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☼A CORAL CARVING, China, early 20th c.g 200; h cm 15,5☼珊瑚凋像,中国,二十世纪初
A YELLOW-GLAZED PORCELAIN BOWL, China, Guangxu mark and period (1875-1908)h cm 7,5x l cm 16 (defects)黄釉瓷碗,中国,光绪时期印记 (1875-1908)
A FAMILLE ROSE 'SQUIRREL AND GRAPES' DISH, China, Qianlong period (1736-1795)d cm 22,5粉彩瓷盘《松鼠与葡萄》,中国,乾隆时期(1735-1796)
A LITTLE SQUARED VASE, China, Republic Period (1912-1949)h cm 6,5小方瓶,中国,民国时期 (1912-1949)
A 'powder blue' porcelain Punch bowl, China, Qing dynasty, 19th c.d cm 25,5粉蓝彩潘趣陶瓷碗,中国,清朝,十九世纪
A PAIR OF ''EGGS AND SPINACH'' Porcelain BIRDS, China, 18th c.h cm 14,5绿黄釉陶瓷鸟一对,中国,十八世纪
SIX PAINTINGS ON SILK, China, 19/20th c.l max cm 55花鸟水墨画六幅,中国,十九-二十世纪
FIVE PAINTINGS ON SILK AND ONE ON PAPER, China, Qing dynasty (1644-1912)h max cm 28 x l max cm 31,5 画作六幅,中国,清朝末期
A 'Sang-de-BOEUF' double-gord porcelain vase, China, 19th c.h cm 22郎窑红花瓶,中国,十九世纪晚期
A FAMILLE ROSE PORCELAIN DISH, China, 18th c.d cm 22,4 (defects)粉彩瓷盘,中国,十八世纪
TWO SILVER BOXES, China, 19th/20th c.g. 302银盒两只,中国19 世纪/20 世纪
TWO FAMILLE VERTE PORCELAIN CACHEPOTS, China, Kangxi period (1661-1722)h cm 17,4 x d cm 20,5青彩陶瓷花盆两只,中国,清朝康熙时期 (1661-1722)
A CHINESE MUGHAL STYLE CARVED CELADON JADE ELONGATED VASE, China, Qing dynasty, 19th / 20th centuryh tot cm 14 穆格尔式雕刻翡翠花瓶,中国,清朝,19/20 世纪
A DOUBLE-GORD JADEITE VASE, China, first half 20th centuryh cm 13,5 翡翠花瓶,中国,20 世纪上半叶
A 'DEHUA' PORCELAIN FIGURE OF GUANYIN, China, early 20th c.h cm 67,5 (defects)德化观音瓷像,中国,20世纪初 PROVENANCESotheby's Milan, June 2002, lot 428
A SIX-PANEL SCREEN WITH CHRYSANTHEMUMS, Japan, Meiji period (1868-1912)each panel h cm 160 x l 57,5六屏屏风,日本,明治时期(1868-1912)
Three Famille Verte chargers, China, 18th c.h max cm 37绿彩瓷盘三只,中国,十八世纪PROVENANCEWith Goffi-Carboni Rome label
A SILK THANGKA WITH PALDEN LHAMO, China, 19th centuryh cm 83,5 x 55丝质唐卡,中国,十九世纪
AN HEVAJIRA MANDALA, China, 19th c.h cm 69 x 49欢喜金刚曼陀罗,中国,十九世纪
☼A CORAL CARVING, China, late 19th c.g. 516☼珊瑚凋刻,中国,十九世纪
A FLAMBE-GLAZED TRIPOD CENSER, China, late Qing dynasty h cm 19,5火焰釉陶三足香炉,中国,晚清时期 Hong Kong Antique Centre, Victory House 7 Windham Street, Ground...
Six Blue-ground gilt decorated porcelain plates, China, early 19th c.d cm 20 (defects)蓝底镀金瓷盘六件,中国,十八世纪初
A TRIPOD BRONZE CENSER, China, late 19th c.h cm 37 (defects)大型青铜三足香炉,中国,十九世纪晚期
A FAMILLE ROSE RECTANGULAR JARDINIERE, China, early 20th c.h cm 12 x d cm 32 粉彩长方形陶瓷盆,中国,二十世纪初
A silver spice-box (Pandan), India, Malwa, 19th c. g. 766银製香料盒(Pandan),印度,马尔瓦,十九世纪初
A PAINTING ON PAPER DEPICTING A LADY, China, 19th c.h cm 112 x l 50 (defects)宮廷仕女纸画,中国,十九世纪初 PROVENANCEFrom the estate of the soprano Toti dal Mon...
A painting on paper depicting a dignitary, China, 19th c.h cm 112 x l 52,5描绘朝官纸画,中国,十九世纪PROVENANCEFrom the estate of the soprano Toti dal Monte (A...
A CANTONESE ENAMELLED FAN, China, late 19th c.l max cm 35,5扇子,中国广东,十九世纪末
A cylindryical copper vase, China, Qing dynasty (1644-1911)h cm 28圆柱形铜质花瓶,中国,清朝(1644-1911)
TWO 'SANG-DE-BOEUF' PORCELAIN VASES, China, late 19th c.h max cm 22,5郎窑红有盖花瓶两只,中国,十九世纪末
A "XIWANGMU" FAMILLE ROSE PORCELAIN DISH, China, Qianlong period (1736-1795)d cm 22,5西王母粉彩瓷盘,中国,乾隆时期 (1736-1795)
☼A large coral carving, China, early 20th c.g. 2.848☼大型红珊瑚凋像,中国,二十世纪初
A PAIR OF 'DEHUA' PORCELAIN PHO DOGS, China, 19th c.h cm 27,5德化瓷祥狮一对,中国,19世纪PROVENANCESotheby's Milan, April 1987, lot 384
A JADE SEAL WITH SHOULAO, China, late Qing dynasty h cm 6,4玉玺,中国,清朝晚期
A FAMILLE VERTE PORCELAIN CACHE-POT, China, 19th centuryh cm 49 x d cm 53大型青彩陶瓷藏宝罐,中国,十九世纪
A PAIR OF BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN 'LOTUS' BOWLS, China, early 19th c.d cm 9,8莲花纹青花瓷碗一对,中国,十九世纪初
A Bronze sculpture depicting a Kirin, Japan, Meiji Period (1868-1912)h cm 25 x l 18麒麟青铜凋塑,日本,明治时期(1868-1912)PROVENANCEFrom the estate of the sopra...
A JADE RECUMBENT HORSE, China, 19th centuryl cm 6,7玉卧马,中国,十九世纪
A PAIR OF "LADIES IN GARDEN" PORCELAIN CUPS, China, early 20th c.d cm 12,2花园仕女陶瓷杯一组,中国,二十世纪初
A SILK THANGKA, China, 19th c.h cm 83,5 x 55丝质唐卡,中国,二十世纪
A SILK AVALOTIKESHVARA CHATURBHUJA THANGKA, China, 19th c.h cm 66,5 x 51丝质唐卡,中国,十九世纪
TWO EMBROIDERED SILK DRESSES, China, late Qing dynasty h cm 86 x 158; h cm 104 x l tot 144 (defects)刺绣丝绸衣裙两件,中国,清朝晚期
An Octagonal Cloisonnè Vase, Japan, 19th c.h cm 26 Signed Fukushima Ino (福嶋鑄造)八角景泰蓝花瓶,底部有"福嶋铸造"印,日本,十九世纪
A BRONZE FIGURE OF WEITUO, China, Ming dynasty, 17 c.h cm 36,8韦驮铜凋,中国,明朝,十七世纪
FIVE SNUFF BOTTLES, China, 19/20th c.h max cm 8鼻烟壶一组五只,中国,十九/二十世纪初
A BOTTLE-SHAPE PORCELAIN VASE, China, Republic Period (1912-1949)h cm 40 蓝釉瓷花瓶,中国,民国时期(1912-1949)
A Celadon-Glazed 'Longquan' vase, China, 19th c.h cm 24龙泉青瓷花瓶,中国,十九世纪
A Large painting on silk with pheasants, signed Lu Ji (呂紀), China, 19th c.h cm 192 x l cm 119大型雉鸡丝绸画,署名吕纪,中国,19世纪
THREE TURQUOISE GLAZED WATERDROPPERS, China, Kangxi Period (1661-1722)l cm 8,8绿松石釉瓷水滴台三只,中国,康熙时期(1661-1722)PROVENANCELa Galliavola Arte Orientale,...
A double gord turquoise-aubergine glazed vase, China, Kangxi period (1661-1722)h cm 17双柄绿紫釉瓷花瓶,中国,康熙时期(1661-1722)PROVENANCELa Galliavola Arte Orie...
A 'Cadogan' turquoise glaze teapot, China, Kangxi Period (1661-1722)h cm 10绿松石釉瓷“Cadogan”茶壶,中国,康熙时期(1661-1722)PROVENANCELa Galliavola Arte Orienta...
A Turquoise Glazed Waterdropper, China, Kangxi Period (1661-1722)l cm 7,1绿松石釉水滴壶,中国,康熙时期(1661-1722)The lot is accompanied by a copy of the certifi...
TWO TURQUESE FIGURES OF BUDAI, China, Kangxi period (1661-1722)h cm 8,2绿松石釉瓷布袋和尚两件,中国,康熙时期(1661-1722)PROVENANCE La Galliavola Arte Orientale, Mila...
A TURQUOISE GLAZED INKWELL, China, Kangxi period (1661-1722)h cm 5绿松石釉瓷笔洗,中国,康熙时期(1661-1722)The lot is accompanied by a copy of the certificate of...
A Turquoise glazes Joss-stick holder, China, Kangxi period (1661-1722)h cm 6,5绿松石釉瓷香炉,康熙时期(1661-1722)LITERATUREFor a similar object see L'ABC du C...
A pair of turquoise glazed models of toads, China, Kangxi period (1661-1722)l cm 9 x h cm 8,5绿松石釉带盖瓷青蛙一对,中国,康熙时期(1661-1722)PROVENANCELa Galliavola...
TWO TURQUOISE GLAZED DISHES, China, Kangxi Period (1661-1722)d cm 14,4 (defects)绿松石釉瓷盘两件,中国,康熙时期(1661-1722) PROVENANCECon etichetta Vincent L'Herr...
TWO TURQUOISE GLAZED MOUNTAIN BRUSH RESTS, China, Kangxi Period (1661-1722)l max cm 9,5绿松石釉山形瓷笔架两个,中国,康熙时期(1661-1722)PROVENANCELa Galliavola Arte ...
A TURQUOISE GLAZED BRUSHPOT, China, Kangxi Period (1661-1722)h cm 9,5 (defects)绿松石釉瓷笔筒,中国,康熙时期(1661-1722) PROVENANCEVincent l'Herrou expert label ...