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25 Los(e)

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  • 25 Los(e)

BUCKLAND WRIGHT -- SWINBURNE, A.Ch. Laus veneris. (Lond.), Golden Cockerel Press, 1948. 27, (5) pp (first and last l. blank). W. 11 fine plain woo...

CARCO, Fr. Rien qu'une femme. Paris, (Coulouma), 1925. (6), 162, (2) pp. W. cold. etched ti.-vignette, 15 etchings, cold. by hand, an extra suite ...

CARICATURE -- L'ASSIETTE AU BEURRE. Par., 1901-10. 48 odd nrs. Richly illustrated w. cold. lithogr. Loose as issued. 4°. Owrps. (Covers in v.g. co...

CARICATURE -- "RONALD REAGAN". Dutch Jumping Jack paperdoll of Ronald Reagan. (1980's). C. 450 x 160 mm. (A few minor foxing spots, remnants of ta...

COURTELINE, G. Le Train de 8 h. 47. Paris, S. Sauvage, (1927). W. 20 cold. engr. by André Dignimont, some full-p. 4°. fine cont. light brown russi...

CRANE, W. Aladdin's Picture Book. (N.d., 1880's). W. 24 cold. plates by W. Crane. 4°. Or. pictorial cl. (Skilfully rebacked). -- Id. Walter Crane'...

CRANE -- HAWTHORNE, N. Wonder Book for Girls & Boys. Lond., 1892. W. 60 cold. & tinted designs by W. Crane. Or. dec. cl. First UK edition. -- W. C...

DANTE ALIGHIERI. The new life. Transl. by D.G. Rosetti. N.d. (c. 1900). W. 8 cold. plates, 8 mounted cold. plates & num. ill./dec. by E. Paul. 4°....

DAUMIER -- (ALHOY, M.). Les cent et un Robert-Macaire. Text C. Philipon. (Par., Aubert & Cie, 1839). No pagination. W. 101 lithogr. plates by H. D...

DORÉ, G. Histoire dramatique, pittoresque et caricaturale de la Sainte Russie. D'après les chroniqueurs et historiens Nestor, Nikan, (etc.). Sous ...

FLORIAN, J.-P.-C. de. Fables choisies. Illustrées par des artistes Japonais, sous la direction de P. Barboutau. Tokio & Paris, Libr. Marpon & Flam...

GRAPHIC NOVELS -- SPIEGELMAN, A. In the shadow of no towers. Lond., 2004. 10, (2), VII pp. 4°. Obrds. -- Id. Breakdowns. Portrait of the artist as...

MASEREEL, Fr. Mein Stundenbuch. (München, K. Wolff, 1920). W. 167 woodcuts. Cont. h. mor. extra, t.e.g. (Extremities sl. chafed, some minor foxing...

MAURY, G. L'Enfant à la charrue. Huit contes limousins du temps de guerre. Par., 1918. W. woodcuts by F.-L. Schmied. Or. dec. brds. In or. dec. sl...

NIEUWENKAMP, W.O.J. Een Florentijnsche villa "Riposo dei Vescovi" S. Domenico di Fiesole bij Florence. 's-Grav., 1938. 134 pp. W. 99 illustr. in t...

NIEUWENKAMP, W.O.J. Mijn huis op het water, mijn huis op het land. (Met:) Vervolg. 1931-35. 1930. 2 vols. Prof. ill. Fol. Or. dec. brds. -- Added:...

OMAR KHAYYAM. R Rubaiyat. (Lond., G.G. Harrap & Co., c. 1910). W. 24 tipped in cold. ills., vignettes, borders and binding by W.A. Pogány. 4°. Or....

PETIT MOISSONNEUR, Le, des Théatres. (With:) Le souvenir des dames. Paris, Lefuel, n.d. (=1828). 192, (8) pp. W. 12 full-p. engr. portraits of act...

RACKHAM -- ALLIES' FAIRY BOOK, THE. W. an introd. by E. Gosse. (1916). W. 12 cold. illustr. by A. Rackham. Ocl. -- J.M. BARRIE. Peter Pan in Kensi...

RACKHAM -- WAGNER, R. The Rhinegold & the Valkyrie. Transl by M. Armour. (First ed., 2nd impression). 1910. W. 34 tipped in cold. plates w. tissue...

REYNARD THE FOX -- GOETHE, J.W. v. Reineke Fuchs. Stuttg., 1857. W. engr. ti. & 35 very fine engr. in text by R. Rahn & A. Sleich after W. v. Kaul...

SWART, N.J., (a.o). Nobody forever. (Tilburg, Hamtil & TeleXpress, 2003). W. 4 text-lvs., and 31 silkscreen printed lvs. (r° and v°), all exuberan...

TYTGAT -- RAMUZ, C.F. De geschiedenis van den soldaat. Gelezen - Gespeeld - Gedanst - Geteekend. Vert. d. M. Nijhoff. Maastr. & Brussel, A.A.M. St...

VOS, M. Meiregen een bundel kinderverzen. 1925. W. cold. illustr. by R. Hynckes. 4°. Or. threaded cord bind. -- M. (VERWEY). De geschiedenis v.e. ...

WILDE, O. La Ballade de la geole de Reading. Paris, Javal & Bourdeaux, 1927. 25, (1), xlv, (2) p. W. 9 cold. plts & 6 cold. illustr. by C. Theveni...

  • 25 Los(e)

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