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442 Los(e)/Seite
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"Feux d'artifice", 1927, pochoir colored engraving, signed on the print lower right, signed and numbered "253", lower on the side, along the upper...
"La procession", 1929, pochoir colored engraving, signed on a title block in the print lower right, signed and numbered "7" lower on the side, alo...
"Carnevale a Venezia", tempera on canvas, signed "Dudovich" lower left, within frame
"Soldato a cavallo nel deserto", sanguine on cardboard, within gilt wood frame Provenance: Galleria Carlo Virgilio, Roma ...[more]
"Studio per autoritratto", sanguine on cardboard, within gilt wood frame Provenance: Galleria Carlo Virgilio, Roma ...[more]
"Studio di donna", charcoal on cardboard, within giltwood frame Provenance: Galleria Carlo Virgilio, Roma ...[more]
"Milziade", mixed technique on paper, signed lower right, within frame
"Aeropittura futurista", mixed technique on paper, signed lower right, within frame
"Futuaerei", coloured pencils on paper, signed lower left, within frame
"Manifesto", tempera on paper, signed lower right, within frame
"Velocità Aerea", 1934 ca., tempera and collage on paper, signed lower left "R.M.B", within frame. Work registered in the section "Dipinti" of the...
"Linee forza - dinamiche", mixed technique on paper, signed and titled lower right, within frame
"Composizione", 1956, charcoal on paper, signed and dated lower right, within frame
"Untitled", oil on plywood, signed lower right "L. Russolo", within gilt wood frame
"Figura mitologica", tempera and pencil on paper applied on canvas, signed lower center "Bargellini", within frame. Provenance: private collection...
"Vergine con Bambino che pesta un serpente", tempera and pencil on paper applied on canvas, signed lower center "Bargelini", within frame Provenan...
"Cavalieri antichi", 1954, 5 color lithography, es. f. c. XVI/XXV, signed with pencil lower right, within frame, Edizioni Carlo Bestetti, Rome, pa...
"La musa della storia", second version, four colousr lithograph, es P.A., signed "G. de Chirico" lower right, limited edition and dry stamp GdeC l...
"Per aprire le porte dell'avvenire", illustration for " La Rivista Illustrata del Popolo d'italia", anno VII, n. 1 gennaio 1929, p.9, 1929, temper...
"Composizione", around 1943, pencil, grease pencil and diluted tempera on paper applied on canvas, ballpoint pen signed bottom right Work register...
"Female figure with floral dress", 1915 ca, mixed technique on paper, signed lower right, within frame, shaped in painted and printed leather Bibl...
"Two flowerpots", 1938, watercolor and gouache on paper, signed and dated lower right "Maurice, Utrillo, V, 1938". Work registered to the Maurice ...
"Natura morta con frutta, brocca e violino", 1928 circa, oil on canvas, signed lower left. Work registered at the Istituto Matteucci, Viareggio wi...
"Motivo decorativo per ricamo: compenetrazione di forme, fiori, foglie e linee andamentali",1920 ca., watecolor on cardboard, signed "Balla" lower...
"Linee Spaziali", 1917, colored papers collage on cardboard, signed "Futur Balla" lower right, within frame. On the reverse, on the cardboard: two...
"Due donne", 1965, oil on canvas, signed lower right. Work registered in the Massimo Campigli archive, Saint Tropez, under the number 5604700, as ...
"Idoli", 1965, oil on canvas, signed lower right. Work registered in the Massimo Campigli archive under the n° 5611702, as from authentic on photo...
"Figura e girasoli", 1953, oil on cardboard, signed upper left "Pirandello", within frame. Authentic of Pierluigi Pirandello on Photograph Proveni...
"Natura morta con brucanio", 1948 - 1949, oil on panel, signed lower right "Pirandello", within frame. Authentic of Pierluigi Pirandello on Photog...
"Nudo disteso", 1954 ca, oil on cardboard, signed upper right and lower left "Pirandello", within frame. Authentic of Pierluigi Pirandello on phot...
"Donna che riposa al sole", 1953, pastel on paper, signed lower right, within frame Exhibition: Fausto Pirandello. Opere dal 1923-1973, Galleria R...
"Donna con bambino", chalk sculpture, on the base the signature "D C" ...[more]
"Pittura n.31", 1957/58, oil on canvas. Label on the reverse of the l'Elefante Arte Contemporanea Gallery, Treviso, label and stamp of the Galleri...
"Passeggiata sul mare", oil on canvas, signed lower right, signature and title on the reverse, within frame. Work registered under the Renato Gutt...
"Mattanza", oil on canvas, 1952, signed lower right, signature, date and title on the reverse, tag "Gallery il portico - Santa Margherita Ligure"....
"Flowers", 1970 ca., oil on canvas, signed lower right, signed and titled on the reverse
"Senza titolo", tempera on paper, signed upper right. within frame
"Anita Garibaldi", 1987, glazed bronze sculpture, es. n. 15/35, signed "Arroyo" Provenance: private collection, Rome ...[more]
"Satiro", bronze sculpture, signed on the reverse "U. Marcellini"
bronze sculptire depicting a bull, resting on a marble base
"Untitled", 1979, watercolor on paper, signed, titled and dated lower right, within frame
"Still life", 1969, oil on canvasm signed lower right and dated lower left, within frame
"Campo di papaveri", pastel on paper, signed lower left, within frame. Galleria d'arte Rizziero, Teramo stamp
"Fantini a cavallo", oil on canvas, signed lower left, within frame. Artist's authentic on photograph
"Untitled", oil on canvas, 1972, signed and dated lower right, authentic on the reverse, within frame
"Nudo femminile sdraiato", 1983, mixed technique on panel, signed lower right and on the reverse with artist's dedication, within frame
"Sun", 1971, mixed technique and collage on panel,signed dated and and titled on the reverse with the authentic declaration Rosangela Baggini date...
"Untitled", sculpture, plastic material assemblage and 9 metacrilato spheres, signed on the plexiglass "Costalonga PU35B"
"Senza titolo", 1978, oil on canvas, signed and dated on the reverse, within frame. Artist's authentic on photograph. Exhibition: Guarnieri Olivie...
"Disegno ottico - dinamico", 1967, golden ink on brown cardboard, signed and dated on the reverse with dedication, within frame. Work registered i...
"Dimamica circolare 6 S blu+rosso",1965, mixed technique on canvas, signed and titled on the reverse, within gilt wood frame
"Azzurroviola", 1987, vinyl on canvas, signed and dated lower left; signed, datedand archive number "986" on the reverse, within frame. Work regis...
"The kiss", bronze sculpture, es. 1/10 p.a, signed, resting on a wooden base. Authenticity certificate released by Artesanterasmo, Milan
"A pugni nudi", bronze sculpture, p.f., signed, resting on a wooden base. Guarantee certificate by Gianicolo Centro d Arte, Perugia
"Untitled", two mixed techniques on paper, signed center right, within frame, artist's authentic on photograph
"Untitled", pastel on card applied on canvas, signed lower right, within frame
"Persefone è sparita", mixed technique on canvas, 1958, signed, titled and dated on the reverse, within frame
"Untitled", mixed technique, paiting and collage on canvas, 1958, signed at the center, within frame. Work registered in the Associazione Archivio...
"Nocturne in Marino 2", 1955, oil on canvas, signed and dated lower leftwork in the Archive Giuseppe Santomaso under the n°SOT/727, as from certif...
"Landscape with seaweed", 1954, mixed technique on canvas, signed and dated lower right, work registered in the Afro Archive by Mario Graziani, Ro...
442 Los(e)/Seite