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Ein Abonnement der Preisliste ist notwendig um Ergebnisse, von Auktionen die vor einem längeren Zeitraum als 10 Tagen stattgefunden haben, ansehen zu können. Klicken Sie hier für mehr Informationen

ARMS AND ARMOURMEYRICK (WILLIAM) An Illustrated Catalogue of Weapons and Detached Specimens of Armour, from the Collection of William Meyrick, Esq...

ARMS AND ARMOUR - NAPOLEON IIIPENGUILLY L'HARIDON (OCTAVE) Catalogue des collections du cabinet d'armes des sa Majesté l'Empereur, contemporary c...

BINDINGSCOLLIER (JEREMY) An Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain, Chiefly in England... new edition, with a life of the author.... by Francis B...

BINDINGSWORDSWORTH (WILLIAM) The Poetical Works, 11 vol. (including 'The Life'), edited by William Knight, 8 engraved frontispieces (as called fo...

CREALOCK (HENRY HOPE)'Among the Red Deer:' Sketches from Nature in the Forest, 2 vol. (text and portfolio of plates), FIRST EDITION, 80 photograp...

ERASMUS (DESIDERIUS)Moriae encomium nunc postremum ab ipso autore religiose recognitum, una cum aliis aliquot libellis, first three pages within ...

FABRI (ALESSANDRO)Diversarum nationum ornatus [-Diversarum nationum habitus], vol. 1 and 2 (of 3) bound in 1 vol., engraved decorative title-page...

GRIMBLE (AUGUSTUS)Deer-Stalking, LIMITED TO 250 COPIES, 18 plates after the author, errata slip, light spotting to opening and final leaves, mode...

LYDEKKER (RICHARD)The Great and Small Game of India, Burma & Tibet, NUMBER 26 OF 250 COPIES SIGNED BY THE PUBLISHER, 9 hand-coloured lithographed...

MONET (CLAUDE)Autograph letter signed ('Claude Monet') to 'Cher Ami' [Paul Helleu], in French, asking if he is still in Paris and when he will vis...

PHOTOGRAPHYCOLE (ALAN SUMMERLY) Ancient Needlepoint and Pillow Lace. With Notes on the History of Lace-making and Descriptions of Thirty Examples,...

PHOTOGRAPHYMUYBRIDGE (EADWEARD) Autograph letter signed ('Eadweard Muybridge'), to W.J. Chadwick Esq., Hon. Secretary of the Manchester Photograph...

ISLAMThe Rise of Islam and the Caliphate. The Pan-Islamic Movement, FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE, with 'Confidential' printed in upper right corner ...

LEAR (EDWARD)Illustrated Excursions in Italy, 2 vol. [First-Second series], FIRST EDITION, half-titles, 2 hand-coloured maps, 55 tinted lithograp...


PERSIAN GULF AND ARABIAPersian Gulf, large colour-printed map of 'Persian Gulf and Adjacent Countries... Additions Feby. 1919' loosely inserted as...

PORTER (DAVID)A Voyage In The South Seas, In The Years 1812, 1813 and 1814. With Particular Details Of The Gallipagos and Washington Islands, 3 e...

SOUTH AFRICAHARRIS (WILLIAM CORNWALLIS) Wild Sports of Southern Africa.. From the Cape of Good Hope... to the Tropic of Capricorn, third edition,...

SOUTH AFRICALE VAILLANT (FRANCOIS) New Travels into the Interior Parts of Africa, by the Way of The Cape of Good Hope, in the Years 1783, 84, and ...

SOUTH AFRICAThe Cape of Good Hope Calendar, and Agriculturist's Guide: Containing a Correct Account of All the Public Offices, Military Forces, an...

ALBUMS - LITERATURE, ABOLITION, METHODISM & SCIENCETwo nineteenth century albums, the first containing collection of c.70 autograph letters, envel...

[BARLOW (WILLIAM)]The Navigator's Supply. Conteining many things of Principall Importance Belonging to Navigation, with the Description and Use of...

BIBLE - EMBROIDERED BINDINGThe Whole Book of Psalmes Collected into English Meeter by T. Sternhold, I. Hopkins, and Others, ttitle with large woo...

BIBLE- FRANCIS FRYThe First New Testament Printed in the English Language (1525 or 1526) Translated from the Greek by William Tyndale. Reproduced ...

BRINSLEY (JOHN)Ludus Literarius: or, The Grammar Schoole; Shewing how to Proceede from the First Entrance into Learning, to the Highest Perfection...

CAMDEN (WILLIAM)Britannia, Newly Translated into English: With Large Additions and Improvements... by Edmund Gibson, engraved portrait frontispie...

CARLYLE (JANE WELSH) AND GERALDINE JEWSBURYTwo autograph letters signed ('Jane W Carlyle' or 'Jane Carlyle') to Mrs de Winton ('My dear Mrs de Win...

CHARLES IIWarrant signed ('Charles R' at head), to the Clerk of Our Signet Attending, requiring him to '...prepare a Bill for our Royall Signature...

COMENIUS (JOHANNES AMOS)Orbis sensualium pictus... Visible World: Or, a Nomenclature, and Pictures of all the Chief Things that are in the World, ...

DICKENS (CHARLES)Autograph note in the third person, to Mrs Hawkins of Alresford Hall, Colchester, stating 'Mr Charles Dickens regrets that an en...

DRINKWATER (JOHN)A History of the Late Siege of Gibraltar. With a Description and Account of the Garrison, from the Earliest Periods, second editi...

DRYDEN (JOHN) AND JOHN BLOWAn Ode on the Death of Mr. Henry Purcell; Late Servant to His Majesty, and Organist of the Chapel Royal, and of St. Pet...

FERGUSON (ADAM)'Notes on Lectures on Moral Philosophy... Vol. 4th [of 4]. Edinburgh 1782-3', manuscript notebook, 340 pages (title within double ...

IRELAND - ARMY & MILITIAEstablishment book bearing the calligraphic title-page: 'Establishment of the kingdome of Ireland/ or a List containing al...

L. (S.)A Letter from a Gentleman of the Lord Ambassador Howard's Retinue, to his Friend in London: Dated at Fez, Nov. 1. 1669. Wherein he gives a ...

MOUNTAINE (WILLIAM)The Seaman's Vade-Mecum, and Defensive War by Sea, 2 engravings of ship's rigging on single folded sheet, 2 folding plans (one...

PEPYS (SAMUEL)Document signed ('SPepys'), directing Sir Stephen Fox, paymaster of his Majesty's forces to pay a gratuity to Judith Connely, widow ...

PERCY (THOMAS)Autograph note signed with initials ('Th.P') on Alnham Castle in Northumberland ('...One of the old castles belonging to the Earls ...

WILLIAM OF ORANGE'The Life and Glorious Actions of William the Third, King of England &c. Wrote in 1726', manuscript in ink on laid paper, 66 pag...

BAYNE COLLECTION – LITERATURE, SCIENCE & THE ARTSCollection of over 100 autograph letters, postcards and cut signatures, assembled by author, jour...

BROWNING (ROBERT)Autograph letter signed ('Robert Browning') to Peter Bayne ('Dear Sir'), expressing grateful thanks for his book on Elizabeth Bar...

CARLYLE (THOMAS)Three autograph letters signed ('T. Carlyle') to an unnamed recipient [Peter Bayne], the first thanking him for the book, assuring...

DICKENS (CHARLES)Autograph letter signed ('Charles Dickens') to Peter Bayne Esq. ('Dear Sir'), thanking him for his letter and moving words ('...I...

HUXLEY (THOMAS HENRY)Three autograph letters signed ('TH Huxley') to Peter Bayne ('Dear Sir' or 'My dear Sir'), the first responding to Bayne's ar...

RUSKIN (JOHN)Autograph manuscript leaf from Ruskin's work on Giorgione and Turner, The Two Boyhoods, vol.V, part 9, chapter 9, numbered 'L' and be...

KOKI (MITANI)Kaitai Hatsumo [A New Work of Anatomy], 5 vol., in Japanese, 26 colour-printed illustrations (10 double-page, most full-page), occas...

LOBACHEVSKY (NICKOLAI IVANOVICH)Ponizhenie stepeni v dvuchlenom uravnenii kogda pokasatel bes edinitsy delitisia na 8, in Ucheniyia Zapiski, izdav...

LOMONOSOV (MIKHAIL VASILIEVICH)[Opera academica], a sammelband of 9 works, comprising: Panegyricus Elisabetae Augustae Russiarum Imperatrici, tit...

NEWTON (ISAAC)Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica... Editio secunda auctior et emendatior, PRESENTATION COPY FROM NEWTON TO HIS CHAMBER-F...

NEWTON (ISAAC)Optice; sive de reflexionibus, refractionibus, inflexionibus & coloribus lucis libri tres, PRESENTATION COPY FROM NEWTON TO HIS CHAM...

ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDONPhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. For the Year MDCCCI [-MDCCCXI], 11 vol. (nos. 91-101), numerous...

[BONNEFONS (NICOLAS DE)]The French Gardiner: Instructing how to Cultivate all Sorts of Fruit-Trees, and Herbs for the Garden... Transplanted.. by ...

C[HURCHE] R[OOKE])An Olde Thrift Newly Revived. Wherein is Declared the Manner of Planting, Preserving, and Husbanding Yong Trees of Divers Kindes...

CHARLETON (WALTER)Two Discourses. The First, Concerning the Different Wits of Men. The Second... Concerning the Various Sicknesses of Wines, and t...

COPLAND (WILLIAM, PUBLISHER)Here begynneth the Boke of the Arte or Crafte of Graffynge and Plantyng of Trees, 16pp., black letter, large woodcut ...

COUNTRY-MAN'S RECREATIONSThe Country-mans Recreation, or the Art of Planting, Graffing, and Gardening, in three Bookes, 3 parts in 1, woodcut ill...

DIGGES (LEONARD)A Booke Named Tectonicon, large woodcut illustration on title, 2 folding tables, woodcut illustrations, diagrams, initials and de...

[ESTIENNE (CHARLES)]Maison Rustique, or the Countrey Farme... Translated into English by Richard Surfleet... Now Newly Reviewed, Corrected, and Au...

[FITZHERBERT (JOHN)]Surveyinge, black letter, title within woodcut architectural border, lacks colophon (H8), annotation in a contemporary hand i...

[HAMILTON (THOMAS, EARL OF HADDINGTON)]A Treatise on the Manner of Raising Forest Trees &c... to Which are Added, Two Memoirs; the One on Preservi...

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