400, head of Athena right, wearing crested and laureate helmet, rev. θουριων, bull walking right, fish below exergu...

BRUTTIUM, Rhegion, Litra, 415-387, facing lion head, rev. ρη within laurel, 0.75g (Herzfelder pl. XI, J; HN Italy 2499). Extremely fine, smooth da...

SICILY, Leontini, Obol, 475-455, facing lion scalp, rev. λε ον divided by ear of barley, 0.42g/12h (Boehringer 19; BMC 19). Nearly very fine, dark...

THRACO-MACEDONIAN TRIBES, Mygdones?, Diobol, 490-70, goat kneeling right, head reverted, two pellets around as denominational markers, rev. quadri...

MACEDON, Eion, Trihemiobol, 460-400, goose standing right, lizard above, a below, rev. quadripartite incuse square, 0.88g (SNG ANS 285-6). Good ve...

KINGS OF MACEDON, Kassander (as Regent), Tetradrachm in the name and types of Alexander III, Amphipolis, head of Herakles right wearing lion-skin,...

KINGS OF THRACE, Lysimachos, Tetradrachm, uncertain mint mark, horned bust of Alexander right, rev. Athena seated left, holding Nike crowning lege...

THESSALY, Larissa, Drachm, head of nymph facing three-quarters left, rev. horse crouching right, 5.97g (BCD Thessaly 316; McClean 4618-21; BMC 60-...

ATTICA, Athens, Obol, c. 455-05, helmeted head of Athena right, rev. owl standing right, olive sprig to left, αθε to right, all within incuse squa...

CORINTHIA, Corinth, Stater, c. 375, Pegasos flying right, rev. helmeted head of Athena left, bucranium behind, 8.33g (BMC 123; Sear 2626); EUBOIA,...

MYSIA, Kyzikos, Hemiobol, c. 530-500, head of tunny fish left, rev. degraded quadripartite incuse square, 0.46g (Rosen 515; SNG von Aulock 7325). ...

IONIA, Teos, Trihemiobol, c. 550, light Samian standard, griffin right with curved wing, rev. quadripartite incuse square, 1.71g (Matzke Gp As3, 3...

SATRAPS OF CARIA, Hekatomnos, Diobol, Kaunos?, 380-70, forepart of bull reclining left, rev. forepart of bull butting left, εκα above, 2.21g/8h (K...

SATRAPS OF CARIA, Hidrieus, Trihemiobol, Halikarnassos, 351-344, laureate head of Apollo facing slightly right, rev. stellate pattern, ι δ ρ ι bet...

PHRYGIA, Laodikeia, Cistophoric Tetradrachm, c. 133-67, struck by the magistrate Ermogenes, son of Olympiodoros, cista mystica with serpent escapi...

WESTERN ASIA MINOR, Uncertain, Hemidrachm?, 500-480, bull’s head right, rev. gorgoneion facing, framed by double beaded border, all within incuse ...

PTOLEMAIC KINGS OF EGYPT, Ptolemy III (246-222), series 4, Tetrobol, horned head of Zeus-Ammon right, rev. eagle standing left on thunderbolt, hea...

PTOLEMAIC KINGS OF EGYPT, Kleopatra VII, Æ 80 Drachmai, Alexandria, 51-30, diademed and draped bust right, rev. eagle standing left on thunderbolt...

KINGS OF CHARACENE, Apodakos, Tetradrachm, Charax-Spasinu mint, yr 197 [116/5], diademed head right, rev. Herakles seated left on rock, holding cl...

HEPHTHALITES, Anonymous, Drachm, ‘Napki Malik’ type, c. 6th century AD, 3.53g/3h (Mitchiner ACW 1502-9); Æ Drachm, similar, 3.55g/3h (Mitchiner AC...

  • 24 Los(e)

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