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Ein Abonnement der Preisliste ist notwendig um Ergebnisse, von Auktionen die vor einem längeren Zeitraum als 10 Tagen stattgefunden haben, ansehen zu können. Klicken Sie hier für mehr Informationen

Accum (Fredrick) A Practical Treatise on Gas-Light..., second edition, 7 hand-coloured engraved plates, 4 aquatint, 2 folding (slightly shaved), m...

Ackermann (Rudolph) The Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce, Manufactures, Fashions, and Politics, First-Third Series, 40 vol. [a complete se...

Ackermann (Rudolph, publisher) Microcosm of London, 3 vol., later issue, half-titles, wood-engraved titles, engraved dedication leaf to vol.1 only...

Adam (Robert, 1728-1792), Attributed to. Three sheets of vaulted interiors, architectural facades and capriccio, pen and brown & grey inks over pe...

Adam (Robert) Ruins of the Palace of the Emperor Diocletian at Spalatro in Dalmatia, first edition, printed on thick paper, engraved frontispiece ...

Amiens and Boulogne Railway. Elevations and sections of the Hardelot Tunnel, pen and ink manuscript title, 'Quantities of Material used in Tunnel'...

Appianus, Alexandrinus. Historia Romana; De Bellis Civilibus, translated by Petrus Candidus Decembrius, 2 parts in 2 vol. (mixed set), collation: ...

Augustinus (Aurelius, Saint) De civitate dei, collation: [a b8 c-z A-H10], 306ff., including blanks a1, b8 and H9&10, double column, 46 lines and ...

Aviler (Augustin Charles d') Cours d'Architecture qui comprend les Ordres de Vignole..., 2 vol., mixed edition, vol.1 first edition but lacking al...

Babbage (Charles) The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise. A Fragment, second edition, diagrams, 3 full-page, lacking final leaf of advertisements, later i...

Baskerville (John).- Virgilius Maro (Publius) Bucolica, Georgica et Aeneis, first Baskerville edition, list of subscribers, lacking initial blank,...

Baskerville (John).- Milton (John) Paradise Lost [&] Paradise Regain'd, together 2 vol., list of subscribers, some foxing at beginnings and ends (...

Baskerville (John).- Book of Common Prayer (The), third edition, engraved bookplate of I.Ibbetson of Leeds and modern bookplate of A.T.Bartholomew...

Baskerville (John).- Bible, English. The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New, first Baskerville edition, list of subscribers endi...

Baskerville (John).- Catullus, Tibullus & Propertius. Opera, book-label of Lord W.Kerr, G.C.B. and bookplate of the Earl of Crewe, contemporary tr...

[Bâtiments], a collection of 116 engraved plates of plans and elevations, from 19 suites of 6 plates each plus one suite of 2, numbered in blue cr...

Beaulieu (Sébastien Pontault de) [Les Glorieuses Conquetes de Louis le Grand, "Le Grand Beaulieu"], 32 double-page engraved plates only, many by C...

Becichemus (Marinus) Opera, collation: A-C6 a-c8 d-n6 o8 p-z6 A8 B6, Roman type, initial spaces with guide-letters, z6 blank, occasional contempor...

Belidor (Bernard Forest de) La Science des Ingenieurs dans la Conduite des Travaux de Fortification at d'Architecture Civile..., first edition, fi...

Belidor (Bernard Forest de) Architecture Hydraulique, ou l'Art de Conduire, d'Elever, et de Menager les Eaux pour les Differens Besoins de la Vie,...

Bembo (Pietro) Rerum Venetarum historiae libri XII, with blanks [fleuron]6 & C6 but lacking final blank Qq8, woodcut initials, with the 2 folding ...

Bergeron (Louis Eloy) Manuel du Tourneur, 2 vol., first edition, lacking half-titles, with engraved title-vignettes and 72 folding plates, 8 hand-...

Besson (Jacques) Theatre des Instrumens Mathematiques et Mechaniques...avec l'Interpretation des Figures d'icelluy par François Beroald, title wit...

Bickham (George) The Universal Penman; or, the Art of Writing..., engraved throughout with frontispiece and 212 numbered calligraphic leaves inclu...

Bion (Nicolas) The Construction and Principal Uses of Mathematical Instruments, translated and edited by Edmund Stone, 2 vol. in 1 including suppl...

Blondel (Jacques François) De la distribution des maisons de plaisance et de la decoration des edifices en general, 2 vol., first edition, second ...

Blondel (Jacques François) Cours d'Architecture, ou Traité de la Décoration, Distribution & Construction des Bâtiments..., vol.1-4 & 6 of text onl...

Blunt (Charles) An Essay on Mechanical Drawing..., first edition, 63 engraved plates, most with aquatint, some soiling and staining, final plate f...

Böckler (Georg Andreas) Theatrum machinarum novum, Das ist: Neu-vermehrter Schauplatz der Mechanischen Künsten, Handelt von allerhand Wasser-, Win...

Boffrand (Germain) Description de ce qui a été pratiqué pour fondre en bronze d'un seul jet la Figure Equestre de Louis XIV...elevée par la Ville ...

Bosse (Abraham) La Pratique du Trait a Preuves de Mr Desargues...Pour la Coupe des Pierres en l'Architecture, first edition, 2 additional engraved...

Bosse (Abraham) Traité des Manieres de Dessiner les Ordres de l'Architecture Antique..., engraved throughout, lacking frontispiece but with title,...

Bradshaw (George) Map of Canals, Navigable Rivers, Rail Roads &c., in the Midland Counties of England; Map of Canals, Situated in the Counties of ...

Brees (Samuel Charles) Railway Practice: A Collection of Working Plans and Practical Details of Construction in the Public Works of the most Celeb...

Brees (Samuel Charles) The Portfolio of Rural Architecture, a Series of Drawings in the Italian Style, for Villas, etc..., first edition, 16pp. te...

Brettingham (Matthew) The Plans, Elevations and Sections, of Holkham in Norfolk, the seat of the Earl of Leicester, to which are added, the Ceilin...

Britton (John) The History and Description with Graphic Illustrations of Cassiobury Park, Hertfordshire: the Seat of the Earl of Essex, first edit...

Brown (Richard) The Principles of Practical Perspective; or Scenographic Projection..., first edition, 51 engraved plates, most aquatint, one hand...

Buchanan (Robertson) Practical Essays on Mill Work and other Machinery, edited by George Rennie, 2 vol. including Atlas (8vo & folio), third editi...

Bullet (Pierre) L'Architecture Pratique, qui comprend le detail du Toisé, & du Devis des Ouvrages de Massonnerie, Charpenterie, Menuiserie, Serrur...

[Burke (Edmund)] A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful, third edition, R. & J. Dodsley, 1761 § Price (...

Busby (Charles Augustine) A Series of Designs for Villas and Country Houses. Adapted with economy to the Comforts and to the Elegances of Modern L...

Busby (Charles Augustine) A Collection of Designs for Modern Embellishments suitable to Parlours, Dining & Drawing Rooks, Folding Doors, Chimney P...

[Cabinet du Roi].[Les Vues des Maisons Royales et des Villes conquises par Louis XIV], first edition, 47 etched and engraved plates & plans by Isr...

Cambridge University.- Harraden (Richard Bankes, painter and drawing master, active in Cambridge, 1778-1862) The Wren Library, Trinity College, Ca...

Campbell (Colen), Woolfe (John) and James Gandon. Vitruvius Britannicus, or The British Architect..., 5 vol., vol.1-2 ?later editions, vol.3-5 fir...

Carletti (Niccolo) and Giuseppe Aloja. Mappa Topografica della citta di Napoli et di suoi contorni, 35 double-page engraved sheets incorporating l...

[Carter (John)] The Builder's Magazine: or Monthly Companion for Architects, Carpenters, Masons, Bricklayers, &c., first edition, 184 engraved pla...

Cary (John) Cary's New Map of England and Wales with Part of Scotland, engraved title, hand-coloured general map and 79 sheets (numbered 1-81), mo...

Cary (John) Cary's Improved Map of England and Wales with a considerable portion of Scotland, planned upon a scale of two statute miles to one inc...

Cataneo (Pietro) I Quattro primi libri di architettura, first edition, Roman type, woodcut printer's device to title and verso of final leaf, wood...

Chambers (Ephraim) Cyclopaedia: or, an Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 2 vol., seventh edition, double-page engraved frontispiece, titl...

Chambers (Sir William) A Treatise on Civil Architecture, second edition, 50 engraved plates, title with ink inscription "Samuel Angell June 1817" ...

Chinese Railway.- Rapier (Richard C.) Remunerative Railways for New Countries; with some account of the First Railway in China, first edition, 8 m...

Clark (John, artist & engraver) Panorama of the Thames, from London to Richmond, folding hand-coloured etched and aquatint continuous strip view o...

Columbani (Placido) Variety of Capitals, Freezes, and Corniches...Chimney-pieces, first edition, engraved throughout with title in ornamental cart...

Cooke (Edward William) & George Rennie. Views of the Old and New London Bridges, first edition, fine etched frontispiece and 11 plates by Edward W...

Cordemoy (Jean Louis de) Nouveau Traié de Toute Architecture ou l'Art de Bastir, second edition, title with woodcut printer's device, engraved hea...

Courtonne (Jean) Traité de la Perspective Pratique, avec des Remarques sur l'Architecture, first edition, half-title, engraved frontispiece by Luc...

Cross (Joseph) Cross's New Plan of London, showing from Canonbury to Camberwell, and from Hyde Park to East India Dock, showing outline of Padding...

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