

FERNIG THEOPHILE: (1775-1819) French military officer who, with her sister Felicite, enlisted


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FERNIG THEOPHILE: (1775-1819) French military officer who, with her sister Felicite, enlisted - Bild 1 aus 3
FERNIG THEOPHILE: (1775-1819) French military officer who, with her sister Felicite, enlisted - Bild 2 aus 3
FERNIG THEOPHILE: (1775-1819) French military officer who, with her sister Felicite, enlisted - Bild 3 aus 3
FERNIG THEOPHILE: (1775-1819) French military officer who, with her sister Felicite, enlisted - Bild 1 aus 3
FERNIG THEOPHILE: (1775-1819) French military officer who, with her sister Felicite, enlisted - Bild 2 aus 3
FERNIG THEOPHILE: (1775-1819) French military officer who, with her sister Felicite, enlisted - Bild 3 aus 3
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‘I cannot resist the desire to repeat these words from your burning pen and adapt them to friendship although traced by love’  FERNIG THEOPHILE: (1775-1819) French military officer who, with her sister Felicite, enlisted in the French Army dressed as men during the French Revolutionary Wars, Once their gender was discovered they were granted permission to remain in service, becoming celebrities frequently mentioned in the contemporary French press. Appointed aide-de-camp officers under General Charles Francois Dumouriez, the Soeurs Fernig were sentenced to exile after Dumouriez’s treason of 1793. A rare A.L.S., Theophile (twice), four pages, 4to, Brussels, 18 Fructidor an 9 (5th September 1801), to Isidore Audeval, her cousin, in French. Fernig writes a lengthy letter, in essence a love letter, flowing with warmth and affection, stating, in part, ‘Oui, je suis encore ici..... Console-toi, mon ami, ta cousine n'etait point gaie quand tu t'affligeais, et s'il existe une heureuse sympathie entre les gens qui se conviennent, les notres en sont une preuve.......vous savez combien je me proposais de plaisir a vous y rencontrer.......Guilleminot n'arriva point, et au lieu de lui, je recus une lettre qui m'annoncait le retard de son voyage de 15 jours, trois semaines! J'ecrivis a ta soeur, je t'ecrivis aussi, et je dechirai ma lettre. Je te croyais a Mortagne, au milieu de tes amies, oubliant les absentes. Je t'accusais meme d'etre passe par Bruxelles sans etre venu les voir....que sais-je ce que je ne pensais pas!......La douleur est mere de l'injustice, et par elle je suis excusable: n'est-ce pas, mon ami? J'ai senti tout mon sang s'agiter, courir dans mes veines et refluer vers mon coeur, en apprenant votre chute de cheval. J'espere qu'elle n'aura pas de suite, mais prenez toutes les precautions et les menagements possibles: vous vous devez a vos amis autant qu'a vous-meme. Pourquoi trouverais-je mauvais le rapprochement de nos deux noms, quand l'amitie nous lie si  etroitement?........Que ton ame honnete, delicate et sensible se penetre, se convainque bien de la purete de la mienne dans mon acquiescement a ce que tu fais, et de mon plaisir a faire le tien: Dieu m'en est temoin, et j'implore du ciel toute sa colere si ma candeur n'egale pas ma protestation. Croiriez-vous que je n'eprouve plus l'ombre de mes regrets de ne point avoir partage les plaisirs de Mortagne depuis que je sais que vous n'y etiez pas? C'est cependant la verite! Je n'ai de ma vie ete plus triste qu'en voyant ecoule le premier jour de cette fete, ne pouvant y aller et vous y croyant......Ne n'apesentis point sur le desagrement de ton metier. Tu es esclave, oui; mais tu l'es de l'honneur, et c'est le plus supportable des tyrans. Tu marches a travers de mille contrarietes, mais elles te couvrent de glorie et ton noble devouement fait triompher le myrte sur le laurier. Tu le sais, mon ami, le myrte est l'embleme de l'amitie. Jusque dans le moindre de tes sacrifices, il n'est point un sentiment qui ne t'en tienne compte, et tous ces sentiments sont dans le coeur de ceux qui t'aiment. Nous nous sommes vus trop peu de temps, il est vrai, et j'en ai ressenti la verite, mais il y a un moyen de nous en dedommager......je ne puis resister au desir de repeter ces mots sortis de ta plume brulante et les adapter a l'amitie quoique  traces par l'amour: "Ecris-moi je le veux: ce commerce enchanteur, Aimable epanchement de l'esprit et du coeur, Cet art de converser sans se voir, sans s'entendre, Ce muet entretien, si charmant et si tendre. L'art d'ecrire. Abelard, fut sans doute invente, Par l'amante captive et l'amant agite, Tout vit par la chaleur d'une lettre eloquente". Comme eux, que notre amitie profite de cet art divin, de cette faculte celebre, et trompons l'espace, qui nous separe en nous communiquant toutes nos pensees, nos peines et nos plaisirs: nous adoucissons par a les premiers en doublant les derniers’ (Translation: ‘Yes, I’m still here…..Console yourself, my friend, your cousin was not cheerful when you were upset, and if there is a happy sympathy between people who suit each other, ours are a proof of it……you known with how much pleasure I intended to meet you there…..Guilleminot did not arrive, and instead of him, I received a letter which informed me of the delay of his trip by 15 days, three weeks! I wrote to your sister, I wrote to you too, and I tore up my letter. I thought you were in Mortagne, among your friends, forgetting the absent ones. I even accused you of having passed through Brussels without having come to see them……what do I know what I was not thinking!........Sorrow is the mother of injustice, and through it I am excusable: is it not, my friend? I felt all my blood rushing, running through my veins and flowing back to my heart, on learning of your fall from a horse. I hope it won’t be followed up, but take all the precautions and consideration possible: you owe yourself to your friends as much as to yourself. Why would I find the bringing together of our two names wrong, when friendship binds us so closely?.......Let your honest, delicate and sensitive soul penetrate itself, be well convinced of the purity of mine in my acquiescence in what you do, and of my pleasure in doing yours: God is my witness, and I implore heaven all his anger if my candour does not equal my protest. Would you believe that I no longer feel the shadow of my regrets at not having shared the pleasures of Mortagne since I learned that you were not there? It is however the truth! I have never been sadder in my life than when I saw the first day of this festival pass, not being able to go there and believing you were there……Do not dwell on the unpleasantness of your profession. You are a slave, yes: but you are one of honour, and that is the most endurable of tyrants. You walk through a thousand annoyances, but they cover you with glory and your noble devotion makes the myrtle triumph over the laurel. You know, my friend, the myrtle is the symbol of friendship. Even in the least of your sacrifices, there is not a feeling that you do not take into account, and all these feelings are in the hearts of those who love you. We saw each other for too little time, it is true, and I felt the truth of it, but there is a way to compensate us for it…..I cannot resist the desire to repeat these words from your burning pen and adapt them to friendship although traced by love: “Write to me I want it: this enchanting trade, Amiable outpouring of mind and heart, This art of conversing without seeing each other, without hearing each other, This mute interview, so charming and so tender, The art of writing, Abelard, was undoubtedly invented, By the captive lover and the agitated lover, Everything lives by the warmth of an eloquent letter”. Like them, let our friendship profit from this divine art, from this famous faculty, and let us deceive the space which separates us by communicating to us all our thoughts, our sorrows and our pleasures: we soften the former by doubling the latter’). A letter of beautiful content. Some light staining and minor discolouration (largely to the first page) and with a few minor, neat splits to the edges of folds. G Isidore Audeval served with the 16th Dragoon Regiment and Theophile’s correspondence with her cousin spans a period of five years from October 1797 to January 1803. The thirty-three letters were published by Honore Bonhomme under the title Correspondance inedite de Mademoiselle Theophile de Fernig, aide de camp du General Dumouriez (Firmin Didot, Paris, 1873), Bonhomme observing ‘We are surprised to find the grace, the playfulness, the candour of the young girl where we expected to meet perhaps only the roughness and the dark energy of the soldier’.
‘I cannot resist the desire to repeat these words from your burning pen and adapt them to friendship although traced by love’  FERNIG THEOPHILE: (1775-1819) French military officer who, with her sister Felicite, enlisted in the French Army dressed as men during the French Revolutionary Wars, Once their gender was discovered they were granted permission to remain in service, becoming celebrities frequently mentioned in the contemporary French press. Appointed aide-de-camp officers under General Charles Francois Dumouriez, the Soeurs Fernig were sentenced to exile after Dumouriez’s treason of 1793. A rare A.L.S., Theophile (twice), four pages, 4to, Brussels, 18 Fructidor an 9 (5th September 1801), to Isidore Audeval, her cousin, in French. Fernig writes a lengthy letter, in essence a love letter, flowing with warmth and affection, stating, in part, ‘Oui, je suis encore ici..... Console-toi, mon ami, ta cousine n'etait point gaie quand tu t'affligeais, et s'il existe une heureuse sympathie entre les gens qui se conviennent, les notres en sont une preuve.......vous savez combien je me proposais de plaisir a vous y rencontrer.......Guilleminot n'arriva point, et au lieu de lui, je recus une lettre qui m'annoncait le retard de son voyage de 15 jours, trois semaines! J'ecrivis a ta soeur, je t'ecrivis aussi, et je dechirai ma lettre. Je te croyais a Mortagne, au milieu de tes amies, oubliant les absentes. Je t'accusais meme d'etre passe par Bruxelles sans etre venu les voir....que sais-je ce que je ne pensais pas!......La douleur est mere de l'injustice, et par elle je suis excusable: n'est-ce pas, mon ami? J'ai senti tout mon sang s'agiter, courir dans mes veines et refluer vers mon coeur, en apprenant votre chute de cheval. J'espere qu'elle n'aura pas de suite, mais prenez toutes les precautions et les menagements possibles: vous vous devez a vos amis autant qu'a vous-meme. Pourquoi trouverais-je mauvais le rapprochement de nos deux noms, quand l'amitie nous lie si  etroitement?........Que ton ame honnete, delicate et sensible se penetre, se convainque bien de la purete de la mienne dans mon acquiescement a ce que tu fais, et de mon plaisir a faire le tien: Dieu m'en est temoin, et j'implore du ciel toute sa colere si ma candeur n'egale pas ma protestation. Croiriez-vous que je n'eprouve plus l'ombre de mes regrets de ne point avoir partage les plaisirs de Mortagne depuis que je sais que vous n'y etiez pas? C'est cependant la verite! Je n'ai de ma vie ete plus triste qu'en voyant ecoule le premier jour de cette fete, ne pouvant y aller et vous y croyant......Ne n'apesentis point sur le desagrement de ton metier. Tu es esclave, oui; mais tu l'es de l'honneur, et c'est le plus supportable des tyrans. Tu marches a travers de mille contrarietes, mais elles te couvrent de glorie et ton noble devouement fait triompher le myrte sur le laurier. Tu le sais, mon ami, le myrte est l'embleme de l'amitie. Jusque dans le moindre de tes sacrifices, il n'est point un sentiment qui ne t'en tienne compte, et tous ces sentiments sont dans le coeur de ceux qui t'aiment. Nous nous sommes vus trop peu de temps, il est vrai, et j'en ai ressenti la verite, mais il y a un moyen de nous en dedommager......je ne puis resister au desir de repeter ces mots sortis de ta plume brulante et les adapter a l'amitie quoique  traces par l'amour: "Ecris-moi je le veux: ce commerce enchanteur, Aimable epanchement de l'esprit et du coeur, Cet art de converser sans se voir, sans s'entendre, Ce muet entretien, si charmant et si tendre. L'art d'ecrire. Abelard, fut sans doute invente, Par l'amante captive et l'amant agite, Tout vit par la chaleur d'une lettre eloquente". Comme eux, que notre amitie profite de cet art divin, de cette faculte celebre, et trompons l'espace, qui nous separe en nous communiquant toutes nos pensees, nos peines et nos plaisirs: nous adoucissons par a les premiers en doublant les derniers’ (Translation: ‘Yes, I’m still here…..Console yourself, my friend, your cousin was not cheerful when you were upset, and if there is a happy sympathy between people who suit each other, ours are a proof of it……you known with how much pleasure I intended to meet you there…..Guilleminot did not arrive, and instead of him, I received a letter which informed me of the delay of his trip by 15 days, three weeks! I wrote to your sister, I wrote to you too, and I tore up my letter. I thought you were in Mortagne, among your friends, forgetting the absent ones. I even accused you of having passed through Brussels without having come to see them……what do I know what I was not thinking!........Sorrow is the mother of injustice, and through it I am excusable: is it not, my friend? I felt all my blood rushing, running through my veins and flowing back to my heart, on learning of your fall from a horse. I hope it won’t be followed up, but take all the precautions and consideration possible: you owe yourself to your friends as much as to yourself. Why would I find the bringing together of our two names wrong, when friendship binds us so closely?.......Let your honest, delicate and sensitive soul penetrate itself, be well convinced of the purity of mine in my acquiescence in what you do, and of my pleasure in doing yours: God is my witness, and I implore heaven all his anger if my candour does not equal my protest. Would you believe that I no longer feel the shadow of my regrets at not having shared the pleasures of Mortagne since I learned that you were not there? It is however the truth! I have never been sadder in my life than when I saw the first day of this festival pass, not being able to go there and believing you were there……Do not dwell on the unpleasantness of your profession. You are a slave, yes: but you are one of honour, and that is the most endurable of tyrants. You walk through a thousand annoyances, but they cover you with glory and your noble devotion makes the myrtle triumph over the laurel. You know, my friend, the myrtle is the symbol of friendship. Even in the least of your sacrifices, there is not a feeling that you do not take into account, and all these feelings are in the hearts of those who love you. We saw each other for too little time, it is true, and I felt the truth of it, but there is a way to compensate us for it…..I cannot resist the desire to repeat these words from your burning pen and adapt them to friendship although traced by love: “Write to me I want it: this enchanting trade, Amiable outpouring of mind and heart, This art of conversing without seeing each other, without hearing each other, This mute interview, so charming and so tender, The art of writing, Abelard, was undoubtedly invented, By the captive lover and the agitated lover, Everything lives by the warmth of an eloquent letter”. Like them, let our friendship profit from this divine art, from this famous faculty, and let us deceive the space which separates us by communicating to us all our thoughts, our sorrows and our pleasures: we soften the former by doubling the latter’). A letter of beautiful content. Some light staining and minor discolouration (largely to the first page) and with a few minor, neat splits to the edges of folds. G Isidore Audeval served with the 16th Dragoon Regiment and Theophile’s correspondence with her cousin spans a period of five years from October 1797 to January 1803. The thirty-three letters were published by Honore Bonhomme under the title Correspondance inedite de Mademoiselle Theophile de Fernig, aide de camp du General Dumouriez (Firmin Didot, Paris, 1873), Bonhomme observing ‘We are surprised to find the grace, the playfulness, the candour of the young girl where we expected to meet perhaps only the roughness and the dark energy of the soldier’.


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