

VOLNEY COUNT OF: (1757-1820) Constantin François de Chasseboeuf, French Philosopher, Abolitionist,


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VOLNEY COUNT OF: (1757-1820) Constantin François de Chasseboeuf, French Philosopher, Abolitionist, - Bild 1 aus 2
VOLNEY COUNT OF: (1757-1820) Constantin François de Chasseboeuf, French Philosopher, Abolitionist, - Bild 2 aus 2
VOLNEY COUNT OF: (1757-1820) Constantin François de Chasseboeuf, French Philosopher, Abolitionist, - Bild 1 aus 2
VOLNEY COUNT OF: (1757-1820) Constantin François de Chasseboeuf, French Philosopher, Abolitionist, - Bild 2 aus 2
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VOLNEY COUNT OF: (1757-1820) Constantin François de Chasseboeuf, French Philosopher, Abolitionist, Writer and Politician. Author of “The Ruins: Or a Survey of the Revolutions of the Empires”. He assumed the name of “Volney”, created as a contraction of “Voltaire” and “Ferney”. Imprisoned during the Jacobin Club triumph, he could escape the guillotine. A good A.L.S., `Volney´, two pages, 4to, Paris, 24th May 1794, to citizen Salliard, his editor, in French. Volney expresses his discontent with the behaviour shown by his correspondent Salliard, the Parisian librarian of the Quai des Augustins, regarding the publication of his work, stating in part `…tu m´avais alors informé que ma première edition de “La Loi Naturelle” tirait vers sa fin, que tu avais en main le benefice de 600 exemplaires, que les 600 derniers ne pouvaient tarder de s´écouler, qu´il fallait se presser de recommence rune seconde edition, que tu m´en envoyerais incéssament les épreuves… aujourd´hui l´on m´annonce de ta part que des discussions avec les Didot imprimeurs, non seulement t´empêchent de rien terminer soit pour l´apurement du compte, soit pour l´impression, et que même tu me déconseilles d´achever l´édition; mais Citoyen voila une dépense faite; sans ton conseil je ne l´eusse pas entreprise; est-il juste qu´aujourd´hui elle me tombe en pure perte?´ (Translation: “…you had at that time informed me that my first edition of “La Loi Naturelle” was nearing its end, that you had in hand the benefit of 600 copies, that the last 600 could not be long in selling, that we had to hurry to start a second edition again, that you would send me the proofs incessantly... today I am told that discussions with the Didot printers, not only prevent you from finishing anything either because of the clearance of the account, either because of printing issues, and that even you advise me not to complete the edition; but Citizen here is an expense made; without your advice I would not have undertaken it; is it fair that today the whole falls on me as a full loss?”) Volney further asks his correspondent and wonders how is it that he was not informed of anything till now, and in order not to permit that the edition troubles go worst, and clearly not trusting Salliard,  instructs what he wants him to do, saying `…il est donc evident par le fait que c´est à lui que tu remets et que je dois remettre la manutention de mes intérêts, en consequence je te prie, cher Concitoyen, de vouloir bien compter en ses mains le benefice qui me revient de la vente de la première Edition, et même de lui remettre ce qui peut en rester d´exemplaires…´ (Translation: “…it is therefore evident by the fact that it is to him that you entrust and that I must entrust also the maintenance of my interests, consequently I beg you, dear fellow citizen, to put in his hands the benefit which is due to me from the sale of the first edition, and even to give him what may remain of copies...”) With integral blank leaf. Paper bearing a “J. Honig & Zoonen” watermark. The work Volney refers to The Law of Nature, would be re-edited in 1890. Also known as Catéchisme du Citoyen Français (“Catechism of the French Citizen”) English translations of Volney's Ruins began appearing within a year or so of its first French edition, but sometime during Volney's stay in the United States, he and Thomas Jefferson entered into a secret arrangement whereby Jefferson agreed to make a new English translation of the work. Volney visited Monticello for two weeks during June 1796. The two men also met on several occasions at the American Philosophical Society. Jefferson was President of the APS at the time and sponsored Volney's induction into the organization. These meetings provided the two men with ample opportunity to conceive and discuss the project. Jefferson appreciated the book's central theme - that the empires rise if government allows enlightened self-interest to flourish. This theme, Jefferson believed, represented an excellent summary of the Enlightenment-based principles upon which the U.S. was founded. However, Jefferson insisted that his translation be published only for certain readers, due to the book's controversial religious content. Jefferson was preparing to make a bid for the Presidency of the United States in 1800; he was worried his Federalist opponents would attack him as an atheist, if it were known he translated Volney's supposedly heretical book. According to the evidence discovered, Jefferson translated the invocation plus the first 20 chapters of the 1802 Paris edition of Volney's Ruins. These first 20 chapters represent a review of human history from the point of view of a post-Enlightenment philosopher. Presumably, Jefferson then became too occupied with the Presidential campaign and didn't have time to finish the last four chapters of the book. Volney concludes the book with a call for an absolute separation of Church and State
VOLNEY COUNT OF: (1757-1820) Constantin François de Chasseboeuf, French Philosopher, Abolitionist, Writer and Politician. Author of “The Ruins: Or a Survey of the Revolutions of the Empires”. He assumed the name of “Volney”, created as a contraction of “Voltaire” and “Ferney”. Imprisoned during the Jacobin Club triumph, he could escape the guillotine. A good A.L.S., `Volney´, two pages, 4to, Paris, 24th May 1794, to citizen Salliard, his editor, in French. Volney expresses his discontent with the behaviour shown by his correspondent Salliard, the Parisian librarian of the Quai des Augustins, regarding the publication of his work, stating in part `…tu m´avais alors informé que ma première edition de “La Loi Naturelle” tirait vers sa fin, que tu avais en main le benefice de 600 exemplaires, que les 600 derniers ne pouvaient tarder de s´écouler, qu´il fallait se presser de recommence rune seconde edition, que tu m´en envoyerais incéssament les épreuves… aujourd´hui l´on m´annonce de ta part que des discussions avec les Didot imprimeurs, non seulement t´empêchent de rien terminer soit pour l´apurement du compte, soit pour l´impression, et que même tu me déconseilles d´achever l´édition; mais Citoyen voila une dépense faite; sans ton conseil je ne l´eusse pas entreprise; est-il juste qu´aujourd´hui elle me tombe en pure perte?´ (Translation: “…you had at that time informed me that my first edition of “La Loi Naturelle” was nearing its end, that you had in hand the benefit of 600 copies, that the last 600 could not be long in selling, that we had to hurry to start a second edition again, that you would send me the proofs incessantly... today I am told that discussions with the Didot printers, not only prevent you from finishing anything either because of the clearance of the account, either because of printing issues, and that even you advise me not to complete the edition; but Citizen here is an expense made; without your advice I would not have undertaken it; is it fair that today the whole falls on me as a full loss?”) Volney further asks his correspondent and wonders how is it that he was not informed of anything till now, and in order not to permit that the edition troubles go worst, and clearly not trusting Salliard,  instructs what he wants him to do, saying `…il est donc evident par le fait que c´est à lui que tu remets et que je dois remettre la manutention de mes intérêts, en consequence je te prie, cher Concitoyen, de vouloir bien compter en ses mains le benefice qui me revient de la vente de la première Edition, et même de lui remettre ce qui peut en rester d´exemplaires…´ (Translation: “…it is therefore evident by the fact that it is to him that you entrust and that I must entrust also the maintenance of my interests, consequently I beg you, dear fellow citizen, to put in his hands the benefit which is due to me from the sale of the first edition, and even to give him what may remain of copies...”) With integral blank leaf. Paper bearing a “J. Honig & Zoonen” watermark. The work Volney refers to The Law of Nature, would be re-edited in 1890. Also known as Catéchisme du Citoyen Français (“Catechism of the French Citizen”) English translations of Volney's Ruins began appearing within a year or so of its first French edition, but sometime during Volney's stay in the United States, he and Thomas Jefferson entered into a secret arrangement whereby Jefferson agreed to make a new English translation of the work. Volney visited Monticello for two weeks during June 1796. The two men also met on several occasions at the American Philosophical Society. Jefferson was President of the APS at the time and sponsored Volney's induction into the organization. These meetings provided the two men with ample opportunity to conceive and discuss the project. Jefferson appreciated the book's central theme - that the empires rise if government allows enlightened self-interest to flourish. This theme, Jefferson believed, represented an excellent summary of the Enlightenment-based principles upon which the U.S. was founded. However, Jefferson insisted that his translation be published only for certain readers, due to the book's controversial religious content. Jefferson was preparing to make a bid for the Presidency of the United States in 1800; he was worried his Federalist opponents would attack him as an atheist, if it were known he translated Volney's supposedly heretical book. According to the evidence discovered, Jefferson translated the invocation plus the first 20 chapters of the 1802 Paris edition of Volney's Ruins. These first 20 chapters represent a review of human history from the point of view of a post-Enlightenment philosopher. Presumably, Jefferson then became too occupied with the Presidential campaign and didn't have time to finish the last four chapters of the book. Volney concludes the book with a call for an absolute separation of Church and State


Lose: 600
Lose: 570
Lose: 430
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