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  • 65 Los(e)

Ein Abonnement der Preisliste ist notwendig um Ergebnisse, von Auktionen die vor einem längeren Zeitraum als 10 Tagen stattgefunden haben, ansehen zu können. Klicken Sie hier für mehr Informationen

Poems, Anthony Naumann, Guy Cooper, Julian Nangle, illustrations by Deirdre Manton, Words Press, Guildford, 1970, brown cloth.

A Victorian gilt tooled leather bound album containing a collection of black and white engravings and lithographs including a set of lithographs d...

SALTMARSHE (John) 4 Works bound together in One Volume, viz. Holy Discoveries and Flames. (sole edition?) printed for R.Y. for P. Neville, 1640; ...

MOORE (Francis) Vox Stellarum; or, a Loyal Almanac for 1813, HAMILTON (C.J.) Frank and Flo on their travels and three others (5).

GREENWOOD (James) Wild Sports of The World, 1862, illustrated, original gilt cloth, The Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson, 1893, full gilt tree calf a...

STIRLING (W. M) Notes, Historical and Descriptive, on the Priory of Inchmahome ..... engraved plates, original cloth, Edinburgh,1815, Records of t...

Miscellany - Nonsuch Press and others, including: Robert Graves - Man Does, Womans is, limited edition, lettered cloth,1964, limitation of 201 num...

DUNCUMB (John) Collections Towards the History and Antiquities of the County of Hereford, Volume I, 1804, original boards and History, Topography,...

UPTON (Florence K.) The Golliwogg's Polar Adventures, n.d., original pictorial boards, lacks one patterned end paper.

UPTON (Florence K.) The Adventures of Two Dutch Dolls and a 'Golliwogg', n.d., original pictorial boards.

Atlas, Campagne Des Annees, 1808 et 1809, folding Carte dune partie de La province De Catalgne, Paris 1821, Dumortier, and twelve double page maps...

KELLER (Henri) Carte Itineraire De La Suisse, A Paris, 1820, hand coloured folding map backed on linen, 66 x 52.5cm, in original slip-case.

CRANE (Walter) Queen Summer: or the Journey of the Lily and the Rose, 1891, Cassellolo, original pictorial boards.

The Works of William Shakespeare, edited by Charles Knight, six volumes, 1890, half gilt red leather with marbled boards, t.e.g.

Los 1316


Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour, illustrated by John Leech, Bradbury, Agnew & Co, three others illustrated by Leech and two others, all in original gil...

DICKINSON (H.C.) Diary of Capt. Henry C. Dickinson, C.S.A. Complimentary (Limited) Edition, plates, gilt pictorial cloth, n.d., circa 1900, limita...

DER RHEIN, coloured pictorial title and numerous engraved (plain) plates, mostly tissue guarded, original coloured pictorial printed boards, (defe...

Sporting Books; a miscellany of older and more recent volumes, including shooting and fishing, McPhail's Open Season, 1986, Day's Sporting Adventu...

TAYLOR (Rev. I.) Scenes of British Wealth in Produce, Manufacturers, and Commerce,...., 1823, hand coloured illustrations, map incomplete, origina...

BROWN (Captain Thomas) The Conchologist's Text-Book, 1838, original boards and SEEBOHM (Henry) Coloured figures of the Eggs of British Birds, 1896...

Handley Cross; or Mr. Jorrocks's Hunt, 'The Jorrock' Edition, half gilt red calf, Hunts with Jorrocks and with Horse and Hound, illustrated by G. ...

CARROLL (Lewis) Through The Looking Glass and What Alice Found There, illustrated by John Tenniel, fifty first thousand, Macmillan & Co, 1882, ori...

The Select works of Bret Harte, n.d., circa 1883, KINGSTON (W.H. G.) The Wanderers, original pictorial cloth and 14 others various (16).

The Book of Common Prayer, Dublin, printed by the Executors of David Hay, 1778, marbled end papers, full gilt red straight grain morocco, a.e.g,, ...

HUMPHREYS (Henry Noel) A record of the Black Prince, London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1849, illuminated in-text colour illustrations, ...

COWPER (William) A Holy Alphabet for Sion's Scholars; Full of Spiritual Instructions and Heavenly Consolations... London: Printed by H. Lownes, 16...

Field Marshal Lord Carver, Works of, his own copies, 15 volumes, 13 with dust jackets, including War Since 1945 (15).

Field Marshall Viscount Montgomery of Alamein; A History of Warfare, 1968, 'Presented to Mike Carver - A valued friend for many years who marched ...

HOWARD (Michael) Works of, six volumes, one inscribed to Mike Carver, The Causes of Wars, 1983, lacks dust jacket, Essays in Honour of Sir Michael...

ZIEGLER (Philip) Soldiers, 2001, signed by the author and inscribed 'For Lord and Lady Carver...', and further signed by Chelsea Pensioners, HASTI...

From Oasis into Italy War Poems and Diaries from Africa and Italy 1940-1946, 1983, advisers Field Marshal Lord Carver and General Sir John Hackett...

ROTHSCHILD (Edmund de) A Gilt-Edged Life, 1998, 'Autographed especially for Field-Marshal The Lord Carver....' and a large collection of others on...

Asterix The Gaul, a collection of 12 volumes, various editions and languages and three modern reprints of Les Adventures de Tintin (15).

PATER (Walter) Denys L'Auxerrois - An Imaginary Portrait, Portland Maine Thomas-B. Mosher, 1898, slip-case and 16 others uniformly bound, The Dram...

FITZGERALD (Edward) translator, Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, illustrations by Edmund Dulac, Hodder & Stougham, n.d., CARROL (Lewis) Alice's Adventure...

SWINBURNE (Algernon Charles) The Spring Tide of LIfe, illustrations by Arthur Rackham, Heinemann 1918, SHAKESPEARE (William) The Tempest, illustra...

WALTON (Izaak) The Compleat Angler, illustrations by Arthur Rackham, Harrap 1931, DE LA MOTTE FOUQUE (Friedrich) Undine, illustrations by Arthur R...

SHAKESPEARE (William) As You Like it, Illustrations by Hugh Thomson, n.d., Old Manor Houses, illustrations by Cecil Aldin, Heinemann 1923, SHAKESP...

SHAKESPEARE (William), As You LIke It, illustrated by John Austen,1930, Fairy Tales of Brothers Grimm, illustrations by Arthur Rackham, Constable ...

SUTHERS (Robert Bentley) A man, a woman and a dog, Clarion 1901, and Jack's wife, six copies, two with dust jackets, Clarion 1907, Clarion birthda...

France (Anatole) 'Bee' illustrated by Charles Robinson, Dutton 1912, together with other childrens and picture books illustrated by Rackham, Attwe...

WYCHERLEY (William) The Country Wife, illustrations by Steven Spurrier, numbered 669/1000, signed by the artist, Hutchinson 1934.

RACKHAM (Arthur) illustrator 'The Sleeping Beauty', Heinemann, n.d., another Cinderella, Heinemann 1919, WALKER (R.A) The Best of Beardsley, Bodle...

STUDDY( Ernest George) Bonzo's Star Turns, published by The Sketch circa 1922, soft cover, together with three others, HARRIS (Joel Chandler) Uncl...

VERNE (Jules) Les Sphnix Des Glaces, illustrated by George Roux, Collection Hetzel, original pictorial gilt red cloth, inscribed to Field-Marshall...

Los 1349


LAWRENCE (T.E) Seven Pillars of Wisdom, Jonathan Cape, fifth impression, 'The Self-interpreting Bible' by John Brown Fullarton 1837, full gilt bro...

BURNETT (John) Practical Hints on Composition in Painting, London, sold by James Carpenter & Son, 1836, original gilt green cloth, and by the same...

ANDREWS (William) Remarkable News from the Stars; or, an Ephemeris for the year 1707, J Wilde, 1707, lacks back cover, The Poetical Works of Rober...

The Spectator, volume 1, 1748, 11th edition, gilt calf re-backed, Rollin's Roman History, 2 odd volumes, illustrated, original gilt calf and a col...

The Plays of Shakespeare, edited by Howard Staunton, 3 volumes, 1858, half calf with marbled boards, The Historians History of the World, 12 volum...

WEAVER (Sir Lawrence) Small Country Houses of To-Day, volume one and three, 1922, cloth, The Chateaux of Touraine, 1906, cloth, The Modern Physici...

Cassell's Popular Natural History, 2 volumes, half calf, marbled boards, GRANT (James) Cassell's Illustrated History of India, 2 volumes, Leisure ...

Works of Lord Byron, 1832, 16 volumes, half calf, marbled boards, Works of Shakespeare, 8 volumes of 12, and twelve other various bindings (40).

The History of Stamford, in the County Lincoln, printed by and for John Drakard, Stamford, 1822, illustrated, later cloth with original label, JES...

Oeuvres Complettes De L'Abbe Arnaud, 1808, first editions, 2 volumes, Paris, Leopold Collin, re-backed full tree calf, gilt, morocco labels, GROUV...

  • 65 Los(e)

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