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Ein Abonnement der Preisliste ist notwendig um Ergebnisse, von Auktionen die vor einem längeren Zeitraum als 10 Tagen stattgefunden haben, ansehen zu können. Klicken Sie hier für mehr Informationen

British Iron Age, Early Uninscribed issues, Quarter-Stater, North-Western Qc type, Western Wheel class 1, wreath design, rev. triple-tailed horse ...

British Iron Age, Early Uninscribed issues, Quarter-Stater, North-Western Qc type, Western Wheel class 1, wreath design, rev. triple-tailed horse ...

British Iron Age, Early Uninscribed issues, Quarter-Stater, North-Western Qc type, Western Wheel class 1, wreath design, rev. triple-tailed horse ...

British Iron Age, DOBUNNI, silver Units (3), head type I/J, rev. triple-tailed horse right, cross below, 0.89g (ABC 2036; S 378); head type B; hea...

British Iron Age, DOBUNNI, Corio, Stater, tree symbol with five branches on pellet base, rev. triple-tailed horse right, wheel below, crescent and...

British Iron Age, DOBUNNI, Corio, Stater, tree symbol with five branches, rev. triple-tailed horse right, wheel below, crescent and c [?] above, f...

British Iron Age, DOBUNNI, Corio, Quarter-Stater, plain, rev. triple-tailed horse right, pelletal sun ring above, small animal below, 1.23g (ABC 2...

British Iron Age, POTIN, Unit, Thurrock type, head left, rev. bull butting left (S 62); together with other silver and bronze units (8) [9]. First...

Early Anglo-Saxon Period, Sceattas (4), Primary series F, head right with pelleted helmet, rev. small cross, pellets and annulets in angles, 1.13g...

Early Anglo-Saxon Period, Sceatta, Continental series D, type 4b, degenerate radiate bust right, small head, pyramid-beaded neck, trefoil of pelle...

Early Anglo-Saxon Period, Sceatta, Continental series D, type 8, beaded standard enclosing right angles and annulet, rev. cross pommée with pellet...

Early Anglo-Saxon Period, Sceatta, Continental series E, porcupine-like figure, body flanked by two pelleted lines, two parallel lines, cross and ...

Early Anglo-Saxon Period, Sceatta, Continental series E, uncertain variety, porcupine-like figure, 2.45g (S 790); including another Sceatta adheri...

Kings of Northumbria, Eadberht with Archbishop Ecgberht, silver Sceat, type III, otberevhter around small cross pattee in beaded circle, rev. ecgb...

Kings of Wessex, Ecgberht (802-39), Penny, Rochester, Dunun, +ecgbeorht re, diademed head right within inner circle, rev. +dunun monet, cross pote...

John (1199-1216), Penny, class Va2, London, Willem, willelm . on . lvn (SCBI Mass 1285; S 1350B); together with other Short Cross Pennies of John ...

Henry III (1216-1272), Long Cross coinage, Penny, Gloucester, class 3b, roger on gloc, 1.23g/9h (S 1363); together with other Long Cross Pennies (...

Edward I (1272-1307), Pennies (2), class 1c, London, 1.27g/12h (S 1382); class 3d, Bristol, 1.24g/9h (S 1416); together with other Edward I Pennie...

Edward I (1272-1307), Halfpenny, London, class 4c, 0.62g/3h (N 1046/1; S 1433A); together with other hammered coins (17), many fragmentary [18]. F...

Edward II (1307-1327), Penny, class 14, Canterbury, 1.08g/12h (S 1466); Edward III, Pre-Treaty period, series E, Penny, York, quatrefoil after ang...

Edward III (1327-1377), Pre-Treaty period, Groat, series C, mm. cross 1, annulet stops, 4.41g/12 (LAL 7; N 1147; S 1565). Very fine £100-£120

Edward III (1327-1377), Pre-Treaty period, Halfgroats (2), series C, London, mm. cross 1, 2.23g/1h (LAL 7; N 1148; S 1574); class E, York, mm. cro...

Henry IV (1399-1413), Light coinage, Halfpenny, London, no marks by crown, narrow bust, 0.42g/8h (Withers type 1; N 1366; S 1737). About very fine...

Henry V (1413-1422), Penny, York, mullet and broken annulet by hair, 0.90g/9h (S 1778); Penny, Durham, quatrefoil at end of legend (S 1782); toget...

Henry VI (First reign, 1422-1461), Annulet issue, Halfpenny, London (S 1848); Leaf-Pellet issue, Penny, Durham (S 1926); Edward IV, First reign, H...

Henry VI (First reign, 1422-1461), Rosette-Mascle issue, Groat, Calais, mm. pierced cross/plain cross, 3.79g (N 1446; S 1859); Edward IV, Light co...

Edward IV (First reign, 1461-1470), Light coinage, Groat, Bristol, class VII, mm. crown, b on breast, quatrefoils by neck, fleurs on cusps except ...

Henry VII (1485-1509), Sovereign Penny, Durham, Bp Fox, r d at sides of shield (S 2233-4); Henry VIII, Second coinage, Penny, Durham, Bp Wolsey, m...

Henry VIII (1509-1547), Second coinage, Groat, Tower, mm. arrow, bust D, 2.67g/7h (Whitton (viii); N 1797; S 2337E). Good fine with grey patina £...

Elizabeth I (1558-1603), Third issue, Sixpence, 1567, mm. coronet; Fourth issue, Threehalfpence, 1575, mm. eglantine; Fifth issue, Threepence, 157...

Elizabeth I (1558-1603), Fifth issue, Threepence, 1578, mm. Greek cross, 1.55g/3h (N 1998; S 2573). About very fine £60-£80

James I (1603-1625), First coinage, Penny, mm. thistle; Second coinage, Sixpence, 1608, mm. coronet; Penny, mm. lis; together with a Commonwealth ...

Charles I (1625-1649), Tower mint, Halfgroat, Gp D, fourth bust, mm. uncertain (S 2829); together with Pennies (4) and Halfpence (2) [7]. Fine to ...

Charles I (1625-1649), Rose Farthing, type V, sceptres below crown, mm. mullet (S 3207); together with other Farthings (33) [34]. First very fine,...

Charles II (1660-1685), Threepence, 1680, Twopence, 1679; James II, Shilling, 1688, Twopence, 1687; William III, Sixpence, 1697; together with oth...

Scotland, Alexander III, Second coinage, Sterling, class Mb, four mullets of 24 points (S 5054); James VI, Eighth-Thistle Merk (S 5500); Charles I...

Scotland, Alexander III, Second coinage, Halfpenny, mm. cross pattée, rev. two mullets of six points, 0.60g/6h (SCBI 35, 287; B 3; S 5061). Fine £...

Ireland, John, Penny, Dublin, Roberd, 1.40g/11h (S 6228); Edward I, Early issue, Halfpenny and Farthing, Dublin (S 6252, 6255); Late issue, Penny,...

Miscellaneous, Henry II to Henry III, Short Cross cut Halfpence (46), mints include Bury St Edmunds, Canterbury, London, Northampton and Wincheste...

Miscellaneous, Henry II to Charles II, hammered silver coins (22), together with cut halfpennies and farthings (42) [64]. Varied state £40-£60

Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous hammered coins (55), including Richard I, Penny, London, Stivene; Elizabeth I, Sixth issue, Shilling, mm. woolpack [5...

Miscellaneous, Assorted jetons (8), 14th-16th century, including sterling head, rev. cross and pellets; cross with saltires in angles; bear walkin...

Papal States, Innocent IV (1243-54), lead papal Bulla, heads of St Peter and St Paul within beaded frames, spaspe above, rev. innocentivs pp iiii ...

Roman Coins, Tiberius, Denarii (2), both Lugdunum, after 16 AD, laureate bust right, rev. Livia seated right (RCV 464); together with other Denari...

Roman Coins, Antoninus Pius, Sestertius, 147, laureate head right, rev. felicitas avg sc, Felicitas standing left, holding capricorn and long wing...

Roman Coins, Maximinus I, Denarii (2), rev. Victory advancing right (RCV 8317); together with Antoniniani (2), of Julia Maesa and Salonina [4]. Ve...

Roman Coins, Carausius (286-293), Antoninianus, imp caravsivs pf avg, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right, rev. [----]idend avg, Fides Militv...

Roman Coins, Carausius, Antoniniani (34), revs. including Pax standing left, Fides standing holding two standards, Jupiter standing left holding s...

Roman Coins, Carausius, Antoniniani (5), including Pax standing left, ml in exergue retrograde; Allectus, Antoniniani (4) [9]. Varied state £40-£...

Roman Coins, Gratian, Solidus, Trier, 375-8, dn gratia nvs pf avg, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right, rev. victor ia avgg, two emper...

Roman Coins, Roman Denarii (15), 2nd-3rd century, including Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Faustina I, Julia Domna, Lucius Verus, and Septimius ...

Roman Coins, Roman Imperial bronze coins (146), 1st-4th century [146]. Varied state, all with detailed tickets and find spots £40-£60

  • 64 Los(e)

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