Skulptur - Franco Prosperi (1939 Tunesien - ansässig Assisi Italien) "Ohne Titel", signiert und datiert 83, Bronze, Höhe ca. 42 cm, montiert auf hohem Marmorsockel, Gesamthöhe ca. 153 cm, vgl. Lit. : Monuments and museums in which there are documented works - Basilicae e Sacro Convento di San Francesco, Assisi, Umbria - Galleria d'arte moderna dell Pro Civitate Christiana, Assisi - Modern Art Gallery Pro Vobis, Assisi - Italian Institute of Culture, St. Petersburg - Art exhibition in Scientific & Research Museum Ilya Repin's Memorial Home "Penates" St. Petersburg - The State Museum of the History of Religion - St. Petersburg - Working Men's Institute Museum & Library in New Harmony Indiana USA, etc.