

MONNET JEAN: (1888-1979) French civil servant, diplomat,


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MONNET JEAN: (1888-1979) French civil servant, diplomat, - Bild 1 aus 3
MONNET JEAN: (1888-1979) French civil servant, diplomat, - Bild 2 aus 3
MONNET JEAN: (1888-1979) French civil servant, diplomat, - Bild 3 aus 3
MONNET JEAN: (1888-1979) French civil servant, diplomat, - Bild 1 aus 3
MONNET JEAN: (1888-1979) French civil servant, diplomat, - Bild 2 aus 3
MONNET JEAN: (1888-1979) French civil servant, diplomat, - Bild 3 aus 3
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‘we have reached the point where the liberation of France is near….. to have the full benefit of this position, the Commander-in-Chief must be you’ MONNET JEAN: (1888-1979) French civil servant, diplomat, administrator and political visionary who played a significant role as a representative of France, and adviser to Winston S. Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt, during World War II. An influential supporter of European unity during the 1950s, Monnet is considered one of the founding fathers of the European Union and is often looked upon as the 'Father of Europe' in recognition of his pioneering and innovative concepts. An extremely rare and historically important World War II date A.L.S., Jean Monnet, three pages, 4to, n.p., 25th September 1943 ('samedi soir'), to Henri Giraud ('Mon General'), in French. Monnet makes an impassioned plea to Giraud, 'En cette heure grave je viens vous prier de reconsiderer votre decision et de demeurer avec nous' (Translation: 'In the grave hour I come to ask you to reconsider your decision and to remain with us') and continues to set out his reasons, 'Je comprends mieux que personne l'amertume que peut vous donner la forme desagreable des relations entre certains membres du Comite. Je comprends aussi que parfois vous soyez las d'avoir toujours a soutenir des debats penibles. Mais nous sommes arrives au point ou la liberation de la France est prochaine. Il nous faut sans perdre une minute ni un gramme de nos forces preparer la rentree en France. Pour cela je suis convaincu que, entre autres, cinq questions sont essentielles: organiser le travail du Comite  afin qu'il prepare enfin utilement toutes les mesures que nous devons prevoir et prendre pour la rentree en France; que nous precisions et fassions reconnaitre definitivement la responsabilite collective du Comite; que vous vous concentriez sur votre role de Commandant en chef sans etre tenu par une tache administrative; que nous precisions comment sera nommee l'assemblee provisoire qui nommera la Gouvernement Provisoire; qu'enfin nous precisions notre politique vis-a-vis de nos allies. L'objet des dispositions soumises au Comite etait de preciser les trois premieres questions. J'ai vote pour les mesures proposees car dans leur ensemble je les crois bonnes. Ainsi que je vous l'ai dit voici de longs mois je suis convaincu que le Commandent en chef des troupes francaises jouera un role allie essential lorsque les troupes alliees et francaises rentreont en France. Pour que la France ait le benefice complet de cette position il faut que le Commandant en chef soit vous' (Translation: 'I understand better than anyone the bitterness that the disagreeable form of relations between certain members of the Committee can give you. I also understand that sometimes your tired of always having to sustain painful debates. But we have reached the point where the liberation of France is near. We must, without wasting a minute or a gram of our forces, prepare for the return to France. For this I am convinced that, among others, five questions are essential: to organise the work of the Committee so that it finally prepares usefully all the measures that we must plan and take for the return of France; that we specify and have the Committee's collective responsibility definitively recognised; that you concentrate on your role as Commander-in-Chief without being bound by an administrative task; that we specify how the provisional assembly which will appoint the Provisional Government will be named; that finally we clarify our policy vis-à-vis our allies. The purpose of the provisions submitted to the Committee was to clarify the first three questions. I voted for the proposed measures because overall I believe them to be good. As I told you many months ago, I am convinces that the Commander-in-Chief of the French troops will play an essential allied role when the allied and French troops return to France. For France to have the full benefit of this position, the Commander-in-Chief must be you'). Monnet concludes his letter with a particular appeal to Giraud, 'Maintenant permettez-moi de vous dire un mot personnel, car plus que qui que ce soit je suis votre compagnon de la premiere heure dans cette enterprise de l'unite francaise, et je sais que vous et moi n'avons qu'une seule pensee: servir la France: mon general, quelles que soient les deceptions des mois derniers, il nous faut demeurer a nos postes; il nous faut maintenir debout le Comite, et il nous faut conduire l'armee francaise. Je vous supplie de nas pas rendre votre decision definitive' (Translation: 'Now allow me to say a personal word to you, because more than anyone I am your companion from the start in this enterprise of French unity, and I know that you and I have only one thought: to serve France. My general, whatever the disappointments of the last months, we must remain at our posts; we must keep the Committee standing, and we must lead the French army. I beg you not to make your decision final'). A letter of truly exceptional content and excellent association written at an important moment for France during World War II. About EXHenri Giraud (1879-1949) French General and a leader of the French Free Forces during World War II.The committee to which Monnet refers in the present letter was the French Committee of National Liberation, formed by the French Generals Giraud and Charles de Gaulle on 3rd June 1943, as a provisional government of Free France. The purpose of the committee was to provide united leadership and to organise and coordinate the campaign to liberate France from Nazi Germany. Giraud and de Gaulle served jointly as co-presidents of the committee, which was based in Algiers, although the two men did not always see eye to eye (just as Monnet and de Gaulle experienced a multifaceted relationship). Eventually de Gaulle politically outmanoeuvred Giraud, asserting complete control and leadership, and in November 1943 the committee came under the chairmanship of de Gaulle. With a loss of support, Giraud retired in frustration in April 1944.The liberation of France would begin with Operation Overlord on 6th June 1944 (D-Day).
‘we have reached the point where the liberation of France is near….. to have the full benefit of this position, the Commander-in-Chief must be you’ MONNET JEAN: (1888-1979) French civil servant, diplomat, administrator and political visionary who played a significant role as a representative of France, and adviser to Winston S. Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt, during World War II. An influential supporter of European unity during the 1950s, Monnet is considered one of the founding fathers of the European Union and is often looked upon as the 'Father of Europe' in recognition of his pioneering and innovative concepts. An extremely rare and historically important World War II date A.L.S., Jean Monnet, three pages, 4to, n.p., 25th September 1943 ('samedi soir'), to Henri Giraud ('Mon General'), in French. Monnet makes an impassioned plea to Giraud, 'En cette heure grave je viens vous prier de reconsiderer votre decision et de demeurer avec nous' (Translation: 'In the grave hour I come to ask you to reconsider your decision and to remain with us') and continues to set out his reasons, 'Je comprends mieux que personne l'amertume que peut vous donner la forme desagreable des relations entre certains membres du Comite. Je comprends aussi que parfois vous soyez las d'avoir toujours a soutenir des debats penibles. Mais nous sommes arrives au point ou la liberation de la France est prochaine. Il nous faut sans perdre une minute ni un gramme de nos forces preparer la rentree en France. Pour cela je suis convaincu que, entre autres, cinq questions sont essentielles: organiser le travail du Comite  afin qu'il prepare enfin utilement toutes les mesures que nous devons prevoir et prendre pour la rentree en France; que nous precisions et fassions reconnaitre definitivement la responsabilite collective du Comite; que vous vous concentriez sur votre role de Commandant en chef sans etre tenu par une tache administrative; que nous precisions comment sera nommee l'assemblee provisoire qui nommera la Gouvernement Provisoire; qu'enfin nous precisions notre politique vis-a-vis de nos allies. L'objet des dispositions soumises au Comite etait de preciser les trois premieres questions. J'ai vote pour les mesures proposees car dans leur ensemble je les crois bonnes. Ainsi que je vous l'ai dit voici de longs mois je suis convaincu que le Commandent en chef des troupes francaises jouera un role allie essential lorsque les troupes alliees et francaises rentreont en France. Pour que la France ait le benefice complet de cette position il faut que le Commandant en chef soit vous' (Translation: 'I understand better than anyone the bitterness that the disagreeable form of relations between certain members of the Committee can give you. I also understand that sometimes your tired of always having to sustain painful debates. But we have reached the point where the liberation of France is near. We must, without wasting a minute or a gram of our forces, prepare for the return to France. For this I am convinced that, among others, five questions are essential: to organise the work of the Committee so that it finally prepares usefully all the measures that we must plan and take for the return of France; that we specify and have the Committee's collective responsibility definitively recognised; that you concentrate on your role as Commander-in-Chief without being bound by an administrative task; that we specify how the provisional assembly which will appoint the Provisional Government will be named; that finally we clarify our policy vis-à-vis our allies. The purpose of the provisions submitted to the Committee was to clarify the first three questions. I voted for the proposed measures because overall I believe them to be good. As I told you many months ago, I am convinces that the Commander-in-Chief of the French troops will play an essential allied role when the allied and French troops return to France. For France to have the full benefit of this position, the Commander-in-Chief must be you'). Monnet concludes his letter with a particular appeal to Giraud, 'Maintenant permettez-moi de vous dire un mot personnel, car plus que qui que ce soit je suis votre compagnon de la premiere heure dans cette enterprise de l'unite francaise, et je sais que vous et moi n'avons qu'une seule pensee: servir la France: mon general, quelles que soient les deceptions des mois derniers, il nous faut demeurer a nos postes; il nous faut maintenir debout le Comite, et il nous faut conduire l'armee francaise. Je vous supplie de nas pas rendre votre decision definitive' (Translation: 'Now allow me to say a personal word to you, because more than anyone I am your companion from the start in this enterprise of French unity, and I know that you and I have only one thought: to serve France. My general, whatever the disappointments of the last months, we must remain at our posts; we must keep the Committee standing, and we must lead the French army. I beg you not to make your decision final'). A letter of truly exceptional content and excellent association written at an important moment for France during World War II. About EXHenri Giraud (1879-1949) French General and a leader of the French Free Forces during World War II.The committee to which Monnet refers in the present letter was the French Committee of National Liberation, formed by the French Generals Giraud and Charles de Gaulle on 3rd June 1943, as a provisional government of Free France. The purpose of the committee was to provide united leadership and to organise and coordinate the campaign to liberate France from Nazi Germany. Giraud and de Gaulle served jointly as co-presidents of the committee, which was based in Algiers, although the two men did not always see eye to eye (just as Monnet and de Gaulle experienced a multifaceted relationship). Eventually de Gaulle politically outmanoeuvred Giraud, asserting complete control and leadership, and in November 1943 the committee came under the chairmanship of de Gaulle. With a loss of support, Giraud retired in frustration in April 1944.The liberation of France would begin with Operation Overlord on 6th June 1944 (D-Day).


Lose: 600
Lose: 570
Lose: 430
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