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BYZANTIUM -- JAMES, L. Light and colour in Byzantine art. Oxf., 1996. Lge-8°. Obrds. w. dust-j.
BYZANTIUM -- JAMES, L. Light and colour in Byzantine art. Oxf., 1996. Lge-8°. Obrds. w. dust-j. Scarce. -- Id. Mosaics in the medieval world. Fr...
BYZANTIUM -- KOMINIS, A.D., ed. Patmos, treasures of the monastery. (2005). - K.A. MANAFIS, ed.
BYZANTIUM -- KOMINIS, A.D., ed. Patmos, treasures of the monastery. (2005). - K.A. MANAFIS, ed. Sinai. Treasures of the monastery of Saint Cathe...
MERTENS, D. Der Tempel von Segesta und die Dorische Tempelbaukunst des griech. Westens in klassischer Zeit. Mainz am Rhein, 1984. 1 text-vol. (x...
MERTENS, D. Städte und Bauten der Westgriechen. Von der Kolonisationszeit b.z. Krise um 400 vor
MERTENS, D. Städte und Bauten der Westgriechen. Von der Kolonisationszeit b.z. Krise um 400 vor Chr. (2006). Prof. ill. 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. In s...
OAKLEY, J.H. Picturing death in classical Athens. The evidence of the white Lekythoi. (2004). 4°.
OAKLEY, J.H. Picturing death in classical Athens. The evidence of the white Lekythoi. (2004). 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- H.-P. BÜHLER. Antike Gefäße...
PLATON, N. Iraklion Archäol. Mus. Tl. 1: Die Siegel der Vorpalastzeit. 1969. Ocl. -- G. VORBERG.
PLATON, N. Iraklion Archäol. Mus. Tl. 1: Die Siegel der Vorpalastzeit. 1969. Ocl. -- G. VORBERG. Die Erotik der Antike in Kleinkunst & Keramik. ...
SCHEFOLD, K. (& F. JUNG). Götter und Heldensagen der Griechen in der spätarchaischen Kunst. - Die
SCHEFOLD, K. (& F. JUNG). Götter und Heldensagen der Griechen in der spätarchaischen Kunst. - Die Göttersage in der klassischen und hellenistisc...
STILLWELL, R., ed. The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites. Princeton, 1976. xxii, 1019 pp. &
STILLWELL, R., ed. The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites. Princeton, 1976. xxii, 1019 pp. & 24 pp. W. maps. 4°. Ocl. -- S. MARINATOS. Kr...
AESCHYLUS. Agamemnon. Ed. w. comm. by E. Fraenkel. Oxford, (1982). 3 vols. W. 2 plates. Lge-8°.
AESCHYLUS. Agamemnon. Ed. w. comm. by E. Fraenkel. Oxford, (1982). 3 vols. W. 2 plates. Lge-8°. Ocl. w. dust-j. ...[more]
ALCINOUS. The handbook of Platonism. Transl. w. an introd. & comm. by J. Dillon. (1995). Owrps. --
ALCINOUS. The handbook of Platonism. Transl. w. an introd. & comm. by J. Dillon. (1995). Owrps. -- XENOCRATES/HERMODORUS. Frammenti. Ed., trad. ...
ALEXANDER APHRODISIAS. Commentario alla "Metafisica" di Aristotele. Testo greco a fronte. A cura di
ALEXANDER APHRODISIAS. Commentario alla "Metafisica" di Aristotele. Testo greco a fronte. A cura di G. Movia. (1996). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- Id. D...
ALEXANDER APHRODISIAS. Quaestiones 1.1-2.15 (&) 2.16-3.15. Transl. by R.W. Sharples. (1992-94). 2
ALEXANDER APHRODISIAS. Quaestiones 1.1-2.15 (&) 2.16-3.15. Transl. by R.W. Sharples. (1992-94). 2 vols. -- Id. On Aristotle Metaphysics 2 & 3. T...
ANDIA, Y. de. Henosis. L'union à Dieu chez Denys l'Aréopagite. 1996. Ocl. w. dust-j. (PA, 71). --
ANDIA, Y. de. Henosis. L'union à Dieu chez Denys l'Aréopagite. 1996. Ocl. w. dust-j. (PA, 71). -- Chr. SCHÄFER. The philosophy of Dionysius the ...
APOLLODORUS. I miti greci (Biblioteca). A cura di P. Scarpi. (1996). Or. bind. w. dust-j. -- HYGINUS. Fabulae. Rec., proleg., comm., append. ins...
APULEIUS. De philosophia libri. Ed. C. Moreschini. 1991. Ocl. (BT). -- Id. Über den Gott des Sokrates. (Hrsg.) v. M. Baltes, (u.a.). (2004). Obr...
ARATUS. Phaenomena. Ed. w. introd., transl. & comm. by D. Kidd. (1997). Ocl. w. dust-j. (CCTC). --
ARATUS. Phaenomena. Ed. w. introd., transl. & comm. by D. Kidd. (1997). Ocl. w. dust-j. (CCTC). -- Id. Phénomènes. Texte établi, trad. & comm. p...
ARISTOCLES OF MESSENE. Testimonies and fragments. Ed. by M.L. Chiesara. (2001). Obrds. w. dust-j. (
ARISTOCLES OF MESSENE. Testimonies and fragments. Ed. by M.L. Chiesara. (2001). Obrds. w. dust-j. (A few annot. in pencil). -- M.-L. DESCLOS & W...
ARISTOPHANES. Frogs. Ed. w. introd. & comm. K. Dover. 1993. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. Clouds. Ed. by
ARISTOPHANES. Frogs. Ed. w. introd. & comm. K. Dover. 1993. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. Clouds. Ed. by K.J. Dover. (1970). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. The...
ARISTOTELES. De sensu and de memoria. Text & transl. w. introd. & comm. by G.R.T. Ross. 1906.
ARISTOTELES. De sensu and de memoria. Text & transl. w. introd. & comm. by G.R.T. Ross. 1906. Ocl. -- Id. Über Träume. Über die Weissagung im Sc...
ARISTOTELES. Della filosofia. Introd., testo, trad. e comm. eseget. di M. Untersteiner. 1963.
ARISTOTELES. Della filosofia. Introd., testo, trad. e comm. eseget. di M. Untersteiner. 1963. Owrps. (Temi e Testi, 10). -- H. CHERNISS. Aristot...
ARISTOTELES. Ethics. Ed. w. introd. & notes by J. Burnet. 1900. Ocl. (Slightly foxed). -- Id. The
ARISTOTELES. Ethics. Ed. w. introd. & notes by J. Burnet. 1900. Ocl. (Slightly foxed). -- Id. The Nicomachean ethics. A comm. by H.H. Joachim. E...
ARISTOTELES. Histoire des animaux. 1964-69. 3 vols. - Id. De la génération des animaux. 1961. - Id.
ARISTOTELES. Histoire des animaux. 1964-69. 3 vols. - Id. De la génération des animaux. 1961. - Id. Les parties des animaux. 1956. - Id. Marche ...
ARISTOTELES. Metaphysics. A rev. text w. introd. & comm. by W.D. Ross. Oxford, (1958). 2 vols. Ocl.
ARISTOTELES. Metaphysics. A rev. text w. introd. & comm. by W.D. Ross. Oxford, (1958). 2 vols. Ocl. -- Id. Physica. (Ed.) by W.D. Ross. 1955. Oc...
ARISTOTELES. Meteorologicorum ll. IV. Rec. ind. verborum addidit F.H. Fobes. (Repr. ed. 1919).
ARISTOTELES. Meteorologicorum ll. IV. Rec. ind. verborum addidit F.H. Fobes. (Repr. ed. 1919). 1967. Ocl. -- A. FALCON. Corpi e movimenti. Il De...
ARISTOTELES. On coming-to-be and passing-away. A rev. text w. introd. & comm. by H.H. Joachim. (
ARISTOTELES. On coming-to-be and passing-away. A rev. text w. introd. & comm. by H.H. Joachim. (Repr. ed. 1922). 1970. Ocl. -- Id. De la générat...
ARISTOTELES. Prior & posterior analytics. A rev. text w. introd. & comm. by W.D. Ross. (1965). Ocl.
ARISTOTELES. Prior & posterior analytics. A rev. text w. introd. & comm. by W.D. Ross. (1965). Ocl. -- Id. Catégories. Texte établi et trad. p. ...
ARISTOTELES. Rhetoric. W. comm. by E.M. Cope. Rev. & ed. by J.E. Sandys. Cambr., 1877. 3 vols.
ARISTOTELES. Rhetoric. W. comm. by E.M. Cope. Rev. & ed. by J.E. Sandys. Cambr., 1877. 3 vols. Ocl., uncut. -- Id. Politica. Rec. W.D. Ross. 195...
ARISTOTELES. Werke. In deutscher Übers. begründet v. E. Grumach, hrsg. v. H. Flashar. Bd. 1 Tl. I &
ARISTOTELES. Werke. In deutscher Übers. begründet v. E. Grumach, hrsg. v. H. Flashar. Bd. 1 Tl. I & II; 3 Tl. II/1 & II/2; 4 Tl. I & II; 6; 7; 9...
ARISTOTELES -- BÄCK, A.T. Aristotle's theory of predication. (2000). -- M. DESLAURIERS. Aristotle
ARISTOTELES -- BÄCK, A.T. Aristotle's theory of predication. (2000). -- M. DESLAURIERS. Aristotle on definition. 2007. -- D. BLOCH. Aristotle on...
ARISTOTELES -- CLEARY, J.J. Aristotle and mathematics. Aporetic method in cosmology and metaphysics. 1993. -- P. SLOMKOWSKI. Aristotle's Topics....
ARISTOTELES -- DAVID ARMENIUS / DAVID THE INVINCIBLE. Commentary on Porphyry's Isagoge. Old Armenian text w. the Greek original, an English tran...
ARISTOTELES -- DÜRING, I. Aristotle in the ancient biographical tradition. 1957. Owrps. (Spine ends
ARISTOTELES -- DÜRING, I. Aristotle in the ancient biographical tradition. 1957. Owrps. (Spine ends a bit dam.). -- Id. Aristoteles. Darstellung...
ARISTOTELES -- FREDE, M. & G. PATZIG. Aristoteles 'Metaphysik Z'. Text, Übers. u. Komm. (1988). 2
ARISTOTELES -- FREDE, M. & G. PATZIG. Aristoteles 'Metaphysik Z'. Text, Übers. u. Komm. (1988). 2 vols. Ocl. -- C. STEEL, ed. Aristotle's Metaph...
ARISTOTELES -- MORAUX, P. Les listes anciennes des ouvrages d' Aristote. 1951. Owrps. -- E. BERTI.
ARISTOTELES -- MORAUX, P. Les listes anciennes des ouvrages d' Aristote. 1951. Owrps. -- E. BERTI. La filosofia del "primo" Aristotele. (1997). ...
ARISTOTELES -- OPPENRAAY, A.M.I. v., ed. Aristotle De Animalibus. Michael Scot's Arabic-Latin
ARISTOTELES -- OPPENRAAY, A.M.I. v., ed. Aristotle De Animalibus. Michael Scot's Arabic-Latin translation, pt. 1: Books I-III: History of animal...
ARISTOTELES -- RIJK, L.M. de. Aristotle: Semantics and ontology. 2002. 2 vols. -- W.W. FORTENBAUGH.
ARISTOTELES -- RIJK, L.M. de. Aristotle: Semantics and ontology. 2002. 2 vols. -- W.W. FORTENBAUGH. Aristotle's practical side. On his psycholog...
ARISTOTELES -- SORABJI, R., ed. Aristotle transformed. The ancient commentators and their influence. (1990). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- H. KURFESS & I...
ARISTOTELES -- TAKAHASHI, H. Aristotelian meteorology in Syriac. Barhebraeus, Butyrum Sapientiae,
ARISTOTELES -- TAKAHASHI, H. Aristotelian meteorology in Syriac. Barhebraeus, Butyrum Sapientiae, Books of mineralogy and meteorology. 2004. - A...
AUGUSTINUS. Contra Academicos (Vel de Academicis Bücher 2 und 3). Einl. & Komm. v. Th. Fuhrer.
AUGUSTINUS. Contra Academicos (Vel de Academicis Bücher 2 und 3). Einl. & Komm. v. Th. Fuhrer. 1997. Ocl. -- Id. De dialectica. Transl. w. intro...
BOETHIUS. De divisione liber. Crit. ed., transl., proleg., & comm. by J. Magee. 1998. Ocl. w. dust-
BOETHIUS. De divisione liber. Crit. ed., transl., proleg., & comm. by J. Magee. 1998. Ocl. w. dust-j. (PA). -- Id. De consolatione philosophiae....
BRITTAIN, Ch. Philo of Larissa. The last of the Academic Sceptics. (2001). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- R.
BRITTAIN, Ch. Philo of Larissa. The last of the Academic Sceptics. (2001). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- R. POLITO. The sceptical road. Aenesidemus' appr...
CALLIMACHUS. (Fragmenta; Hymni et Epigrammata). Ed. R. Pfeiffer. (Repr. ed. 1949-53. 1988). 2 in 1
CALLIMACHUS. (Fragmenta; Hymni et Epigrammata). Ed. R. Pfeiffer. (Repr. ed. 1949-53. 1988). 2 in 1 vol. Ocl. -- Id. Hymn to Apollo. A comm. by F...
CAMERON, A. The Greek anthology from Meleager to Planudes. 1993. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- POETAE MELICI
CAMERON, A. The Greek anthology from Meleager to Planudes. 1993. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- POETAE MELICI GRAECI. Ed. D.L. Page. 1962. Ocl. -- HESIODUS....
CELSUS. De la médecine. Livres. I-II. Texte établi, trad. & comm. p. G. Serbat. 1995. Obrds. (Col.
CELSUS. De la médecine. Livres. I-II. Texte établi, trad. & comm. p. G. Serbat. 1995. Obrds. (Col. Budé). -- Id. La chirurgia (Libri VII e VIII ...
CHRYSIPPUS. uvre philosophique. Bilingue. Texte trad. et comm. p. R. Dufour. 2004. 2 vols. Owrps. -- T. TIELEMAN. Chrysippus' On affections. Rec...
CICERO. De natura deorum ll. III. Ed. by A.S. Pease. (Repr. ed. 1955-58). 1979. 2 vols. Or. binds. -- Id. de finibus bonorum et malorum ll. V. R...
CICERO. De natura deorum. Post O. Plasberg ed. W. Ax. - De divinatione. De fato. Timaeus. Ed. R.
CICERO. De natura deorum. Post O. Plasberg ed. W. Ax. - De divinatione. De fato. Timaeus. Ed. R. Giomini. (Bind. stained). - Tusculanae disputat...
CICERO. De re publica. Ab A. Maio. Indices auxit G.H. Moser. Acced. F. Creuzeri annot. 1826. Cont.
CICERO. De re publica. Ab A. Maio. Indices auxit G.H. Moser. Acced. F. Creuzeri annot. 1826. Cont. hcf. w. dec. gilt back. (Extremities dam., up...
CICERO. Epistulae ad familiares. Ed. by D.R. Shackleton Bailey. 2 vols. -- Id. Epistula ad Quintum
CICERO. Epistulae ad familiares. Ed. by D.R. Shackleton Bailey. 2 vols. -- Id. Epistula ad Quintum fratrem et M. Brutum. Ed. by D.R. Shackleton ...
CICERO. Topica. Ed. w. an introd., transl., & comm. by T. Reinhardt. (2006). Owrps. -- Id. Akademische Abhandlungen. Lucullus. Text & Übers. v. ...
CICERO -- HIRZEL, R. Untersuchungen zu Cicero's philosophischen Schriften. Vol. II.1-2 & III. Lpz.,
CICERO -- HIRZEL, R. Untersuchungen zu Cicero's philosophischen Schriften. Vol. II.1-2 & III. Lpz., 1882-83. 2 (of 3)vols. Cl. -- W. GÖRLER. Unt...
CLEMENS ALEXANDRINUS. Protrepticus. Ed. M. Marcovich. 1995. Ocl. w. dust-j. (SVC). -- M. HAVRDA.
CLEMENS ALEXANDRINUS. Protrepticus. Ed. M. Marcovich. 1995. Ocl. w. dust-j. (SVC). -- M. HAVRDA. The so-called Eighth Stromateus by Clement of A...
COLLECTION of (neo-)classical works in Dutch translation. (1989-2011). 20 vols. Or. binds. (16; 15
COLLECTION of (neo-)classical works in Dutch translation. (1989-2011). 20 vols. Or. binds. (16; 15 w. dust-j.) & owrps. I.a.: BOCCACCIO, G. Deca...
COLLECTION of classical works in Dutch translation. (1971-2001). 21 vols. Or. binds. (20) w. dust-
COLLECTION of classical works in Dutch translation. (1971-2001). 21 vols. Or. binds. (20) w. dust-j. (Some spines a bit faded). I.a.: QUINTILIAN...
CORPUS CHRISTIANORUM. (Series Graeca). Clavis Patrum Graecorum. Cura et studio M. Geerard & J.
CORPUS CHRISTIANORUM. (Series Graeca). Clavis Patrum Graecorum. Cura et studio M. Geerard & J. Noret. Turnhout, Brepols, 1974-1998. 6 vols., inc...
CORPUS PARISINUM, THE. A crit. edition of the Greek text w. comm. and Engl. transl. (A medieval
CORPUS PARISINUM, THE. A crit. edition of the Greek text w. comm. and Engl. transl. (A medieval anthology of Greek texts from the Pre-socratics ...
CYNICS -- OVERWIEN, O. Die Sprüche des Kynikers Diogenes in der griechischen und arabischen Überlieferung. 2005. Owrps. -- R. HÖISTAD. Cynic her...
DAMASCIUS. The philosophical history. Text with translation and notes by P. Athanassiadi. (1999).
DAMASCIUS. The philosophical history. Text with translation and notes by P. Athanassiadi. (1999). Lge-8°. Owrps. Rare. -- Id. Lectures on the Ph...
DAMASCIUS. Traité des premiers principes. Texte établi et trad. p. L.G. Westerink & J. Combès.
DAMASCIUS. Traité des premiers principes. Texte établi et trad. p. L.G. Westerink & J. Combès. 1986-91. 3 vols. Obrds. -- Id. Commentaire sur le...
DEICHGRÄBER, K. Die griechische Empirikerschule. Sammlung der Fragmente und Darstellung der Lehre.
DEICHGRÄBER, K. Die griechische Empirikerschule. Sammlung der Fragmente und Darstellung der Lehre. 1965. Ocl. -- J.T. VALLANCE. The lost theory ...
1166 Los(e)/Seite