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  • 216 Los(e)

Ein Abonnement der Preisliste ist notwendig um Ergebnisse, von Auktionen die vor einem längeren Zeitraum als 10 Tagen stattgefunden haben, ansehen zu können. Klicken Sie hier für mehr Informationen

Aldus.- Dante Alighieri. [Divina Commedia] Dante col sito, et forma dell'Inferno tratta dalla istessa descrittione del poeta, second Aldine editio...

Rome's civil wars.- Appianus, Alexandrinus. Delle guerre civili de Romani, woodcut printers device to title and verso of otherwise blank f., some ...

NO RESERVE Boccaccio (Giovanni) Il Decamerone... nuovamente corretto et con diligentia stampato, one of 300 copies, engraved frontispiece and port...

NO RESERVE Erasmus (Desiderius) De sarcienda ecclesiae concordia deque sedandis opinionum dissidiis, woodcut printer's device to title and final v...

Xenophon. Della vita di Ciro re de Persi, woodcut printer's device to title and verso of final printed f., final f. blank, [Adams X36], Venice, Ga...

NO RESERVE Caggio (Paolo) Ragionamenti di Paolo Chaggio di Palermo, title with large woodcut printer's device, woodcut historiated initials, large...

Mysticism.- Blois (Louis de) Institutio spiritualis, non parum utilis iis, qui ad vitae perfectionem contendunt: itemque exercitium piarum precati...

NO RESERVE Judaica.- Philo Judaeus. Lucubrationes omnes quotquot haberi potuerunt, nunc primum Latinae ex Graecis factae, translated by Sigismundu...

Basil (Saint, Archbishop of Caesarea) Orationes de Moribus XXIIII, title with woodcut basilisk printer's device, woodcut decorative initials, armo...

Bible, English.- The whole booke of Psalmes, collected into English meter by Thomas Sternhold, I. Hopkins and others, black letter, title within w...

[Paris (Matthew)] Flores Historiarum per Matthaeum Westmonasteriensem Collecti, title within woodcut architectural border, woodcut initials, with ...

Demosthenes. The Three Orations of Demosthenes, translated by Thomas Wylson, first edition in English, black letter, title within typographic bord...

NO RESERVE Monterocherio (Guido de) Enchiridion sacerdotum nunc sublatis mendis docti cujusdam theologi diligentia pristino nitori restitutum, tit...

Dictionaries and grammars.- Morel (Guillaume) Verborum latinorum cum graecis anglicisque coniunctorum, final f. supplied in photo-facsimile, woodc...

Calvin (John) A Harmonie Upon the Three Evangelists, 2 parts in 1 vol., first edition in English, title within typographic border, woodcut initial...

NO RESERVE La Primaudaye (Pierre de) The French Academie, wherin is discoursed the institution of Maners... newly translated into English by T. B[...

NO RESERVE Britain.- Camden (William) Britannia siue Florentissimorum regnorum, Angliæ, Scotiæ, Hiberniæ, et insularum adiacentium ex intima antiq...

NO RESERVE A right Christian treatise, entituled S. Augustines praiers, title with woodcut decoration, woodcut initials and headpieces, final f. w...

NO RESERVE Law.- Fleetwood (William) Annalium tam Regum Edwardi quinti, Richardi tertii, & Henrici septimi, quàm Henrici octavi titulorum ordine a...

Barckley (Sir Richard) A Discourse of the felicitie of man: or his summum bonum, first edition, initial full-page woodcut emblem with author's mon...

NO RESERVE Britain.- Camden (William) Anglica, Hibernica, Normannica, Cambrica,..., first edition, title with woodcut printer's device, 2ff. of wo...

NO RESERVE [Clapham (John)] The Historie of Great Britannie declaring the successe of times and affaires in that Iland, 2 parts in 1 vol., second ...

NO RESERVE Wotton (Anthony) A Defence of M. Perkins Booke, called A Reformed Catholicke, woodcut title vignette, 3 woodcut illustrations, title an...

NO RESERVE Macrobius Ambrosius Theodosius. In Somnium Scipionis Lib. II: Saturnalium Lib. VII., title with woodcut printer's device, woodcut map a...

NO RESERVE Hooker (Richard) Of the Ecclesiastical Politie, engraved architectural title, woodcut head and tail pieces, marginal notes in several h...

NO RESERVE Montaigne (Michel de) The Essayes or Moral, Politike and Militarie Discourses, second edition in English, translated by John Florio, w...

Mexia (Pedro), Francesco Sansovino & others. The Treasurie of Auncient and Moderne Times [&] Archaio-ploutos. Containing, ten following bookes to ...

James I and VI (King of England and Scotland) The Workes of the Most High and Mightie Prince, Iames, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britaine, ...

Augustine (Saint) Of the Citie of God, translated by John Healey, edited by William Crashaw, with the commentary of Juan Luis Vives, second editio...

NO RESERVE Bible, English.- The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New, mostly black letter, titles within woodcut borders, woodcut ...

Seneca (Lucius Annaeus) Workes, newly inlarged and corrected by Thomas Lodge, second edition, engraved architectural title (chipped and creased), ...

NO RESERVE Eadmer. Eadmeri Monachi Cantuariensis Historiae Novorum, title in red and black, woodcut initials, woodcut illustration (Y3v), ink owne...

Elzevier.- Bible, Greek.- Novum Testamentum [graece], 2 parts in 1, title in red and black and with woodcut printer's device, Y4 blank, half-title...

NO RESERVE Barclay (John) Barclay His Argenis: Or, the Loves of Poliarchus and Argenis, first edition in English, translated by Kingesmill Long, t...

NO RESERVE Heylyn (Peter) Mikrokosmos: A Little Description of the Great World, third edition, title within woodcut architectural border, woodcut ...

Plague.- Wither (George) Britain's remembrancer containing a narration of the plague lately past; a declaration of the mischiefs present; and a pr...

NO RESERVE Small books.- Augustine, of Hippo (Saint) Meditationes, engraved pictorial title, woodcut decorative letters, lightly browned, contempo...

NO RESERVE Godwin (Francis, Bishop) Annales of England. Containing the Reignes of Henry the Eighth, Edward the Sixt, and Queene Mary, translated b...

NO RESERVE Language.- [Victorius (Marianus)] Chaldeae seu Aethiopicae linguae institutiones, title in Ethiopic and Latin and with woodcut device, ...

NO RESERVE Felltham (Owen) Resolves a Duple Century, 2 parts in 1 vol., fourth edition, engraved title, with initial 'The face of the Booke unmas...

Ovid. Ovid's Metamorphosis Englished, mythologiz'd, and represented in figures. An essay to the translation of Virgil's Æneis, translated by Georg...

Greville (Fulke, Baron Brooke) Certaine Learned and Elegant Workes of the Right Honorable Fulke Lord Brooke, Written in his Youth, and familiar Ex...

NO RESERVE [Fletcher (Phineas)] The Purple Island, or the Isle of Man: Together with Piscatorie Eclogs and other Poeticall Miscellanies, 3 parts i...

Courtesy books.- Brathwait (Richard) The English Gentleman, second edition, lacking engraved additional title, folding f. explaining the contents ...

Ariosto (Lodovico) Orlando furioso in English heroical verse. By Sr Iohn Harington of Bathe Knight, 2 parts in 1 vol., third edition, title within...

NO RESERVE Emblemata.- Wither (George) A collection of emblemes, ancient and moderne: quickened vvith metricall illustrations, both morall and div...

NO RESERVE Emblemata.- Hesius (Guilielmus) Emblemata sacra de fide, spe, charitate, woodcut printer's device to title and recto of otherwise blank...

NO RESERVE Alexander (William, Earl of Stirling) Recreations with the Muses, first edition, without the portrait, as usual, lacking initial and fi...

NO RESERVE Sandys (George) A Paraphrase Upon the Divine Poems, second edition, issue with dedication to Charles I on title verso, title with woodc...

Bacon (Sir Francis) Of the Advancement and Proficience of Learning or the Partitions of Sciences IX bookes, first edition in English of the expand...

NO RESERVE Comenius (Johann Amos) Porta linguarum trilinguis reserata et aperta...The Gate of Tongues Unlocked and Opened. Or Else, a Seminary or ...

Jonson (Ben) The Workes, vol. 1 only (of 3), engraved portrait frontispiece and architectural title, woodcut initials, headpieces, divisional titl...

NO RESERVE Paris (Matthew) Monachi Albanensis Angli, Historia Major, engraved portrait frontispiece by T. Cecill, title in red and black, slight m...

NO RESERVE Bacon (Sir Francis) The Historie of the Reigne of King Henry the Seventh, engraved frontispiece portrait, title within elaborate woodcu...

NO RESERVE Biondi (Giovanni Francesco) An History of the Civill Warres of England between the two howses of Lancaster and Yorke, first edition, tr...

NO RESERVE Fuller (Thomas) The Holy State, additional engraved title laid down, 2 engraved plates only (of 4), engraved illustrations, woodcut hea...

NO RESERVE Hall (Joseph) A Recollection of Such Treatises as have bene heretofore severally published, engraved title page, spotting, browning mai...

Binding.- Erasmus (Desiderius) Adagia, id est proverbiorum paroemiarum et parabolarum omnium, double column, title in red and black and with large...

English Civil War.- Sprigge (Joshua) Anglia Rediviva: Englands Recovery; Being, the History of the Motions, Actions, and Successes of the Army Und...

NO RESERVE Beaumont (Joseph) Psyche: or Loves Mysterie in XX. Canto's: Displaying the Intercourse betwixt Christ and the Soule, first edition, wit...

  • 216 Los(e)

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