

Diese Auktion ist eine LIVE Auktion! Sie müssen für diese Auktion registriert und als Bieter freigeschaltet sein, um bieten zu können.
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Sie sind zurzeit Höchstbieter! Um sicher zustellen, dass Sie das Los ersteigern, melden Sie sich zum Live Bieten an unter , oder erhöhen Sie ihr Maximalgebot.
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Entschuldigung, die Gebotsabgabephase ist leider beendet. Es erscheinen täglich 1000 neue Lose auf lot-tissimo.com, bitte starten Sie eine neue Anfrage.
Das Bieten auf dieser Auktion hat noch nicht begonnen. Bitte, registrieren Sie sich jetzt, so dass Sie zugelassen werden bis die Auktion startet.
Andy Warhol - Bild 1 aus 3
Andy Warhol - Bild 2 aus 3
Andy Warhol - Bild 3 aus 3
Andy Warhol - Bild 1 aus 3
Andy Warhol - Bild 2 aus 3
Andy Warhol - Bild 3 aus 3
Das Auktionshaus hat für dieses Los keine Ergebnisse veröffentlicht
Andy Warhol, Long legs.

Tuschezeichnung auf Velin. (Um 1956). Ca. 45 x 26,5 cm. Verso mit den zwei Stempeln von „THE ESTATE OF ANDY WARHOL" und der Andy Warhol Foundation, New York sowie der Archivnummer „AR411.040“.

Taxation: regelbesteuert (VAT: Regular Taxation)
Andy Warhol, Long legs.

Indian ink drawing on wove. (Around 1956). Ca. 45 x 26.5 cm. With two stamps by "THE ESTATE OF ANDY WARHOL" and the Andy Warhol Foundation, New York and the archive number "AR411.040" on the reverse.

Taxation: regelbesteuert (VAT: Regular Taxation)
Andy Warhol, Long legs.

Tuschezeichnung auf Velin. (Um 1956). Ca. 45 x 26,5 cm. Verso mit den zwei Stempeln von „THE ESTATE OF ANDY WARHOL" und der Andy Warhol Foundation, New York sowie der Archivnummer „AR411.040“.

Taxation: regelbesteuert (VAT: Regular Taxation)
Andy Warhol, Long legs.

Indian ink drawing on wove. (Around 1956). Ca. 45 x 26.5 cm. With two stamps by "THE ESTATE OF ANDY WARHOL" and the Andy Warhol Foundation, New York and the archive number "AR411.040" on the reverse.

Taxation: regelbesteuert (VAT: Regular Taxation)

Auktion 304: Zeitgenössische Kunst

Lose: 1000-1247
Lose: 900-950
Ort der Versteigerung
Amiraplatz 3 - Luitpoldblock

Für Karl & Faber Kunstauktionen Versandinformtation bitte wählen Sie +49 (0)89 221865.

Wichtige Informationen

Zu Aufgeld und Mehrwertsteuer prüfen Sie bitte das jeweilige Los sowie die Versteigerungsbedingungen.

For buyer’s premium and VAT please check particular lot and the Conditions of Sale..


(English Version below)

Versteigerungsbedingungen für das Online-Portal
(Online-Shop und sogenannte Online-Only-Auktionen)


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Link zur Widerrufsbelehrung und Widerrufsformular: https://www.karlundfaber.de/_media/2021/03/karlundfaber_widerrufsrecht.pdf

Stand: März 2021


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1. The object of purchase shall only be delivered to the customer by KARL & FABER after receipt of the complete purchase price including shipping costs. The delivery period shall be five working days. The delivery period shall begin upon conclusion of the contract and the complete payment of the purchase price. Alternatively, the customer may collect the object of purchase from the business premises of KARL & FABER after full payment of the purchase price and prior agreement of a collection date. KARL & FABER may refuse a collection if it is to take place later than 14 days after receipt of full payment of the purchase price.

2. If the customer is a consumer, KARL & FABER shall bear the transport risk; if the customer is an entrepreneur or merchant, the customer shall bear the transport risk.

3. The purchase price and the shipping costs are to be paid within two weeks of receipt of the invoice by KARL & FABER at the latest.

4. The customer is not entitled to offset against purchase price claims of KARL & FABER or to assert rights of retention unless counterclaims of the customer have been legally established or are undisputed or concern notices of defects or counterclaims from the same purchase contract. If the customer is an entrepreneur or merchant, he waives his rights under § 273 and § 320 BGB.


1. The ownership to the object of purchase shall only pass on to the buyer after the complete payment of all amounts owed to KARL&FABER. In the event that the customer has already sold the object of purchase before he has fulfilled all claims against KARL & FABER, he hereby assigns to KARL & FABER all claims arising for the customer from the resale; the customer from the resale hereby accepts the assignment.

2. This retention of title pursuant to No. 1 shall also apply to merchants and legal entities for other claims of KARL & FABER arising from current business relationships, in particular the sale of other objects.

3. If the buyer is in default of payment, KARL & FABER may rescind the contract after having granted an additional grace period; if such right is exercised, then all the rights of the buyer in respect of the object of purchase shall expire and become void. In this case, KARL & FABER shall be entitled to claim damages in lieu of performance. If the item is sold again, the original defaulting buyer shall be liable for the resulting damage, in particular storage costs, loss, and loss of profit.

4. In the event of default of payment, the buyer shall owe default interest at the rate of 1 % per month, without prejudice to further claims for damages. The buyer shall have the right to prove a lower or no damage on the part of KARL & FABER.

5. If, within the framework of the usual checks, a suspicion of money laundering is found to exist on the part of the purchaser, KARL & FABER is entitled to withdraw from the contract. In this case, the buyer has no right to execute the purchase contract.


1. All items offered for sale on the Online Platform are used; their condition depends on age and origin. Complaints about the state of preservation shall only be mentioned in the descriptions of KARL&FABER if, in the opinion of KARL & FABER, they significantly impair the overall visual impression of the object. The absence of information on the state of preservation thus has no explanatory effect and in particular does not constitute a guarantee or quality agreement in the sense of purchasing law; the same applies to oral or written statements.

2. The contractually agreed quality of the works of art refers only to statements on their authorship. KARL & FABER does not assume a special warranty, from which rights beyond this (§ 443 and § 477 BGB) result. Further characteristics other than the authorship of the offered works of art are not contractually agreed even if the object is exhibited for advertising reasons; this shall only not apply if KARL & FABER expressly assumes a guarantee for a certain characteristic or quality in writing.

3. The assertion of warranty rights against KARL & FABER shall become timebarred one year after delivery of the object of purchase.

4. If the buyer proves within one year after delivery of the object of purchase that information about the authorship is incorrect and did not match the accepted opinion of the experts on the day of the conclusion of the purchase contract, KARL&FABER undertakes to assert its rights against the consignor – if necessary also in court. In the event of successful recourse against the consignor, KARL & FABER shall reimburse the purchaser for what has actually been obtained by the customer up to a maximum of the total purchase price, if no third party claims exist for the work of art and the work of art is returned to KARL & FABER undamaged.

5. Claims for damages against KARL & FABER due to legal and material defects as well as claims for reimbursement of expenses, loss of profit, indirect damages and expert costs shall be excluded unless they are based on intentional or grossly negligent actions of KARL & FABER (including its vicarious agents), which are caused by a violation of cardinal contractual obligations or damages due to injury to life, body or health. This limitation of liability shall apply to the same extent in favour of the bodies and legal representatives as well as the employees and other vicarious agents of KARL & FABER.


1. KARL & FABER shall not be liable for the uninterrupted and fault-free accessibility and usability of the Online Platform insofar as KARL & FABER is not responsible for this. This applies in particular to damages and disadvantages arising from the fact that the buyer was unable to submit his purchase price bids or was late in submitting them due to such a fault, or that these bids were not received or were received late.

2. If no purchase price offers can be submitted at times due to a fault, KARL & FABER may extend the Offer Period by the duration of the fault.


Any customs duties and charges or other costs incurred in connection with the export and import of the object of purchase shall be borne by the purchaser. It is the obligation of the buyer to inform himself about import and export restrictions.


1. German law shall apply exclusively. The place of performance and jurisdiction is, as far as legally permissible, Munich.

2. If one or several provisions of these Conditions of Sale should be or become invalid, then the validity of the remaining other provisions shall not be affected thereof. In this case, the contracting parties undertake to replace the invalid provision with a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the meaning and purpose of the invalid provision.

3. These Conditions of Sale shall govern all relations between the buyer and KARL & FABER. General terms and conditions of the buyer shall not apply. No verbal ancillary agreements have been concluded. Amendments to these Conditions of Sale are to be made in writing; this shall also apply for the relinquishment and waiver of this writing requirement.

Link to the instructions on cancellation and the cancellation form: https://www.karlundfaber.de/_media/2021/03/karlundfaber_widerrufsrecht.pdf

Revised: March 2021



Vollständige AGBs