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Ein Abonnement der Preisliste ist notwendig um Ergebnisse, von Auktionen die vor einem längeren Zeitraum als 10 Tagen stattgefunden haben, ansehen zu können. Klicken Sie hier für mehr Informationen

A Great War ‘Western Front’ M.C. awarded to Lieutenant E. Gill, South Wales Borderers Military Cross, G.V.R., reverse engraved ‘Lieut. E. Gill. 1...

A Great War 1916 ‘Western Front’ M.C. group of four awarded to Captain C. H. Cork, 16th (Service) Battalion, King’s Royal Rifle Corps (Church Lads...

A Great War ‘Western Front’ M.C. attributed to Captain W. D. Bryan, 18th (Service) Battalion, Highland Light Infantry (4th Glasgow) Military Cros...

The extremely rare Great War ‘Somme’ D.C.M., 1918 ‘Capture of Meteren’ Second Award Bar, and ‘Battle of Courtrai’ Third Award Bar group of four aw...

A fine Great War 1918 ‘V.C. action’ D.C.M., 1918 ‘Western Front’ M.M. group of four awarded to stretcher-bearer Lance Corporal B. Linsley, 5th Bat...

A Great War 1915 ‘Cuinchy operations’ D.C.M. awarded to Private F. Doolan, 1st Battalion, Liverpool Regiment, who was killed in action on the Somm...

A Great War ‘French theatre’ stretcher-bearer’s D.C.M. awarded to Private P. Ambrose, 4th (Extra Reserve) Battalion, Liverpool Regiment Distingu...

A Great War 1915 ‘Western Front’ D.C.M. group of four awarded to Sergeant J. Clough, 1/8th (Leeds Rifles), West Yorkshire Regiment, later Army Ord...

A Great War ‘Gallipoli - Suvla Bay landing operations’ D.C.M. awarded to Private I. Walton, 9th Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers, for saving the li...

A Great War 1918 ‘Western Front’ D.C.M. awarded to Private G. Burgess, 1st Battalion, South Wales Borderers Distinguished Conduct Medal, G.V.R. (...

A Great War 1918 ‘Capture of Dadizeele’ stretcher-bearer’s D.C.M. awarded to Private J. Hutchinson, 2nd Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, al...

A Great War 1915 ‘Attack on Spanbroekmolen’ D.C.M. pair awarded to Private W. Suffolk, 3rd Battalion, Worcestershire Regiment Distinguished Condu...

A Great War 1915 ‘Western Front’ D.C.M. group of four awarded to Private A. Collard, 2nd Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment Distinguished Conduc...

Family group: A Great War 1915 ‘Battle of Shaiba’ stretcher-bearer’s D.C.M. pair awarded to Private F. Scadden, 2nd Battalion, Dorsetshire Regime...

A Great War 1918 ‘Western Front’ stretcher-bearer’s D.C.M. awarded to Private H. Greenhall, 2/4th South Lancashire Regiment Distinguished Conduct...

A Great War 1915 ‘French theatre’ D.C.M. awarded to Lance Corporal A. J. West, 1st Battalion, Middlesex Regiment, later Argyll and Sutherland High...

A Great War 1915 ‘Gallipoli’ stretcher-bearer’s D.C.M. awarded to Private T. Seddon, 1/5th Battalion, Manchester Regiment, who despite already bei...

A Great War D.C.M. group of five awarded to Company Sergeant Major C. Miller, 12th (Service) Battalion, Durham Light Infantry, late Coldstream Gua...

A Great War 1914 ‘Winter operations’ D.C.M. awarded to Private A. Smith, 1st Battalion, Gordon Highlanders, who distinguished himself in action, 1...

A Great War 1915 ‘French theatre’ D.C.M. group of four awarded to Lance Corporal, later Second Lieutenant, W. S. Muir, 1/6th (Renfrewshire) Battal...

A Great War 1915 ‘Ypres operations’ D.C.M. group of three awarded to Private J. Coyne, 1/9th (The Dumbartonshire) Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland...

A fine Great War D.C.M. group of five awarded to Private L. Schofield, Rifle Brigade, who was decorated for his gallantry in the ‘liquid fire atta...

A Great War 1915 ‘Western Front’ D.C.M. group of four awarded to Private A. H. S. Hale, 1/3rd (City of London) Battalion, London Regiment (Royal F...

A Great War 1918 ‘Western Front’ stretcher-bearer’s D.C.M. group of three awarded to Private C. H. W. Roberts, 2/4th (City of London) Battalion, L...

A good Great War 1916 ‘Western Front’ trench raid D.C.M. awarded to Lance Corporal H. E. Bradley, 2/23rd (County of London) Battalion, London Regi...

A Great War 1915 ‘Ypres’ D.C.M. awarded to Private J. Donaghue, 4th (Central Ontario) Battalion, Canadian Infantry Distinguished Conduct Medal, G...

A Great War 1917 ‘Western Front’ M.M. group of four awarded to Lance Sergeant J. Ashcroft, 1/5th Battalion, Royal Lancaster Regiment, late Cheshir...

A Great War 1916 ‘Western Front’ M.M. awarded to Private M. Kiernan, 24th (Service) Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers (1st Tyneside Irish) Mili...

A Great War 1917 ‘Western Front’ stretcher-bearer’s M.M. group of three awarded Private J. Kenrick, 4th (Extra Reserve) Battalion, Liverpool Regim...

Family group: A Great War 1918 ‘Western Front’ stretcher-bearer’s M.M. group of three awarded to Private J. W. Birtwistle, 2/5th Battalion, Lanca...

A Great War 1918 ‘Givenchy operations’ M.M. group of five awarded to Private T. W. E. Jones, 2/5th Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers, for saving the...

A Great War 1918 ‘French theatre’ stretcher-bearer’s M.M. group of three awarded to Private A. Bruce, 6th (Service) Battalion, King’s Own Scottish...

A Great War 1916 ‘French theatre’ stretcher-bearer’s M.M. group of four awarded to Private F. A. Insley, 10th (Service) Battalion, Worcestershire ...

A Great War ‘First Day of the Battle of the Somme’ M.M. group of four awarded to Corporal G. Wilson, East Lancashire Regiment, for conspicuous bra...

A Great War 1916 ‘French theatre’ M.M. group of four awarded to Bandsman, later Lance Corporal, G. Williams, 2nd Battalion, Welsh Regiment, who wa...

A Great War 1918 ‘Western Front’ M.M. and Croix de Guerre group of five awarded to Private C. J. Clark, 11th (Service) Battalion, Essex Regiment, ...

A Great War 1916 ‘French theatre’ M.M. group of three awarded to Private R. R. Jones, 18th (Service) Battalion, King’s Royal Rifle Corps (Arts and...

A Great War ‘Salonika operations’ M.M. and French Medal of Honour group of five awarded to Bandsman, Later Lance Corporal, F. J. Harbird, 1st Batt...

A Great War 1917 ‘Passchendaele’ M.M. group of four awarded Private T. H. Stirling, 2nd Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders Military Medal, G.V.R. (S...

A Great War 1916 ‘French theatre’ M.M. group of four awarded to Sergeant A. Noble, 1/19th (County of London) Battalion, London Regiment (St. Pancr...

A Great War 1917 ‘Passchendaele’ M.M. group of three awarded to Private T. Dickson, 7th (1st British Columbia) Battalion, Canadian Infantry Milit...

A Great War 1916 ‘Western Front’ M.M. group of four awarded to Company Sergeant Major, later Lieutenant, K. C. McIntyre, 24th Battalion (Victoria ...

A Great War 1916 ‘Mouquet Farm, Somme’ stretcher-bearer’s M.M. awarded to Private A. H. Davis, 13th Australian Infantry Battalion, Australian Impe...

The outstanding ‘1916 Pozieres Ridge, Somme’ M.M. awarded to Armourer-Sergeant, later Captain, G. Harry, 26th Australian Infantry Battalion, origi...

  • 44 Los(e)

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