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Winchester, Hampshire
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The Red House, Hyde Street, Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 7DX, United Kingdom


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  • 127 Los(e)

Ein Abonnement der Preisliste ist notwendig um Ergebnisse, von Auktionen die vor einem längeren Zeitraum als 10 Tagen stattgefunden haben, ansehen zu können. Klicken Sie hier für mehr Informationen

A pair of Chinese scrolls, late 19th/20th century, each depicting a mountainous landscape, three various pictures, four Chinese booklets and two b...

Winifred Austen (British, 1876-1964), Mother Goose, signed in pencil 'Winifred Austen' (in lower margin), etching, 18 x 25.5cm. May be subject to ...

An 18th century oak bible box, with hinged top and interior compartment, 61cm wide x 43cm deep x 27cm high.

Royaume de Belgique La Medaille de la Reine Elisabeth to Mrs Marie Louise Gardner with equivalent miniature, the citation dated 23 Mai 1919, a typ...

Photographs; a late 19th century photograph album, 1894-1902 with views including Bristol, Newcastle, 'Old Lifeboat', Japanese battleship 'Yashima...

The Protean Figure and Metamorphic Costumes, London, published April 1, 1811, by S & J Fuller at The Temple of Fancy, Rathbone Place, original hal...

MORING (Thomas) One Hundred Book Plates, engraved on wood, The De La More Press, n.d., original half cloth.

PARROT (Dr Fredrich) Journey to Ararat, with map and woodcuts, n.d., full gilt calf, by Hughes & Kemp Oxford, inscribed '......on his leaving Eton...

HARDY (Thomas) The Works of, in 37 volumes, 1919-1920, MacMillan & Co, London, The Mellstock Edition, the first volume signed by the author, gilt ...

WISEMAN (Richard) Eight Chirurgical Treatises, 4th edition, 1705, London, printed for Benjamin Tooke and John Meredith, original full panelled cal...

MOORE (Joseph) The History of The Town and County of Poole, printed for Joseph Moore, Bookseller, Poole, 1788, bound with A Correct Copy (Taken fo...

Highcliffe-on-Sea, Hants, Auction particulars, plan and Conditions of Sale of The Eastern portion of the Highcliffe Castle Estate, held by Messrs ...

HUTCHINGS (John) The History and Antiquities of The County of Dorset, 3rd edition, 1861, 4 volumes, with extra papers for volume 3, illustrated, m...

The Diary of a Bournemouth man kept during 1940 containing details of bombing raids on the town and a hand drawn map showing where the bombs fell,...

Leaves from The Journal of our Life in The Highlands from 1848 to 1861, 1868 & More Leaves ....., 1884 original gilt green calf, HARE (Augustus J....

Los 1319


MARTIN (J.P) Uncle Cleans Up, 1965, Uncle and His Detective, 1966 and Uncle and The Treacle Trouble, 1967, all 1st editions, all with dust jackets...

FAWCETT (William) Turf, Chase & Paddock, 1st edition, 1932, 'YOI-OVER', Hullo! Is that how you ride, 1925, and ten other sporting volumes, some in...

BROWN (George S) Yarmouth Nova Scotia: A Sequel to Campbell's History, 1st edition, 1888, original gilt red cloth.

Los 1324


TAYLOR (Rev. Isaac) Scenes in Europe, 1820, hand coloured illustrations, lacks map and The Traveller; or an Entertaining Journey, 2nd edition, bot...

PITMAN (Captain Charles R.S) A Guide to the Snakes of Uganda, 1938, illustrated, half blue leather and a collection of six others on snakes (7).

MACLEAN (Gordon Lindsay) Roberts' Birds of Southern Africa, 1985, DANIEL (J.C) The Book of Indian Reptiles, and a collection of thirteen others on...

De La Motte Fouque, Undine, illustrated by Arthur Rackham, 1909, original gilt blue cloth, The Bee & her Friends, 1867, original gilt red cloth, r...

WALTON (Izaak) The Complete Angler, Chatto and Windus, 1875, original gilt cloth, TENNANT (Stephen) and GREY (Pamela) The Vein in the Marble, 1925...

SCOTT (Sir Walter) Waverley Novels, Fisher, Son and Co, London:1836, 48 volumes, original gilt green diced morocco, a.e.g., marbled end papers.

BUTTURA (A) L'Orlando Furioso Di Lodovico Ariosto, Parigi, 1825, 8 volumes, original gilt tree calf with morocco labels, marbled end papers and ed...

VASARI (Giorgio) Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors and Architects, 1850, 5 volumes, Bohn's standard library, green cloth, Mediaeval To...

POPE (Alexander) The Works of Homer, 1794, 4 volumes, original full brown calf, FALCONER (William) The Shipwreck, 1804, The Works of Peter Pindar,...

The Works of John Bunyan, Blackie and Son, 3 volumes, 1860, half gilt calf, The Pictorial Edition of the Works of Shakspeare, Charles Knight & Co,...

POTTER (Beatrix) Peter Rabbit books, 8 volumes, MILNE (A.A.) Winnie-the-Pooh, 7th edition, and five others by A.A.Milne, all reprints, and three o...

WAIN (Louis) Somebody's Pussies, Raphael Tuck & Sons Ltd, n.d., BLYTON (Enid) The Bird Book, and a large collection of other children's books and ...

Hunts with Jorrocks, illustrated G.D. Armour, 1924, three works illustrated by Lionel Edwards, others on horses, ponies and the countryside (16).

CARROLL (Lewis) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, illustrated by Arthur Rackham, original pictorial cloth, RANSOME (Arthur) Aladdin, illustrated b...

LAVATER (John Caspar) Essays on Physiognomy, 1804, 4 volumes, 2nd edition, illustrated, recent full brown calf with gilt titles.

EDWARDS (Ralph) The Shorter Dictionary of English Furniture, 1964, illustrated, dust jacket, CESCINSKY (Herbert) The Gentle Art of Faking Furnitur...

ROSS-OF-BLADENSBURG (LT.Col) A History of the Coldstream Guards from 1815-1895, 1896, illustrated, gilt full brown crushed morocco by Riviere and ...

LORD HERVEY (John) Memoirs of the Reign of King George II, 3 volumes, 1931, limited edition no 102/900, in slip case, DEFOE (Daniel), Moll Flander...

Works of H E Bates, Noel Coward, W Somerset Maugham, Evelyn Waugh, Ernest Hemingway, Graham Greene, John Steinbeck and Edith Sitwell, many 1st edi...

The Preston Songster; or The Roundelay; containing an elegant collection of choice songs, Preston: 1789, original full calf, COBBETT (William) Cob...

The Family Friend, 6 volumes bound in 3, half calf, marbled boards, and a large collection of mostly 19th century literature, poetry and others, c...

STOWE (Harriet Beecher) Uncle Tom's Cabin, 1891, GAULTIER (Bon) The Book of Ballads, BLOOMFIELD (Robert) The Farmer's Boy, 1858, and a collection ...

Penny Magazine, 1843 and volumes 4 and 5, half calf, marbled boards, and various antiquarian volumes (qty).

SYMONDS (John Addington) The Life of Benvenuto Cellini, 2 volumes, 1888, half gilt green crushed morocco with floral embroidered boards, by Hender...

ROGERS (Samuel) Italy, a poem, 1836, half calf, rebacked, marbled boards, HOWELLS (William D) Italian Journeys, 1883, MITCHELL (James) The Scotsma...

ALMOND (Dom Cuthbert) The History of Ampleforth Abbey, 1903, illustrated, original embossed gilt red leather, a.e.g., VERNEY (Francis Parthenope) ...

MILLAIS (John Everett) Millais's Illustrations, 1866, original gilt green cloth, The Works of Hogarth, lacks title, rebacked, Coleridge's Rime of ...

As You Like It, by Shakespeare, decorations by John Austen, 1930, tipped-in colour plates, cloth, Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, 1930, Baby's Opera, Ba...

Folio Society, 18 volumes, many in slip-cases, 9 Puffin picture books and a large collection of King Penguin books (qty).

HUSSEY (Christopher) The Life of Sir Edwin Lutyens, 1984 and a collection of others on the architect, JEKYLL (Gertrude) and WEAVER (Lawrence) Gard...

GILES (Herbert A) An Introduction to the History of Chinese Pictorial Art, 1918, illustrated, later embossed brown morocco, and a large collection...

STEELE (Robert) Medieval Lore, with a preface by William Morris, 1893, original cloth, and a large collection of others on William Morris and Kelm...

VALLANCE (Aymer) William Morris, 1986, and a large collection of others on William Morris and Kelmscott (qty).

RUSKIN (John) The Queen of the Air, 1903, Seventeenth thousand, gilt half crushed brown morocco with patterned boards, Modern Painters, Everyman's...

The Prince of Nursery Playmates, illustrated with pictures in oil colours, n.d., full gilt straight grain morocco, Four and Twenty Toilers, illust...

HOUFE (Simon) The Dictionary of British Book Illustrators and Caricaturists 1800- 1914, and others on books, illustrations, lettering, posters and...

A Scholar Press Facsimile Sylva, John Evelyn, 1664, limited edition No. 377/500, The Wood Engravings of John Farleigh, GARRETT (Albert) A History ...

  • 127 Los(e)

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