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  • 259 Los(e)

Ein Abonnement der Preisliste ist notwendig um Ergebnisse, von Auktionen die vor einem längeren Zeitraum als 10 Tagen stattgefunden haben, ansehen zu können. Klicken Sie hier für mehr Informationen

Quincey (Thomas De, essayist, 1785-1859).- Quincey (Margaret De, De Quincey's eldest daughter, married Robert Craig in 1853, and settled in Irelan...

American Letters.- Collection, including: Benjamin Holt Ticknor to Alfred Lord Tennyson sending congratulations on his birthday and alluding to hi...

Lowell (James Russell, American poet and diplomat, 1819-91) 2 Autograph Letters signed to "My dear Appleton" and Nora Perry, together 2½pp., 134 x...

Whittier (John Greenleaf, American Quaker poet and abolitionist, 1807-92) 2 Autograph Letters signed to "Dear Sir" and Benjamin Holt Ticknor, toge...

Hawthorne (Nathaniel, novelist and short story writer, 1804-64).- Ticknor (William Davis, American publisher in Boston, 1810-64) Autograph Letter ...

Carlyle (Thomas, author, biographer, and historian, 1795-1881) Autograph Letter signed to "Dear Twistleton", 1p., 8vo, Chelsea, 26th June 1866, "M...

Landor (Walter Savage, poet and author, 1775-1864).- Forster (John, writer and literary adviser, 1812-76) Autograph Letter signed "John Forster" t...

American Letters.- Collection, 10 ALs.s. to Benjamin or Caroline Ticknor, comprising: Annie Fields, Edwin Lasseter Bynner sending a Cuban bull-fig...

Stowe (Harriet Beecher, author and abolitionist, 1811-96) Autograph Letter signed to "Dear Mr Page", 3½pp., 8vo, 8th October 1872, extolling the v...

Lewes (George Henry, writer, partner of George Eliot, 1817-78) Autograph Letter signed to Benjamin Holt Ticknor, 1p. with conjugate blank, 8vo, Re...

Browning (Robert, poet, 1812-89) Autograph envelope front signed, slightly browned and creased laid in on paper mount, 110 x 202mm., 8th May 1872.

Saxe (John Godfrey, American poet, 1816-87) Autograph Letter signed to Benjamin Holt Ticknor, 2pp., 8vo, 29th June 1875, "I return the 'Highgate' ...

Longfellow (Henry Wadsworth, poet, 1807-82) Autograph Letter signed to "Dear Sir" [?Ticknor], 2½pp., 8vo, 26th September 1877, "There are three En...

Vedder (Elihu, American painter, book illustrator, and poet, 1836-1923) Cut signature, 65 x 120mm.,7th April 1880; and an illustration by Vedder f...

Howells (William Dean Howells, American realist novelist, literary critic, and playwright, 1837-1920) 4 Autograph Letters signed to Benjamin Holt ...

Ben-Hur.- Wallace (Susan, American author and poet, wife of Lew Wallace, 1830-1907) Autograph Letter signed to Benjamin Holt Ticknor, 3½pp., 8vo a...

Perry (Nora, American poet and writer, 1831-96) Plymouth Bay, autograph poem, 3pp., in purple ink, pencil inscription "Miss Dolan" at head, laid i...

Irving (Sir Henry, actor, 1838-1905) Autograph Letter signed to "Dear Mr Ball", 1p., 8vo, n.p., 6th February 1885, "My love to Florence", folds, s...

American Letters & others.- Collection, including: Julia Ward Howe regarding the Boston Authors Club, Thomas Wentworth Higginson referring to the ...

Field (Eugene, American writer, poet and essayist, 1850-95) Autograph Letter signed to Benjamin Holt Ticknor, 1½pp., 8vo, The Chicago Dante, 22nd ...

American Letters.- Collection, 9 ALs.s., 1 poem & 1 postcard signed to Bejamin Holt Ticknor and James R. Osgood, including: Samuel Adams Drake dec...

Stoddard (Richard Henry, American poet and critic, 1825-1903) 3 Autograph Letters signed to Benjamin Holt Ticknor, 4pp., 120 x 95mm., New York, 15...

Austen (Jane).- Austen-Leigh (Mary Augusta, daughter of James Edward Austen-Leigh, great niece of Jane Austen, 1838-1922) Autograph Letter signed ...

Norton (Charles Eliot, American author, social critic, and professor of art, 1827-1908) Autograph Letter signed to N.H. Dole, 1p. with conjugate b...

Dickens (Sir Henry Fielding Dickens, KC, barrister, eighth child of Charles Dickens, 1849-1933) Autograph Letter signed to Caroline Ticknor, 2½pp....

Ticknor (Caroline) Glimpses of Authors, 2 vol., third impression, frontispiece and illustrations, extra illustrated with several portraits and pho...

Medieval Illumination.- 2 small medieval illuminated initials, decorated in gold blue and red, on vellum, mounted on card, 23 x 28mm. & 29 x 32mm....

Greville (Fulke, first Baron Brooke of Beauchamps Court, courtier and author, 1554-1628) Cut Signature "ffulke Grevyll", paper slightly foxed and ...

Hertfordshire, Widford.- Indenture, Peter Soame grant to Thomas Hadsley of a messuage called ffrosts croft and a close of arable in Widford, manus...

Receipts.- Collection of receipts, manuscripts, browned and creased, folds, v.s., v.d., [late 17th century] - 1815 (18 pieces).

Music.- [Arne (Thomas, composer and musical performer, 1710-78)] The Airs With all the Simphonies on the Compleat Overture in the Comic Opera of L...

Ireland.- Arthur (Frank) Autograph Letter signed to Councillor Lloyd, of Newtown Ferry, 1p. with conjugate blank and address panel, sm. 4to, Tuesd...

Early Photography.- Photogenic Drawings.- Taylor (Silas Badger, merchant, of Islington, 1809-98) Autograph Letter signed to his brother Alfred Swa...

Oxfordshire, Henley-on-Thames.- Kinsey (William Morgan, Church of England clergyman and traveller, 1788-1851) Sermon preached in Henley Parish Chu...

Hampstead.- Collection of c. 25 documents and a small quantity of correspondence relating to property transactions in Hampstead, most manuscripts ...

Edwardian Scrap Album.- Collection of mostly advertisements for various goods, 48pp., all laid down on cotton leaves, some wear and rubbing to som...

Gloucestershire, Quenington.- Pelly family of Quenington Court.- Volume of verse, manuscript, 26pp. excluding blanks, small hand-coloured drawing,...

Birrell (Augustine, politician and author, 1850-1933) 11 Autograph Letters signed to Lucy Clifford, 18pp. & 1 nevelope, 8vo & 4to, Chelsea, 8th Ju...

Second World War.- POW Camp near Swansea.- Lange (Heribert, German soldier at Camp 408, Penclawdd, Gower Peninsula) Collection of drawings, 2 Pris...

Crompton (Richmal, children's writer and novelist, 1890-1969) "Just William" No. 10 [Radio Script], typescript, 36pp., some corrections and altera...

Criminologist's Letters.- Hawkins (Gordon Joseph, criminologist, 1919-2004) c. 40 whole or part Autograph Letters signed & 1 Typed Letter signed t...

Churchill (Sir Winston).- Bonham Carter (Violet, Baroness Asquith of Yarnbury, DBE, politician and diarist, daughter of Herbert Asquith, 1887-1969...

Calling Antarctica.- Fuchs (Sir Vivian, explorer and scientist, 1908-99) Typed Letter signed to Dennis Norden and Frank Muir, 1p., sm. 4to, Millba...

Plutarch. Parallela en Biois Hellenon kai Romaion [graece], collation: α4 a-z6 A-Z6 Aa-Pp6 Qq4, lacking Qq4 (colophon leaf), third edition in Gree...

Plotinus. De rebus philosophicis Libri LIII. in enneades sex distributi, title with woodcut printer's device, woodcut historiated initials, lackin...

Calvin (Jean) [Institution de la religion chrestienne : composée en latin par Jean Calvin, et translatée en françoys par luymesme, et encores de n...

De Tournes, printer.- Polyaenus. Stratagematum libri octo. Adiecta est etiam Latina versio, editio princeps, edited by Isaac Causabon, parallel La...

Foscolo (Ugo).- Petrarca (Francesco) Il Petrarcha con l'espositione di m. Giovanni Andrea Gesualdo, woodcut illustrations, head-pieces and initial...

NO RESERVE [Gentillet (Innocent)] Discours sur les Moyens de Bien Gouvener et maintenir en bonne paix un Royaume, ou autre Principauté...contre Ni...

Agricola (Franciscus) Nova Apodixis evangelica de periculoso multisque nominibus infoelici statu concubinariorum inpoenitentium, praesertim illoru...

Elzevier.- Siege of Ostend.- Haestens (Hendrik van) La nouvelle Troye ou Mémorable histoire du siege d'Ostende, first edition in French, title wit...

Plantin.- Scaliger (Joseph Justus) Poemata omnia, 4 parts in 1, Greek and Roman type, titles with woodcut printer's device, woodcut decorative ini...

Dutch Ovid.- Ovidius Naso (Publius) Metamorphosis dat is: Die herscheppinge oft veranderinghe, title with woodcut printer's device, numerous charm...

Elzevier.- [Heinsius (Daniel)] Laus Asini, first edition, title with woodcut printer's device, woodcut head-piece and decorative initials, early i...

Heraldry.- Scohier (Jean) L'Estat et comportement des armes. Livre autant util, que necessaire à tous gentilshommes, heraux, et officiers d'armes,...

NO RESERVE Germany.- Conestaggio (Girolami Franchi) Historia delle Guerre della Germania Inferiore, title with woodcut printer's device, woodcut h...

Elzevier.- Apollonius, of Rhodes. Argonauticorum libri IV, with Latin translation by J.Hoelzlin, title in red & black with woodcut printer's devic...

Elzevier.- Scarron (Paul) Le Virgile travesty en vers burlesques, first Elzevier edition, Paris [but Leiden], [Bonaventure & Abraham Elzevier], 16...

Elzevier.- Germans.- Schedius (Elias) De dis Germanis, sive veteri Germanorum, Gallorum, Britannorum, Vandalorum religione syngrammata quatuor, en...

Scudery (Georges de) Poesies Diverses dediées a Monseigneur le Duc de Richelieu, 1649; Le Cabinet..., Premiere Partie, 1646, together 2 works in 1...

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