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  • 292 Los(e)

Ein Abonnement der Preisliste ist notwendig um Ergebnisse, von Auktionen die vor einem längeren Zeitraum als 10 Tagen stattgefunden haben, ansehen zu können. Klicken Sie hier für mehr Informationen

Adams (George) A Treatise describing the Construction, and Explaining the use, of New Celestial and Terrestrial Globes, first edition, 3 engraved ...

Adams (George) Astronomical and Geographical Essays: containing, I. A comprehensive view of the General Principles of Astronomy. II. The use of th...

Adams (George) Astronomical and Geographical Essays, second edition, engraved frontispiece and 21 folding plates, 15pp. catalogue, later 3pp. adve...

Adding machines.- Gonnella (Tito) Descrizione di due macchine aritmetiche per l'addizione, immaginate e costrutte da tito gonella... Premiato all'...

Agucchia (Lattanzio) Il computista pagato ... Per trovare in un subito il conto fatto di qualunque sorte di pagamento, che si faccia, cosi à giorn...

Agucchia (Lattanzio) Il computista pagato ... Di nuovo ristampato, corretto in molti luoghi, con l'Aggiunta, title with woodcut illustration, spot...

Alexander (Andreas) Logometron architecturae militaris Freitagianae, kunstgemass der Freitagschen Bevestigung, first edition, 12 engraved plates, ...

America.- Abel (Thomas) Subtensial Plain Trigonometry, Wrought with a Sliding-Rule, with Gunter's Lines: and Also Arithmetically, in a Very Concis...

America.- Bowditch (Nathaniel) The New American Practical Navigator, first edition, tables and diagrams, engraved folding "Chart of the Atlantic O...

Ampère (André Marie) Essai sur la philosophie des sciences, ou exposition analytique d'une classification naturelle de toutes les connaissances hu...

Apianus (Petrus) Instrumentum primi mobilis, first edition, title in red and black with large woodcut vignette, full-page woodcut coat-of-arms on ...

Apianus (Petrus) Instrumentum sinuum, seu primi mobilis, nuper... Inventum, second edition, title printed in red and black with large woodcut illu...

Ardüser (Johann) Geometriae, theoricae et practicae. XII. Bucher, inn welchen die geometrischen Fundament Euclids & als in einem Handbuch beschrei...

Artillery.- Montanari (Geminiano) Manualetto de bombisti, overo ristretto delle avvertenze più necessarie per ben maneggiare i mortari: Aggiontovi...

Astrolabes.- Población (Juan Martinez) De Usu Astrolabi Compendium, Schematibus Commodissimis Illustratum, title with woodcut device, woodcut init...

Astrolabes.- Stoeffler (Johannes) Elucidatio Fabricae ususque Astrolabii... Atque totius spherice doctissimo nuper ingeniose concinnata atque in l...

Atom bomb.- Atomic Energy. A General Account of the Development of Methods of Using Atomic Energy for Military Purposes under the Auspices of the ...

Automata.- Svendsun (Andreas) Det magiske Skuespil, eller Beskrivelse og Udvikling af Pierres og Degabriels Forestillinger og Kunster, samt de mag...

[Babbage (Charles) and John Herschel]. Memoirs of the Analytical Society 1813, first edition, errata f., ink inscription to head of contents p., C...

Babbage (Charles), John F.W. Herschel and George Peacock, translators. An Elementary Treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus by Silvest...

Babbage (Charles) Observations on the analogy which subsists between the calculus of functions and other branches of analysis, in Philosophical Tr...

Babbage (Charles) Examples of the solutions of functional equations, engraved plate, bound after Herschel (John Frederick William) A Collection of...

Babbage (Charles).- Memoirs of the Astronomical Society of London, vol.1-3 only, first edition, 14 engraved plates, 2 folding, one folding printed...

Babbage (Charles) A Comparative View of the Various Institutions for the Assurance of Lives, first edition, association copy with ink ownership in...

Babbage (Charles) On a method of expressing by signs the action of machinery [&] On electrical and magnetic rotations, in Philosophical transactio...

Babbage (Charles) Notice respecting some errors common to many tables of logarithms, from Memoirs of the Astronomical Society of London, vol. 3, p...

Babbage (Charles) Table Of Logarithms Of The Natural Numbers, From 1 To 108000, first edition, second issue with errata following the preface, pre...

Babbage (Charles) On the economy of machinery and manufactures, third edition, engraved title, original cloth, spine a little darkened, 1833; Trai...

Babbage (Charles) Table of the logarithms of the natural numbers from 1 to 108000, third edition, printed on green paper, very light foxing to tit...

Babbage (Charles) Sulla economia delle macchine e delle manifatture, first Italian edition, original printed wrappers, spotted and creased, preser...

Babbage (Charles).- Barlow (Peter) A Treatise on the Manufactures and Machinery of Great Britain... to which is prefixed, an introductory view of ...

Babbage (Charles) Letter From Mr Babbage To The Members Of The British Association For The Promotion Of Science, first edition, the odd spot, orig...

Babbage (Charles) Table of the logarithms of the natural numbers from 1 to 108000, fourth edition, occasional marginal browning or soiling, ink ow...

Babbage (Charles) Table of the logarithms of the natural numbers from 1 to 108000, fourth edition, light browning, contemporary boards, preserved ...

Babbage (Charles) Table of the logarithms of the natural numbers from 1 to 108000, fourth impression, perforated blind-stamp to title, ink notes t...

Babbage (Charles) Observations on the Temple of Serapis at Pozzuoli near Naples, with an attempt to explain the causes of the frequent elevation a...

Babbage (Charles) The Exposition of 1851; or, Views of the Industry, the Science, and the Government of England, second edition, half-title, 4pp. ...

Babbage (Charles) The Exposition of 1851; or, Views of the Industry, the Science, and the Government of England, first edition, half-title, ex-lib...

Babbage (Charles) Thoughts on the principles of taxation..., second edition, later wrappers, 1851 § A letter to Charles Babbage, Esq. in reply to ...

Babbage (Charles) Note sur la machine suédoise de MM. Schutz pour calculer les tables mathématiques..., extract from Comptes rendus hebdomadaires ...

Babbage (Charles) Observations addressed... to the president and fellows of the Royal Society, first edition, original printed wrappers, margins c...

Babbage (Charles) Observations On The Discovery In Various Localities Of The Remains Of Human Art Mixed With The Bones Of Extinct Races Of Animals...

Babbage (Charles).- Horsley (Sir Victor) Description of the brain of Mr. Charles Babbage F.R.S., offprint from Philosophical Transactions of the R...

Babbage (Charles) The Works..., 11 vol., edited by Martin Campbell-Kelly, illustrations, original cloth, lettered in gilt, [not in Tomash & Willia...

Baeza (Luis) Numerandi Doctrina Præclara Methodo Exposita, In Qua Breviter Continentur, & Exponuntur Aperte Ea, Quae Ex Universa Arithmetica Sunt ...

Barrême (François) Le livre necessaire à toute sorte de conditions. Inventé de nouveau pour tirer tout d'un coup les intérêts, first edition, ?sec...

Barrême (François) Le Livre des Comptes Faits, third edition, engraved title, list of works by the author, portrait and coat of arms ff., the odd ...

Berkeley (Edmund C.) Giant Brains or Machines that Think, New York, 1949 § Walter (William Grey) The Living Brain, dust-jacket, spine ends and cor...

Berkeley (Edmund C.) Giant Brain of Machines That Think, second printing, signed presentation inscription from the author to Erwin Tomash to front...

Bernegger (Matthias) Manuale Mathematicum, darinn begriffen Die Tabulæ Sinuum, Tangentiu[m], Secantium, Gothic letter, title within woodcut orname...

Beveridge (William) Institutionum chronologicarum libri II, occasional ink notes in a contemporary hand, ink ownership inscription to title and en...

Binary.- Brander (Georg Friederich) Arithmetica Binaria Sive Dyadica, Das Ist Die Kunst Nur Mit Zwey Zahlen, second edition, title with woodcut de...

Bion (Nicolas) L'Usage de Astrolabes, Tant Universels que Particuliers, first edition, woodcut initials, head- and tail-pieces, 9 engraved folding...

Bion (Nicolas) Traité de la Construction et des Principaux Usages des Instrumens de Mathematique, first edition, woodcut initials, head- and tail-...

Bion (Nicolas) Traité de la Construction et des Principaux Usages des Instrumens de Mathematique, title printed in red and black with engraved vig...

Bion (Nicolas) The Construction and Principal Uses of Mathematical Instruments, translated and edited by Edmund Stone, first English edition, titl...

Bion (Nicolas) Traite de la Construction et des Principaux Usages des Instrumens de Mathematique, fourth edition, engraved allegorical frontispiec...

Bion (Nicolas) The Construction and Principal Uses of Mathematical Instruments, translated and edited by Edmund Stone, 2 parts in 1, including sup...

Blanquart Sept-fontaines (Louis Marie) Les Interets des Comptes Courans Tout Calulés, first edition, half-title, tables, contemporary tree calf, s...

Boissiere (Claude de) L'Art d'Arithmetique, third edition, woodcut device on title, diagrams, illustrations and decorations, contemporary vellum, ...

  • 292 Los(e)

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