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Ein Abonnement der Preisliste ist notwendig um Ergebnisse, von Auktionen die vor einem längeren Zeitraum als 10 Tagen stattgefunden haben, ansehen zu können. Klicken Sie hier für mehr Informationen

World.- Münster (Sebastian) La Figure du Monde Universel, Munster's world map for the 1550 edition of Cosmographia by David Kandel, oval projectio...

World.- Mercator (Rumold) Orbis Terrae Compendiosa Descriptio, highly decorative world map, a condensed version of Rumold's father's world map of ...

World.- Quad (Matthias) Typus orbis terrarum ad imitationem universalis gerhardi Mercatoris..., early map of the World derived from Mercator's pla...

World.- Genesis flood.- Moxon (Joseph) A Map of all the Earth and how after the flood it was divided among the sons of Noah, map of the World, wit...

World.- Alexander the Great.- De L'Isle (Guillaume) Alexandri Magni Imperium et Expeditio, large map illustrating Alexander the Great's conquests ...

World.- Capt. James Cook.- Jefferys (Thomas) Western Hemisphere; Eastern Hemisphere, a pair of hemisphere world maps showing the first voyage of C...

World.- Southern Hemisphere.- Capt. James Cook.- Kaart Van Het Zuider Halfrond, Dutch version of a map recording historic and recent voyages in th...

World.- Embroidered Map.- Anonymous (1800) A Map of the World, According to the Latest Discoveries, double-hemisphere world map with vignettes in ...

World.- Capt. James Cook.- Russell (John) Map of the World Shewing the Tracks & Discoveries of Capt. Cook, double-hemisphere world map, engraving ...

World.- Homann Heirs. Die Erde in Zwey Halbkugeln, double-hemisphere world map, engraving with hand-colouring, platemark 430 x 610 mm. (17 x 24 in...

World.- Norie (John William) To the Officers in the Honorable East India Company's Service This Outline Chart Intended for their Use to prick-off ...

World.- Weimar Geographisches Institut. Westlicher Planiglob Der Erder; Oestlicher Planiglob, Der Erde, a pair of large world maps showing the Ea...

World.- Russia.- [Cyrillic - Double Hemisphere World Map], large wall map of the world centred on Russia and showing both Polar regions, with deco...

World.- Teesdale & Co. (Henry, publisher) A New Chart of the World on Mercator's Projection with the Tracks of the Most Celebrated Recent Navigato...

World.- Marmocchi (Francesco Costantino) Geografia Delle Piante, world map with geological views of five mountains above, and with other additiona...

World.- Bartholomew & Son Ltd. (John) Bartholomew's Library Chart of the World on Mercator's Projection, large map of the World on eight folding s...

World.- Gill (MacDonald) Carte de la Charte de L'Antique, French edition of Gill's scarce pictorial "Time and Tide" Map of The Atlantic Charter, w...

Africa.- Fries (Lorenz) Tabula II Aphricae, Ptolemaic map of the central part of the North African Coastline, with islands in the Mediterranean, b...

Africa.- Fries (Lorenz) Libyae Interioris Pars, Ptolemaic map showing eastern Libya, Egypt and the Nile Delta, based upon the work of Waldseemulle...

Africa.- Pirates.- Braun (Georg) and Franz Hogenberg. Tunes, Oppidum Barbarie & Regia Sedes... [on sheet with] Africa, olim Aphrodisium [and] Peno...

Africa.- Morocco.- Sanson (Nicolas) & Pierre Marriette. Estats et Royaumes de Fez et Maroc; Darha et Segelmesse; tires de Sanuto de Marmol &c., m...

Africa.- Speed (John) Africae, described the manners of their habits, and buildinge..., the first map of Africa prepared by an English cartographe...

Africa.- Guinea.- Wit (Frederik de) Tractus Littorales Guineae a Promontorio Verde Usque ad Sinum Catenbelae, sea chart of the Coast of Guinea, sh...

Africa.- Jansson (Jan) Regna Congo et Angola, engraving with original hand-colouring, on laid paper without watermark, platemark 412 x 500 mm. (16...

Africa.- Homann (Johann Baptist) Totius Africae Nova Repraesentatio qua Praeter Diversos in ea Status et Regiones, Etiam Origo Nili..., large map...

Africa.- Seutter (Matthäus) Africa Iuxta Navigationes et Observationes Recentissimas Aucta Correcta et in sua Regna et Status Divisa, in Lucem Edi...

Africa.- Sayer (Robert) Africa According to Mr. D'Anville with Several Additions and Improvements, large wall map with inset chart of the Gold Coa...

Africa.- Senegal.- De L'Isle (Guillaume) Carte de l'Afrique Francoise ou du Senegal Dressee sur un Grand Nombre de Cartes Manuscrites et d'Itinera...

Africa.- Cape Verde.- Cassini (Giovanni Maria) Le Isole Di Capo Verde, the Cape Verde islands with decorative title cartouche in the lower left co...

Africa.- Napoleon.- Denon (V.) Plan De La Bataille D'Aboukir, Le 27 Juillet 1799, scarce general plan of the Battle of Aboukir showing the events ...

Americas.- Bertius (Petrus) Carte de L'Amerique corrige‚ augmentee; dessus toutes les aultres cy devant..., map other Americas based on Hondius`s ...

Americas.- Leth (Hendrik de) Le Nouveau Continent ou l'Amerique Divisee en Septentrionale et Meridionale..., map of North and South America which ...

Americas.- Bellin (Jacques Nicolas) Carte Reduite des Costes Orientales de l'Amérique Septentrionale, sea chart of northeast North America, showin...

America & Canada.- Santini (Francois) Carte Generale du Canada, de la Louisiane, de la Floride, de la Caroline, de la Virginie, de la Nouvelle Ang...

Americas.- Vaugondy (Gilles Robert de) Carte de la Virginie et du Maryland Dressée sur la Grande Carte Angloise de Mrs. Josué Fry et Pierre Jeffer...

Americas.- Sayer (Robert) A Map of the Whole Continent of America divided into North and South and West Indies with a copious table, large wall ma...

Americas.- Monk (Jacob) New Map of the Portion of North America, Exhibiting the United States and Territories, The Canadas, New Brunswick, Nova Sc...

Cental America.- Mexico.- Marzolla (Benedetto) Messico e Stati dell'America Centrale, map of Mexico, covering Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica...

South America.- Cloppenburg (Johannes) America Meridionalis, from the rare edition of "Atlas Minor", a larger format edition of Mercator's pocket ...

South America.- Coronelli (Vincenzo Maria) [America Meridionale Auttore...], one sheet only (of two), showing the Western coast of South America f...

South America.- Sayer (Robert) A Map of South America Containing Tierra-Firma, Guayana, New Granada Amazonia, Brasil, Peru, Paraguay, Chaco, Tucum...

South America.- A good group of 27 maps of South America, including maps by Moll, Bonne, Bellin, Tallis, John Colton & Co., and others, engravings...

South Atlantic Ocean.- Bellin (Jacques Nicolas) Carte reduite de l'Ocean meridional..., map of South America, South Africa and the Southern Atlant...

Americas.- Mexico.- Dufour (Auguste-Henri) Mexique Antilles, Etats-Unis, French map depicting the United States, Mexico, Central America, and the ...

Asia.- Homann (Johann Baptist) Asiae Recentissima Delineatio, qua Status et Imperia Totius Orientis una cum Orientalibus Indiis..., map of Asia sh...

Asia.- Danet (Guillaume) L'Asie Dressee sur de Nouveaux Memoires Assujetis aux Observations Astronomiq..., map of Asia set within decorative borde...

Asia.- Brion de la Tour (Louis) L'Asie, large detailed map showing from the Arabian Peninsula to New Guinea and part of Australia, including India...

East Indies.- Jansson (Jan) Sumatrae et Insularum Locorumque Nonnullorum Circumiacentium Tabula Nova, map of Sumatra with north oriented to the le...

South East Asia.- Santini (Francois) Archipel des Indes Orientales, qui Comprend les Isles de la Sonde, Moluques et Philippines..., detailed map a...

China.- Blaeu (Willem Jansz. and Johannes) China Veteribus Sinarum Regio, map of China, Korea and Japan, with decorative cartouche in the upper ri...

Japan & Korea.- Pinkerton (John) Japan, detailed map of Japan and Korea, from Pinkerton's "Modern Atlas", engraving with original hand-colouring o...

Australasia & East Indies.- Coronelli (Vincenzo Maria) Nuova Guinea, globe gore showing Northern Australia and the East Indies, with Northern Aust...

Australasia.- Discovery of Tasmania and New Zealand.- Valentyn (Francois) Kaart der Reyse van Abel Tasman, map detailing the routes taken by Abel ...

Australasia.- Capt. James Cook.- Carte de la Nle. Galles Meridle. ou de la Cote Orientale de la Nle. Hollande Decouverte et Visitee par le Lieuten...

Australasia.- Capt. James Cook.- Zatta (Antonio) Nuove Scoperte Fatte nel 1765. 67. e 69 nel Mare del Sud, early record of Capt. Cook's discoverie...

Australasia.- Capt. James Cook.- Djurberg (Daniel) Polynesien (Inselwelt) oder der Funfte Welttheil..., chart of the Western Pacific, Polynesia an...

Australia.- Bowen (Emanuel) A complete map of the southern continent, survey'd by Capt. Abel Tasman & depicted by order of the East India Company ...

Australia.- Capt. James Cook.- Entrance of Endeavour River, in New South Wales/ Botany Bay, in New South Wales, two maps on one sheet, engraved by...

Australia.- Lauvergne (Barthelemy), after. Sydney Etablissement Principal de la Nouvelle Galles du Sud, view showing Sydney harbour and a rowing b...

Australia & New Zealand.- Sea Charts.- Imray & Son (James) Western Pacific [Chart No. 1], large sea chart including New Zealand, with several deta...

  • 232 Los(e)

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