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32 Los(e)

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  • 32 Los(e)

AESCHYLUS. Tragoediae. Ed. M.L. West. 1998. -- EURIPIDES. Alcestis - Bacchae - Cyclops - Hecuba - Helena - Heraclidae - Orestes - Troades. Ed. A. ...

AMBO-KLASSIEK/ATHENAEUM-POLAK & v. GENNEP. Collection of classical works (Greek, Latin, o. authors) in Dutch translation. Amst./Baarn, 1998-2008. ...

AMBO-KLASSIEK/ATHENAEUM-POLAK & v. GENNEP. Collection of classical works in Dutch translation. Amst./Baarn, 1979-2010. 32 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. (S...

AMBO-KLASSIEK/ATHENAEUM-POLAK & v. GENNEP. Collection of classical works in Dutch translation. Amst./Baarn, 1990-2010. 20 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. (S...

BIBLIOTHECA TEUBNERIANA. Greek authors. Lpz., 1875-1991. 29 vols. of the series. (Oh)cl. NOTE: I.a.: DIODORUS SICULUS. Bibliotheca historica. Rec....

CALLIMACHUS. (Fragmenta; Hymni et Epigrammata). Ed. R. Pfeiffer. Oxford, (1965). 2 vols. xiv, 520; cvi, (2), 208 pp. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. Hecale...

COMICORUM GRAECORUM FRAGMENTA in papyris reperta. Ed. C. Austin. Berlin, 1973. Ocl. -- A. CAMERON. The Greek anthology from Meleager to Planudes. ...

DIDOT -- FRAGMENTA historicorum Græcorum. Collegit, disposuit, notis proleg. illustr. C. Mullerus. Par., 1848-74. 5 vols. Lge-8°. Cont. h. vellum ...

DOWN, A., (a.o., eds). Chichester Excavations. 1971-1993. 8 vols. 4°. W. many illustr. Obrds. (2), ocl. w. (1) dust-j. (Some shelfwear).

EUNOMIUS. The extant works. Text and transl. by R.P. Vaggione. 1987. Ocl. -- P. MAAS & C.A. TRYPANIS, ed. Sancti romani melodi cantica. Cantica ge...

EURIPIDES. Helena. Hrsg. & erkl. v. R. Kannicht. 1969. 2 vols. Owrps. -- M.L. WEST. Studies in Aeschylus. 1990. Ocl. (BzA, 1). -- D.J. MASTRONARDE...

FESTUGIÈRE, A.J. Hermétisme et mystique païenne. (1967). Owrps. -- D. BRIQUEL. Chrétiens et haruspices. La religion étrusque, dernier rempart du p...

FRONTO -- HOUT, M.P.J. v.d. A commentary on the letters of M. Cornelius Fronto. Leiden, (etc.), 1999. xii, 725, (7) pp. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Mnemosyne...

GRAMMATICAE ROMANAE FRAGMENTA. Rec. Funaioli. 1969. -- CHORICIUS GAZAEUS. Opera. Rec. R. Foerster. Ed. confecit E. Richtsteig. 1972. -- TURPILIUS....

HERMANN, G. Opuscula. Lpz., G. Fleischer, 1827-77. 8 vols. Hcl. w. marbled paper on sides. (Lower margins a bit dam./stained/affected by humidity,...

HIJMANS, S.E. Sol. Image and Meaning of the Sun in Roman Art and Religion. Leid., Brill, 2024. 2 vols. 4°. Obrds. -- K. V. BEERDEN & F. NAEREBOUT,...

HOMERUS. Odyssee. (Deutsch von J. H. Voss). Berlin, Askanischer Verlag, 1924. 337, (7) pp. W. num. woodcut ill. by L. von Hofmann. Or. full vellum...

HORATIUS. Opera omnia. Ed. E. Wickham. Lond., Riccardi Press, 1910. Or. gilt lettered vellum w. ties and or. dust-j., t.e.g. In or. slipcase. (Spi...

KAMPEN, N.G. v. Geschiedenis van Griekenland. Rott., Dordr., 1827-34. 7 vols. W. large fold. map, cold. in outlines. Cont. blue hcf. extra w. dec....

LAW -- GAUTHIER, Ph. Symbola. Les étrangers et la justice dans les cités grecques. 1972. Owrps. -- V. ILARI. Guerra e diritto nel mondo antico. Pt...

MOSAICS -- JOLY, Ch.A. Choix de mosaïques romaines d'Algérie. Par., E. Leroux, 1915. W. title-page & 10 cold. plates. Lge-fol. Or. clothbacked por...

NEAL, D.S. & S. COSH. Roman Mosaics of Britain. Vols I-IV. Lond., Society of Antiquaries of London, 2002-10. 4 in 5 vols. W. illustr. 4°. Ocl. w. ...

NEMESIANUS. Eclogues & Cynegetica. Ed. w. introd. & comm. by H.J. Williams. 1986. Cl. -- R.W. BURGESS, ed. The Chronicle of Hydatius and the Consu...

PHILOXENOS. Die Fragmente des Grammatikers Philoxenos. Hrsg. v. Chr. Theodoridis. 1976. Ocl. (Ex libr. copy). -- POSIDONIUS. Vol. II: The commenta...

PLATO. Meno. Ed. w. introd. & comm. by R.S. Bluck. 1964. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- W.C. GREENE, (ed.). Scholia Platonica. Contulerunt atque investigaveru...

PLATO -- DAMASCIUS. Lectures on the Philebus wrongly attributed to Olympiodorus. - ANONYMOUS prolegomena to Platonic philosophy. - OLYMPIODORUS. C...

PORPHYRIUS. Fragmenta. Ed. A. Smith. 1993. Ocl. -- IOHANNES PHILOPONUS. De aeternitate mundi contra Proclum. Ed. H. Rabe. 1999. Ocl. -- OLYMPIODOR...

PRESOCRATICS -- BARNES, J. The Presocratic philosophers. Thales to Zeno (&) Empedocles to Democritus. (1979). 2 vols. (Spines faded). (The Argumen...

PSELLUS, M. Poemata. Rec. L.G. Westerink. 1992. -- Id. Oratoria minora. Ed. A.R. Littlewood. 1985. -- ARISTIDES QUINTILIANUS. De musica. Ed. R.P. ...

RÜPKE, J. Fasti Sacerdotum. A Prosopography of Pagan, Jewish and Christian religious officials in the city of Rome, 300 BC to AD 499. Biographies ...

SPRUNER (v. MERZ), C. de. Atlas antiquus. Ed. 3a. Th. Menke. Göttingen, J. Perthes, (1865). W. 31 engr. double-p. maps, cold. in outlines. Fol. Oh...

VETTIUS VALENS. Anthologiarum libri novem. Ed. D. Pingree. 1986. -- GEMINUS. Elementa astronomiae. Ed. C. Manutius. 1974. -- PAMPREPIUS. Carmina. ...

  • 32 Los(e)

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