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  • 1189 Los(e)

Dieses Auktionshaus möchte seine Ergebnisse nicht veröffentlichen. Bitte kontaktieren Sie das Auktionshaus bei Fragen direkt.

ALBUMASARIS. De revolutionibus nativitatum. Ed. D. Pingree. 1968. -- ARTEMIDORUS. Onirocriticon ll. V. Rec. R.A. Pack. 1963. -- SCHOLIA vetera in ...

AMBO-KLASSIEK/ATHENAEUM-POLAK & v. GENNEP. Collection of classical works in Dutch translation. Amst. & Baarn, (1975-2013). 32 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j...

AMBO-KLASSIEK/ATHENAEUM-POLAK & v. GENNEP. Collection of classical works in Dutch translation. Amst. & Baarn, (1979-2013). 27 vols. Ocl. w. (26) d...

AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS. Röm. Geschichte. Lat. & deutsch & m. Komm. versehen v. W. Seyfarth. Darmstadt, 1968-71. 4 vols. Lge-8°. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Dus...

ANTHOLOGIA LATINA. Ed. D.R. Shackleton Bailey, F. Buecheler, A. Riese, E. Lommatzsch. 1906-82. 2 in 5 vols. Dif. sizes. Or. binds. (4) & bound. (T...

APULEIUS. Über den Gott des Sokrates. (Hrsg.) v. M. Baltes, (u.a.). (2004). -- CENSORINUS. Über den Geburtstag. Lat. & deutsch. Eingel., übers. & ...

ARISTIDES. Opera quae exstant omnia. Ed. F.W. Lenz & C.A. Behr. Leiden, 1976-80. 4 vols. Owrps. -- Id. The complete works. Orationes I-LIII. With ...

ARISTOTELES. The complete works. The rev. Oxford translation. Ed. by J. Barnes. (1985). 2 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Bollingen Ser., 71). -- U. VICTOR...

ARISTOTELES -- SCHULE DES ARISTOTELES, DIE. Texte & Komm. Hrsg. v. F. Wehrli. Basel, (1944-59). 10 parts. Owrps. (The 2 suppl.-vols. lack). ...[m...

AUGUSTINUS. De doctrina christiana. Ed. & transl. by R.P.H. Green. 1995. Obrds. w. dust-j. -- P. COURCELLE. Recherches sur les Confessions de St. ...

AUGUSTINUS. uvres. Tom. 1-12, 15-16, 48, 49 = 1e sér.: Opuscules. 12 vols.; 2e sér.: Dieu et son uvre. Tom. 1-2. 2 vols.; 7e sér.: La genèse au se...

BERCHMAN, R.M. Porphyry against the Christians. 2005. Obrds. -- I. MÄNNLEIN-ROBERT, Hrsg. Die Christen als Bedrohung? Text, Kontext und Wirkung vo...

CICERO. De natura deorum ll. III. Ed. by A.S. Pease. (Repr. ed. 1955-58). 1968. 2 vols. Ocl. -- Id. De divinatione ll. II. Ed. by A.S. Pease. (Rep...

CLEMENS ALEXANDRINUS. Stromata. Hrsg. v. O. Stählin. 2.-3. Aufl. hrsg. v. L. Früchtel. 1960-70. 2 vols. Ocl. & owrps. -- Id. Die Teppiche (Stromat...

COLLECTANEA ALEXANDRINA. Reliquiae minores Poetarum Graecorum aetatis Ptolemaicae 323-146 A.C. Epicorum, Elegiacorum, Lyricorum, Ethicorum. Cum ep...

COLLECTION BUDÉ. Série grecque (31), latine (4) & byzantine (1). Par., 1920-2001. Tog. 36 vols. of the series. Or. binds. (15) & owrps. I.a.: LAPI...

COLLECTION BUDÉ. Série latine (34) (&) grecque (16). Par., 1935-82. Tog. 50 vols. of the series. Owrps. (49) & obrds. (Some spines faded). I.a.: P...

COLLECTION BUDÉ -- ZOSIME. Histoire nouvelle. (Éd.) F. Paschoud. 1971-89. 3 in 5 vols. Ocf. (3) and obrds. -- NONNOS PANOPOLITANUS. Les dionysiaqu...

COLLECTION of 19 classical works in Dutch translation. Or. binds. (17), 14 w. dust-j. & 2 owrps. I.a.: ACHILLES TATIUS. De liefdesperikelen van Le...

COLLECTION of classical(/religious) works in Dutch translation. 31 vols. Dif. sizes. Ocl. w. dust-j. (20) & owrps. I.a.: LUCRETIUS. Leerdicht over...

CORPUS CHRISTIANORUM. (Series Latina). -- AUGUSTINUS. Enarrationes in psalmos I-CL. 1956. 3 vols. -- Id. In Iohannis Evangelium tractatus CXXIV. 1...

DAMASCIUS. Vitae Isidori reliquiae. Ed. adnot. instr. C. Zintzen. 1967. Ocl. -- MACARIUS MAGNES. Le Monogénès. Éd. crit. & trad. française p. R. G...

DIOGENES OENOANDESIS. The Epicurean inscription. Ed. w. introd., transl. & notes by M.F. Smith. (1993). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- CHION of HERACLEA. A no...

DOXOGRAPHI GRAECI. Collegit rec. proleg. indicibusque instr. H. Diels. Ed. 4a. (Nachdr. 1976). Ocl. -- PARADOXOGRAPHORUM GRAECORUM reliquiae. Rec....

ENNIUS. Tragedies. The fragments ed. w. introd. & comm. by H.D. Jocelyn. 1969. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Spine a bit soiled). -- STATIUS. Achilleid. Ed. w....

EURIPIDES. Alcestis - Andromache - Bacchae. 2nd ed. - Electra - Helen - Ion - Iphigenia in Tauris - Medea - Ed. w. introd. & comm. by A.M. Dale, J...

EURIPIDES. Hippolytos. Ed. by W.S. Barrett. 1964. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. Herakles. Ed. U. v. Wilamowitz-Moellendorff. 1969. 3 vols. Owrps. -- Id. ...

EURIPIDES. Kresphontes & Archelaos. Introd., text & comm. by M.A. Harder. 1985. Owrps. -- Id. Fabulae. (Ed.) G. Murray. (1963). 3 vols. Ocl. (OCT)...

EUSEBIUS. Onomasticon. The place names of divine scripture. R.S. Notley & Z. Safrai. 2005. 4°. Obrds. -- Id. Das Onomastikon der biblischen Ortsna...

EUSEBIUS. The Onomasticon. Palestine in the fourth century A.D. Transl. by G.S.P. Freeman-Grenville. (2003). 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. Gospel pro...

FATHERS -- ROBERTS, A. & J. DONALDSON, eds. The Anti-Nicene Fathers. Translations of the Writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325. Revised by A.C....

FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS. Alle de Werken. - J. BASNAGE. Vervolg op Flavius Josephus. - (Facs. of the ed. 1722-26. Utr., 1988). - 2 vols. Fol. Or. binds. -...

FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS. De Bello Judaico/Der jüdische Krieg. Hrsg. v. O. Michel & O. Bauernfeind. (1963-77). 3 in 4 vols. Ocl. -- Added: L.H. FELDMAN. J...

FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS -- GRAY, R. Prophetic Figures in Late Second Temple Jewish Palestine. The Evidence from Josephus. 1993. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- S. MAS...

FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS -- LEEMING, H. & K. Josephus' Jewish War and its Slavonic version. 2003. 4°. -- C. GERBER. Ein Bild des Judentums für Nichtjuden ...

FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS -- RAJAK, T. Josephus. The Historian and His Society. (1983). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- S.S. KOTTEK. Medicine and Hygiene in the Works o...

FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS -- RENGSTORF, K.H. A complete concordance to Flavius Josephus. W. suppl. 1: A. Schalit. Namenwörterbuch. Leiden, 1968-83. 5 vols....

FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS -- SIEVERS, J. & G. LEMBI, eds. Josephus and Jewish history in Flavian Rome and beyond. 2005. -- Z. RODGERS, ed. Making history. ...

GEORGIUS SYNCELLUS. Ecloga chronographica. Ed. A.A. Mosshammer. 1984. -- SORTES ASTRAMPSYCHI. Ecdosis prior (&) altera. Ed. G.M. Browne (&) R. Ste...

GOW, A.S.F. & D.L. PAGE, ed. The Greek anthology II: The Garland of Philip & some contemporary epigrams. Cambr., 1968. 2 vols. Obrds. w. dust-j. ...

HERMES TRISMEGISTUS -- COPENHAVER, B.P. Hermetica. The Greek Corpus Hermeticum and the Latin Asclepius in a new Engl. transl., w. notes & introd. ...

HERMES TRISMEGISTUS -- FESTUGIÈRE, (A.-J.). La révélation d'Hermès Trismégiste. Avec un appendice sur l'Hermétisme arabe. 1er-2me éd. Paris, 1949-...

HESIODUS. Works and days - Theogony. - Ed. w. proleg. & comm. by M.L. West. (1978-82). 2 vols. Or. binds. w. dust-j. (1 spine discold.). -- W.J. V...

HIERONYMUS. Vita Malchi. Introd., text, transl., & comm. by Chr. Gray. (2015). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- PSEUDO-HIERONYMUS. Quaestiones on the Book of ...

HIPPOCRATES. Opera omnia. Ed. C.G. Kühn. Lpz., C. Knobloch, 1825-27. 3 vols. Cont. h. vellum. (Upper hinges broken, age-toned). -- Added: ARATAEUS...

HIPPOLYTUS. Refutatio omnium haeresium. Ed. by M. Marcovich. 1986. Ocl. -- IRENAEUS. Against the heresies. Transl. & annot. by D.J. Unger & J.J. D...

HOMERUS. Iliad. A commentary. Ed. G.S. Kirk, (a.o.). (1990-93). 6 vols. Owrps. -- Id. The Iliad. Ed., w. appar. crit., proleg., notes, & append. b...

HOMERUS. Ilias. 4.-8. Aufl. - Odyssee. 9.-13. Aufl. - Erkl. v. K.F. Ameis, C. Hentze & P. Cauer. (Nachdr. Ausg. 1905-32). 1964-65. 4 in 12 vols. O...

HOMERUS. The Iliad. Ed., w. appar. crit., proleg., notes, & append. by W. Leaf. 1956-59. 2 vols. - Id. Odyssey. Ed. by W.S. Stanford. 2nd ed. 1958...

HYGINUS. Fabulae. Rec., proleg. comm. append. instr. H.I. Rose. 1963. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- ISIDORUS. Etymologiarum sive originum ll. XX. Rec. breviq...

JOHANNES DAMASCENUS. Historia animae utilis de Barlaam et Ioasaph. Einf. & bes. v. R. Volk. (Berl./NY, De Gruyter, 2006-09). 2 vols. Ocl. (Die Sch...

KELLER, A. Translationes patristicae Graecae et Latinae. Bibliographie der Übersetzungen altchristlicher Quellen. Stuttg., 1997. 2 vols. xxxii, (2...

LEWY, H. Chaldaean oracles & theurgy. Mysticism, magic & Platonism in the later Roman Empire. Nouv. éd. p. M. Tardieu. Par., 1978. xxvi, (2), 734 ...

LIBANIUS. Opera. Rec. R. Foerster (&) Index nominum propriorum congessit E. Richtsteig. (Photomech. reprint of the ed. Lpz., 1903-27). Hildesheim,...

LIVIUS. Hannibal voor de poorten. De geschiedenis van Rome XXI-XXX. Vert. en toegel. d. H.W.A. v. Rooijen-Dijkman. 1996. Lge-8°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -...

LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY. Greek authors. 41 vols. of the series. Ocl. (19) w. dust-j. I.a.: ATHENAEUS. The learned banqueters. Ed. & transl. by S.D....

LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY. Greek authors. Lond., (1928-2003). 54 vols. of the series (incl. 1 dupl.).. Ocl. (27) w. dust-j. I.a.: PAUSANIAS. Descript...

LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY. Latin authors. 26 vols. of the series. Ocl. (9) w. dust-j. I.a.: VALERIUS MAXIMUS. Memorable doings & sayings. Transl. by ...

LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY. Latin authors. Lond., (1927-2000-). 46 vols. of the series. Ocl. (26) w. dust-j. I.a.: VALERIUS MAXIMUS. Memorable doings ...

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