Russische Emaille-Malerei, signiert G.N. Dubkov und datiert 1846
13,4 x 10,9 cm
Die Vorlage war ein Kupferstich von Hendrik Goltzius (1558-1617). Dubkov gehörte zu den Künstlern, welche in den 80ger Jahren des 18. Jh. das neu in Rostov aufgekommene Kunsthandwerk der Emaille-Malerei betrieben. // Provenienz: Norddeutsche Privatsammlung
*Bacchus, Russian Enamel-Painting, signed G.N. Dubkov and dated 1846, 13,4 x 10,9 cm // The painting was made after a copper-etching of Hendrik Goltzius (1558-1617). Dubkov was one of the artists who started in the eighties of the 18th c. with Enamel-Painting in Rostov. // Provenience: North-German Private Collection
Russian Enamel-Painting, signed G.N. Dubkov and dated 1846
13,4 x 10,9 cm
The painting was made after a copper-etching of Hendrik Goltzius (1558-1617). Dubkov was
one of the artists who started in the eighties of the 18th c. with Enamel-Painting in
Provenience: North-German Private Collection