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Ein Abonnement der Preisliste ist notwendig um Ergebnisse, von Auktionen die vor einem längeren Zeitraum als 10 Tagen stattgefunden haben, ansehen zu können. Klicken Sie hier für mehr Informationen

Bremer Press.- Homer. Poiesis: Ilias & Odysseia [graece], 2 vol., edited by Eduard Schwartz, each one of 615 copies on Zanders hand-made paper, ti...

Bury (Richard de) Philobiblon, 3 vol., one of 297 copies, handsomely printed in red and black, initials heightened in gold, beautiful patterned en...

Calligraphic manuscript.- [Bible, New Testament]. Parables, calligraphic manuscript on vellum, 10pp., 2 large initials and 6 words in gold, 2 larg...

Cranach Press.- Rilke (Rainer Maria) Duineser Elegien; Elegies from the Castle of Duino, translated by V. & Edward Sackville-West, first edition i...

De La More Press.- Ovidius Naso (Publius) Shakespeare's Ovid: being Arthur Golding's Translation of the Metamorphoses, edited by W.H.D.Rouse, numb...

Doves Bindery.- Shelley (Percy Bysshe) Poetical Works, edited by H.Buxton Forman, 2 vol., frontispieces (lightly offset onto titles), leather book...

Doves Press.- Tacitus (Publius Cornelius) De vita et moribus Iulii Agricolae liber, one of 225 copies on paper, leather book-label of Haven O'More...

Doves Press.- Emerson (Ralph Waldo) Essays...with Preface by Thomas Carlyle, [one of 300 copies on paper], printed in red and black, light spottin...

Doves Press.- Shakespeare (William) Shake-speare's Sonnets, Tercentenary Edition, one of 250 copies on paper, printed in red and black, signed pre...

Doves Press.- Winship (George Parker) William Caxton: A Paper read at a Meeting of the Club of Odd Volumes in Boston Massachusetts U.S.A. in Janua...

Doves Press.- Wordsworth (William) A Decade of Years: Poems...1798-1807, one of 200 copies on paper, printed in red and black, leather book-label ...

Doves Press.- Cobden-Sanderson (T.J.) Amantium Irae: Letters to Two Friends 1864-1867, one of 150 copies on paper, printed in red and black, front...

Doves Press.- Shelley (Percy Bysshe) [Poems], one of 200 copies on paper, printed in red and black, leather book-label of Haven O'More, original l...

Doves Press.- Keats (John) [Poems], one of 200 copies on paper, printed in red and black, original limp vellum by the Doves Bindery, spine titled ...

Doves Press.- Shakespeare (William) The Rape of Lucrece, one of 175 copies on paper, printed in red and black, leather book-label of Haven O'More,...

Doves Press.- Wordsworth (William) The Prelude: An Autobiographical Poem...1799-1805, one of 155 copies on paper, printed in red and black, leathe...

Doves Press.- Catalogue Raisonné of Books printed and published at the Doves Press 1900-1916, one of 150 copies on paper, printed in red and black...

Doves Press.- Catalogue Raisonné of Books printed and published at the Doves Press 1900-1916, one of 150 copies on paper, printed in red and black...

Doves Press.- Pollard (Alfred W.) Cobden-Sanderson and the Doves Press, number 2 of 27 copies with a specimen leaf on vellum, from an edition limi...

Doves Press.- Strouse (Norman H.) and John Dreyfus. C-S: The Master Craftsman. An account of the work of T.J.Cobden-Sanderson, letter G of 12 spec...

Gill (Eric) Clothes..., number 142 of 160 special copies signed by the author/artist on colophon leaf at end, wood-engravings by Gill, some full-p...

Gill (Eric) The Engravings, 3 vol. including portfolio, number 4 of 85 special copies with an additional suite of 8 wood-engravings printed from t...

Golden Cockerel Press.- Chaucer (Geoffrey) Troilus and Criseyde, edited by Arundell del Re, number 66 of 225 copies, wood-engraved pictorial title...

Golden Cockerel Press.- Lucian, of Samosata. The True History of Lucian the Samosatenian, translated by Francis Hickes, number 107 of 275 copies, ...

Golden Cockerel Press.- Chaucer (Geoffrey) The Canterbury Tales, 4 vol., number 276 of 485 copies on paper, wood-engraved decorative borders, illu...

Golden Cockerel Press.- Song of Songs (The), edited by W.O.E.Oesterley, number 114 of 204 copies, printed in red and black, engraved plates and he...

Gooden (Stephen).- Aesop. Fables, translated by Sir Roger l'Estrange, number 19 of 525 copies on hand-made paper signed by the artist, copper-engr...

Grabhorn Press.- Whitman (Walt) Leaves of Grass..., number 140 of 400 copies, printed in red and black by Edwin and Robert Grabhorn, woodcut illus...

Grabhorn Press.- Heller (Elinor Raas) & David Magee. Bibliography of the Grabhorn Press 1915-1940, one of 210 copies, printed in red and black, sp...

Gregynog Press.- Milton (John) Four Poems: L'Allegro, Il Penseroso, Arcades, Lycidas, number 186 of 250 copies on Japanese vellum, title-vignette ...

Gregynog Press.- Wynne (Ellis) Gweledigaetheu y bardd cwsc. Visions of the sleeping bard, translated by T.Gwynn Jones, number 16 of 20 specially-b...

Kelmscott Press.- Keats (John) The Poems, edited by F.S.Ellis, [one of 300 copies on Flower paper], printed in red and black in Golden type, wood-...

Kelmscott Press.- Sparling (H.Halliday) The Kelmscott Press and William Morris Master-Craftsman, first edition, photogravure frontispiece portrait...

Kelmscott Press.- Morris (William) The Story of Cupid and Psyche, with illustrations designed by Edward Burne-Jones, mostly engraved on the wood b...

Kelmscott Press.- Chaucer (Geoffrey) The Works [with] A Companion Volume to the Kelmscott Chaucer by Duncan Robinson, 2 vol., number 469 of 515 co...

Lawrence (T.E.) Seven Pillars of Wisdom: A Triumph, 4 vol. including plate vol. & folder of loose maps & plates, one of 80 specially-bound sets, f...

Merrymount Press.- Book of Common Prayer (The) and Administration of the Sacraments..., one of 500 copies, printed in red and black, printed note ...

Nietzsche (Friedrich) Dionysos Dithyramben, one of 150 copies designed by Henry van de Velde, this copy for Robert Voigt, printed in crimson and b...

Nonesuch Press.- Dante Alighieri. La Divina Commedia or the Divine Vision of Dante Alighieri in Italian & English, translated by H.F.Cary, number ...

Nonesuch Press.- Dante Alighieri. La Divina Commedia or the Divine Vision of Dante Alighieri in Italian & English, translated by H.F.Cary, number ...

Nonesuch Press.- Harvey (William) The Anatomical Exercises of Dr. William Harvey. De Motu Cordis 1628: De Circulatione Sanguinis 1649, edited by G...

Nonesuch Press.- Shakespeare (William) The Works, edited by Herbert Farjeon, 7 vol., number 52 of 1600 sets, bookplate of H.M.Brower and leather b...

Nonesuch Press.- Walton (Isaac) The Compleat Angler, The Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Herbert & Sanderson, edited by Geoffrey Keynes, number 15...

Nonesuch Press.- Homer. The Iliad [and] The Odyssey, translated by Alexander Pope, 2 vol., number 1322 of 1450 & 210 of 1300 copies respectively, ...

Nonesuch Press.- Ellis (Havelock) Chapman, number 15 of 75 specially-bound copies, from an edition limited to 700, leather book-label of Haven O'M...

Nonesuch Press.- Coleridge (Samuel Taylor) Selected Poems, out-of-series copy from an edition limited to 500, plates by Stefan Mrozewski, presenta...

Nonesuch Press.- Herodotus. The History..., translated by G.Rawlinson, edited by A.W.Lawrence, number 206 of 675 copies, half-title with wood-engr...

Officina Bodoni.- Officina Bodoni (The): The Operation of a Hand-press during the first six years of its work, number 303 of 500 copies, 12 full-p...

Officina Bodoni.- Ovidius Naso (Publius) Amores..., one of 120 copies, printed in Arrighi italic with title and colophon in red and black, with in...

Officina Bodoni.- Wasson (Valentina Pavlona and R. Gordon) Mushrooms Russia and History, 2 vol., number 504 of 512 copies designed by Hans Marders...

Officina Bodoni.- Feliciano (Felice, of Verona) Alphabetum Romanum, edited by Giovanni Mardersteig, number 343 of 400 copies in English, 25 hand-c...

Officina Bodoni.- Aesop. The Fables...printed from the Veronese Edition of MCCCCLXXIX in Latin Verses and the Italian Version by Accio Zucco..., 2...

Officina Bodoni.- [Stobaeus (Joannes)] Delphica Grammata [graece]: The Sayings of the Seven Sages of Greece, edited and translated by Betty Radice...

Plato. Phaedrus: A Dialogue, number 45 of 90 copies on Arches Text, from an edition limited to 150, original cream wrappers titled in in Greek in ...

Proctor (Robert).- Homer. Odysseia [graece], one of 225 copies, printed in red and black in Robert Proctor's "Otter" Greek type, leather book-labe...

Proctor (Robert).- Four Gospels in the Original Greek (The), [one of 350 copies], printed in red and black in Robert Proctor's "Otter" Greek type,...

Rogers (Bruce).- Montaigne (Michel de) Essays, translated by John Florio, 3 vol., number 107 of 265 copies designed by Bruce Rogers, portrait fron...

Rogers (Bruce).- Boccaccio (Giovanni) Life of Dante, translated by Philip Henry Wicksteed, one of 265 copies designed by Bruce Rogers, title with ...

Rogers (Bruce).- Bernard (Auguste) Geoffroy Tory: Painter and Engraver; First Royal Printer; Reformer of Orthography and Typography under François...

Shakespeare Head Press.- Pindar. Odes of Victory, translated by C.J.Billson, 2 vol., number 158 of 250 copies, wood-engraved illustrations by John...

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