

A chest of drawers with oratory top

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A chest of drawers with oratory top - Bild 1 aus 3
A chest of drawers with oratory top - Bild 2 aus 3
A chest of drawers with oratory top - Bild 3 aus 3
A chest of drawers with oratory top - Bild 1 aus 3
A chest of drawers with oratory top - Bild 2 aus 3
A chest of drawers with oratory top - Bild 3 aus 3
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A chest of drawers with oratory top, Brazilian rosewood, Brazilian-rosewood cornish, front edges inbetween, views, carvings and feet, interior of the oratory with a carved, pierced and gilt wood frieze and a marbled and gilt wood “step”, Portuguese, missing part of a carving, minor defects, later bronze mounts en relief, later fabric of inner lining, slight traces of woodworms. Notes: vd. similar copy in PINTO, Maria Helena Mendes - "Os Móveis e o seu Tempo - Mobiliário Português do Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga - Séculos XV-XIX". Lisbon: Portuguese Institute of Cultural Heritagel, 1985-1987, p. 87, nºs 64 and 65., Dim. - 251 x 124 x 70 cm
A chest of drawers with oratory top, Brazilian rosewood, Brazilian-rosewood cornish, front edges inbetween, views, carvings and feet, interior of the oratory with a carved, pierced and gilt wood frieze and a marbled and gilt wood “step”, Portuguese, missing part of a carving, minor defects, later bronze mounts en relief, later fabric of inner lining, slight traces of woodworms. Notes: vd. similar copy in PINTO, Maria Helena Mendes - "Os Móveis e o seu Tempo - Mobiliário Português do Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga - Séculos XV-XIX". Lisbon: Portuguese Institute of Cultural Heritagel, 1985-1987, p. 87, nºs 64 and 65., Dim. - 251 x 124 x 70 cm

Antiques and Works of Art, Rare Books, Modern and Contemporary Art

Lose: 1-352
Ort der Versteigerung
Rua Miguel Lupi 12-D

Für Cabral Moncada Leilões Versandinformtation bitte wählen Sie +351 213954781.

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Stichworte: Chest of Drawers, Truhe, Step, Cabinets & Case Pieces