

SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL: (1581-1660) An extremely rare example of one Saint writing to another Saint


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SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL: (1581-1660) An extremely rare example of one Saint writing to another Saint - Bild 1 aus 3
SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL: (1581-1660) An extremely rare example of one Saint writing to another Saint - Bild 2 aus 3
SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL: (1581-1660) An extremely rare example of one Saint writing to another Saint - Bild 3 aus 3
SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL: (1581-1660) An extremely rare example of one Saint writing to another Saint - Bild 1 aus 3
SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL: (1581-1660) An extremely rare example of one Saint writing to another Saint - Bild 2 aus 3
SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL: (1581-1660) An extremely rare example of one Saint writing to another Saint - Bild 3 aus 3
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Estepona, Malaga
SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL: (1581-1660) French Catholic Priest. Venerated both in the Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion. Canonized in 1737 by Pope Clement XII. Vincent de Paul is known for his humility and for serving the poor. Extremely rare autograph letter, one of the very few letters ever seen being written by a Saint to another Saint, A.L.S., in full and in his hand, `Votre très humble serviteur Vincent de Paul, Indigne Prêtre de la Mission´, (''Your very humble server Vincent de Paul, Unworthy Priest of the Mission''), two pages, 4to, Fréneville, 4th February 1649, to Louise de Marillac, in French. Saint Vincent de Paul states in part `La grâce de Notre Seigneur soit avec vous pour jamais! Me voici encore à Fréneville où ce temps si froid m´a surpris, à l´occasion de la fête que j´y ai voulu passer, pour aider à disposer ces bonnes gens pour se donner à Dieu, afin qu´il lui plaise leur faire la grâce de faire bon usage des afflictions qu´ils attendent. Nos chères soeurs me paraissent de plus en plus unies et aimant leur vocation, et s´en acquittent bien, Dieu merci; elles nous doinnent de leur pain... cela est venu de leur charité, nous leur donnerons du blé en récompense. Elles nous ont aussi envoyé des pommes, que les bonnes gens leur ont données. Elles se confessent à M. Le Gros, depuis le temps qu´elles avaient été à quelqu´un de nos, et ont fait de même à nous, depuis qu´elles ont été à M. Le Gros. Cette pratique me paraît bonne ...´ (Translation: "The grace of Our Lord be with you forever! Here I am again in Fréneville where this cold weather surprised me, on the occasion of the celebration that I wanted to spend there, to help prepare these good people to give themselves to God, so that it would please him give the grace to make good use of the afflictions they expect. Our dear sisters seem to me to be more and more united and loving their vocation, and are fulfilling it well, thank God; they give us their bread... this came from their charity, we will give them wheat.They also sent us apples, which the good people gave them. They confess to Mr. Le Gros, since the time they had been with one of ours, and have done the same to us, since they were with Mr. Le Gros. This practice seems good to me") Further St. Vincent de Paul congratulates his correspondent, saying `Je vous trouve bien courageuse de tenir ainsi bon dans votre maison. L´on parlait du fou d´autrefois, et c´est ce qui me fit vous écrire ce que je vous ai écrit. L´on n´en viendra pas à cet excès, comme je crois. Notre Seigneur vous donne de la santé parmi tout cela; je l´en remercie de tout mon coeur et le prie à la sainte messe, où je vous vois devant Dieu tous les jours, qu´il vous conserve.´ (Translation: "I think that you are very courageous to hold on in your house like this. They were talking about the madman of the past, and that's what made me write to you what I wrote to you. We will not come to this excess, as I believe. Our Lord gives you health among all this; I thank him with all my heart and pray to him at Holy Mass, where I see you before God every day, may he preserve you...") Before concluding Vincent de Paul explains that he intends to travel to Angers and sends all his blessings, saying `Dès que le beau temps sera venu, j´espère partir et d´aller droit à Angers, Dieu aidant, où Dieu sait de quel coeur j´y verrai vos filles... Voila Mademoiselle, ce que je vous dirai pour le présent, sinon que je me recommande à vos prières et à celles de nos chères soeurs, qui suis, en l´amour de Notre Seigneur, Mademoiselle, votre très humble serviteur.´ (Translation: "As soon as the good weather comes, I hope to leave and go straight to Angers, God helping, where God knows with what heart I will see your daughters there... Here is Mademoiselle, what I will tell you for the present, except that I recommend myself to your prayers and to those of our dear sisters, who am, in the love of Our Lord, Mademoiselle, your very humble servant...") With address leaf, addressed to Mademoiselle Le Gras. Bearing to the address leaf an attractivce paper seal affixed in good condition. Small overall minor age wear, with two extremely small holes, not affecting the signature and edges slightly trimmed. G to VGLouise de Marillac (1591-1660) also known as Louise Le Gras. Co-founder, with Vincent de Paul, of the Daughters of Charity. She is venerated as a Saint by the Catholic Churchand and the Episcopal Church in the United States of America.Jean Baptiste Le Gros (1614-1655) Priest at St. Lazare in 1644, later at Saint Charles in 1651, and in his late years at Richelieu.
SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL: (1581-1660) French Catholic Priest. Venerated both in the Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion. Canonized in 1737 by Pope Clement XII. Vincent de Paul is known for his humility and for serving the poor. Extremely rare autograph letter, one of the very few letters ever seen being written by a Saint to another Saint, A.L.S., in full and in his hand, `Votre très humble serviteur Vincent de Paul, Indigne Prêtre de la Mission´, (''Your very humble server Vincent de Paul, Unworthy Priest of the Mission''), two pages, 4to, Fréneville, 4th February 1649, to Louise de Marillac, in French. Saint Vincent de Paul states in part `La grâce de Notre Seigneur soit avec vous pour jamais! Me voici encore à Fréneville où ce temps si froid m´a surpris, à l´occasion de la fête que j´y ai voulu passer, pour aider à disposer ces bonnes gens pour se donner à Dieu, afin qu´il lui plaise leur faire la grâce de faire bon usage des afflictions qu´ils attendent. Nos chères soeurs me paraissent de plus en plus unies et aimant leur vocation, et s´en acquittent bien, Dieu merci; elles nous doinnent de leur pain... cela est venu de leur charité, nous leur donnerons du blé en récompense. Elles nous ont aussi envoyé des pommes, que les bonnes gens leur ont données. Elles se confessent à M. Le Gros, depuis le temps qu´elles avaient été à quelqu´un de nos, et ont fait de même à nous, depuis qu´elles ont été à M. Le Gros. Cette pratique me paraît bonne ...´ (Translation: "The grace of Our Lord be with you forever! Here I am again in Fréneville where this cold weather surprised me, on the occasion of the celebration that I wanted to spend there, to help prepare these good people to give themselves to God, so that it would please him give the grace to make good use of the afflictions they expect. Our dear sisters seem to me to be more and more united and loving their vocation, and are fulfilling it well, thank God; they give us their bread... this came from their charity, we will give them wheat.They also sent us apples, which the good people gave them. They confess to Mr. Le Gros, since the time they had been with one of ours, and have done the same to us, since they were with Mr. Le Gros. This practice seems good to me") Further St. Vincent de Paul congratulates his correspondent, saying `Je vous trouve bien courageuse de tenir ainsi bon dans votre maison. L´on parlait du fou d´autrefois, et c´est ce qui me fit vous écrire ce que je vous ai écrit. L´on n´en viendra pas à cet excès, comme je crois. Notre Seigneur vous donne de la santé parmi tout cela; je l´en remercie de tout mon coeur et le prie à la sainte messe, où je vous vois devant Dieu tous les jours, qu´il vous conserve.´ (Translation: "I think that you are very courageous to hold on in your house like this. They were talking about the madman of the past, and that's what made me write to you what I wrote to you. We will not come to this excess, as I believe. Our Lord gives you health among all this; I thank him with all my heart and pray to him at Holy Mass, where I see you before God every day, may he preserve you...") Before concluding Vincent de Paul explains that he intends to travel to Angers and sends all his blessings, saying `Dès que le beau temps sera venu, j´espère partir et d´aller droit à Angers, Dieu aidant, où Dieu sait de quel coeur j´y verrai vos filles... Voila Mademoiselle, ce que je vous dirai pour le présent, sinon que je me recommande à vos prières et à celles de nos chères soeurs, qui suis, en l´amour de Notre Seigneur, Mademoiselle, votre très humble serviteur.´ (Translation: "As soon as the good weather comes, I hope to leave and go straight to Angers, God helping, where God knows with what heart I will see your daughters there... Here is Mademoiselle, what I will tell you for the present, except that I recommend myself to your prayers and to those of our dear sisters, who am, in the love of Our Lord, Mademoiselle, your very humble servant...") With address leaf, addressed to Mademoiselle Le Gras. Bearing to the address leaf an attractivce paper seal affixed in good condition. Small overall minor age wear, with two extremely small holes, not affecting the signature and edges slightly trimmed. G to VGLouise de Marillac (1591-1660) also known as Louise Le Gras. Co-founder, with Vincent de Paul, of the Daughters of Charity. She is venerated as a Saint by the Catholic Churchand and the Episcopal Church in the United States of America.Jean Baptiste Le Gros (1614-1655) Priest at St. Lazare in 1644, later at Saint Charles in 1651, and in his late years at Richelieu.


Lose: 600
Lose: 550
Lose: 520
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El Real del Campanario
num.12 Bajo B

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